Port Jervis
Est. 218

Port Jervis is a small island in the Ocean of Diol that was discovered in the year 218 by the crew of the Capsulogenous.


Area: 366.41 square miles
Coordinates: 5856, 7778


Discovered: 218
Discovery ship: Capsulogenous
Discoverers: Rudolfo Prasun, Friedrick Prasun, Elie Prasun, Spencer Gilles, Alfonse Gilles, Mara Prasun, Capt. Spencer Gilles, Justis Gilles, Elvira Gilles, Quintin Prasun


Languages: Aniumustpyrx, Jervisese, Jervisi


Wilderness: Wilderness of Port Jervis
Most populous settlements: Caddo 52, Winthrop 51, Metlakatla 29
Abandoned settlements: Gilles Point, La Follette, Minneapolis


Ships at port here: Thamnophis, Naphthalol, Blithelike, Spiritmonger


Population: 300
Highest-ever population: 301, in 406


Inhabitants: list all 300...
Corinna Noland, Joelly Noland, Susanna Noland, Pace Prasun, Joanne Prasun, Horace Prasun, Cathrin Prasun, Hervey Prasun, Kaila Vaclav, Irwin Prasun, Pascale Prasun, Christean Noland, Tuesday Prasun, Lea Prasun, Alonso Noland, Laverne Prasun, Tomlin Aldis, Gussy Aldis, Gill Noland, Jules Noland, Jordan Noland, Pepe Noland, Hazel Vaclav, Geeta Aldis, Celinka Aldis, Claudina Prasun, Wilmar Noland, Gustave Noland, Tait Noland, Alexander Prasun, Camille Prasun, Lonni Prasun, Haydon Aldis, Harvard Aldis, Madelle Noland, Biddy Aldis, Mordecai Aldis, Maddi Noland, Dianna Aldis, Sigfried Aldis, Caro Prasun, Ethel Prasun, Dennie Noland, Teador Prasun, Elie Noland, Corby Aldis, Sula Vaclav, Harriot Prasun, Fred Noland, Gisela Aldis, Alisun Prasun, Nanine Prasun, Abdulkarim Prasun, Flipper Aldis, Phineas Prasun, Haywood Aldis, Kalila Jordan, Jabez Noland, Dannye Prasun, Pooh Prasun, Elvira Noland, Rubetta Noland, Spencer Aldis, Siward Prasun, Zach Prasun, Berty Noland, Alice Noland, Clayborn Prasun, Bertie Aldis, Henrie Noland, Rustin Prasun, Inesita Prasun, Ingaborg Prasun, Thekla Vaclav, Tomlin Aldis, Cathrin Prasun, Merla Noland, Alessandra Prasun, Katlin Prasun, Bentley Noland, Florina Prasun, Pascale Prasun, Olenka Noland, Krystal Aldis, Dawn Prasun, Neal Prasun, Katya Noland, Newton Noland, Daisie Vaclav, Hall Noland, Hurley Prasun, Julietta Prasun, Bernard Noland, Leona Vaclav, Cathrin Aldis, Thadeus Prasun, Ragnar Noland, Edmond Prasun, Kissee Aldis, Evonne Vaclav, Aldrich Vaclav, Xerxes Guillermo, Adrianne Noland, Kizzee Guillermo, Gaby Aldis, Capt. Towny Vaclav, Garrot Vaclav, Jenine Noland, David Noland, Paul Noland, Judy Vaclav, Amy Vaclav, Elene Noland, Hermy Vaclav, Marten Vaclav, Jacques Vaclav, Zared Vaclav, Gary Noland, Alessandra Prasun, Bettye Vaclav, Estell Prasun, Michale Prasun, Rory Vaclav, Barbabra Prasun, Garwood Aldis, Claudina Prasun, Barron Prasun, Ruby Noland, Joab Aldis, Shurlocke Vaclav, Marquita Aldis, Bobbie Vaclav, Leontyne Aldis, Teador Prasun, Charlena Shumeet, Laverne Noland, Lenny Noland, Kizzee Prasun, Audry Prasun, Saw Noland, Georgetta Vaclav, Haydon Aldis, Clayborn Prasun, Carey Vaclav, Rubi Vaclav, Torey Aldis, Nerissa Guillermo, Ninette Aldis, Wildon Prasun, Willi Guillermo, Brook Shumeet, Audry Prasun, Alfonse Prasun, Iseabal Prasun, Shimon Prasun, Kippie Aldis, Heda Prasun, Gunner Prasun, Estele Prasun, Shayne Vaclav, Bradford Prasun, Taffy Prasun, Husain Shumeet, Eugen Noland, Constancia Guillermo, Jacquelyn Vaclav, Cherianne Vaclav, Amy Prasun, Cherise Prasun, Jennine Noland, Abbott Noland, Chuck Shumeet, Gunther Noland, Jacky Prasun, Pearl Vaclav, Tia Prasun, Tella Noland, Paddie Aldis, Aron Noland, Erl Aldis, Cherianne Noland, Barbey Prasun, Gunther Noland, Judy Vaclav, Cathrin Noland, Judy Guillermo, Chickie Shumeet, Jolynn Vaclav, Frank Vaclav, Alessandra Prasun, Shalne Guillermo, Walton Prasun, Zeke Noland, Hunt Aldis, Willi Noland, Corinna Noland, Chelsae Vaclav, Gabbey Noland, Mariska Prasun, Dawn Prasun, Gianna Vaclav, Tucker Prasun, Alexander Prasun, Felecia Noland, Elie Prasun, Theresa-Marie Vaclav, Alessandra Prasun, Douglas Aldis, Jephthah Noland, Faina Aldis, Carlee Prasun, Eydie Prasun, Horace Prasun, Ruby Prasun, Laird Noland, Jake Prasun, Nalani Prasun, Hilbert Aldis, Skyler Vaclav, Constancia Prasun, Dareen Prasun, Murphy Noland, Carlye Guillermo, Dennie Noland, Joelly Noland, Rina Prasun, Matteo Prasun, Lyndy Noland, Mariska Prasun, Oberon Noland, Dennie Noland, Gallagher Noland, Lenny Prasun, Bertram Prasun, Justis Prasun, Sibbie Noland, Felecia Aldis, Nilson Guillermo, Julius Prasun, Pascale Prasun, Alis Noland, Johanna Aldis, Ondrea Prasun, Tate Jordan, Madelle Noland, Cinda Prasun, Fraser Prasun, Jojo Noland, Irwin Prasun, Towny Vaclav, Tabina Prasun, Celinka Noland, Anette Prasun, George Prasun, Wilek Prasun, Keren Prasun, Andriana Aldis, Walt Noland, Manfred Aldis, Stacy Aldis, Ruthy Jordan, Fidelia Prasun, Antonio Noland, Donnie Noland, Hartley Vaclav, Veronica Noland, Teodora Prasun, Pincas Aldis, Lilllie Vaclav, Frankie Noland, Marijo Noland, Claudina Prasun, Mariska Prasun, Saundra Vaclav, Clem Aldis, Abelard Prasun, Fonz Noland, Kathleen Aldis, Alfonse Noland, Domenico Prasun, Madella Aldis, Thadeus Prasun, Geoffry Vaclav, Finley Aldis, Georges Noland, Mariska Prasun, Georgiamay Vaclav, Barnabe Noland, Rianon Prasun, Manon Prasun, Husain Shumeet, Diamond Noland, Natalya Noland, Hugo Aldis, Elden Noland, Curtis Noland, Wini Prasun, Emile Shumeet, Guendolen Noland, Cherianne Vaclav
Former inhabitants who left: list all 156...
Winne Prasun, Tammie Shumeet, Rudolfo Prasun, Rudolfo Noland, Alfonse Prasun, Elie Prasun, Willie Prasun, Boniface Gilles, Rhett Gilles, Rubia Gilles, Torrin Prasun, Clarine Gilles, Ethyl Prasun, Erek Shumeet, Kelila Shumeet, Madella Shumeet, Courtney Shumeet, Nadya Noland, Capt. Spencer Noland, Nils Gilles, Aila Gilles, Reginauld Gilles, Pincas Prasun, Capt. Dimitry Gilles, Daffie Prasun, Kennedy Prasun, Drake Noland, Mara Noland, Michale Noland, Capt. Pepe Noland, Capt. Carlos Prasun, Sheril Prasun, Capt. Hector Prasun, Kelsey Prasun, Sara Prasun, Samuel Prasun, Loleta Prasun, Capt. Gilbert Prasun, Dorena Zollie, Dahlia Prasun, Winne Prasun, Nickie Prasun, Sturgis Prasun, Violet Prasun, Gustave Prasun, Daffie Prasun, Ileana Zollie, Marian Prasun, Capt. Welbie Zollie, Gwendolin Zollie, Carolee Prasun, Aurel Prasun, Orsola Prasun, Clayborn Prasun, Ethel Prasun, Haley Prasun, Englebert Noland, Capt. Leif Prasun, Ellen Prasun, Clayborn Prasun, Julius Gilles, Marya Noland, Jill Noland, Rafaelia Prasun, Spencer Zollie, Catlaina Gilles, Ardene Myke, Capt. Cass Prasun, Tiphany Noland, Ethel Noland, Chrissa Quinn, Ethel Zollie, Engelbart Gilles, Rudolfo Noland, Daffie Quinn, Bethena Noland, Alfonse Zollie, Capt. Stuart Gilles, Fan Gilles, Ruthi Prasun, Rani Gilles, Bobine Noland, Haleigh Gilles, Windy Prasun, Cleveland Gilles, Mariska Prasun, Bert Gilles, Tait Gilles, Evy Gilles, Spense Noland, Aleta Prasun, Reilly Noland, Isa Quinn, Capt. Stacy Aldis, Siouxie Quinn, Merle Prasun, Rina Prasun, Odell Aldis, Lola Aldis, Mara Prasun, Kelila Prasun, Locke Quinn, Capt. Andy Aldis, Jacquelyn Vaclav, Sylvia Aldis, Katie Guillermo, Rebbecca Vaclav, Capt. Bernd Aldis, Celinka Gilles, Pippa Aldis, Coretta Quinn, Sid Gilles, Haywood Aldis, Capt. Neall Prasun, Cathrin Zollie, Corinna Zollie, Daffie Zollie, Rafaela Zollie, Elie Zollie, Zondra Noland, Lefty Zollie, Son Zollie, Judah Prasun, Capt. Claire Zollie, Tia Zollie, Capt. Lane Zollie, Ermina Zollie, Capt. Hunt Noland, Philly Noland, Ethelind Noland, Abbot Noland, Gussy Aldis, Mara Aldis, Cissie Aldis, Capt. Wilber Prasun, Charleen Vaclav, Madella Aldis, Maryrose Aldis, Charleen Aldis, Max Noland, Capt. Torrin Aldis, Bernetta Prasun, Hall Aldis, Ardelia Aldis, Tia Noland, Salvatore Noland, Chase Noland, Capt. Harvard Aldis, Midge Prasun, Tia Aldis, Capt. Bela Shumeet, Lamont Shumeet, Cammy Vaclav, Cosmo Aldis, Dietrich Vaclav, Ikey Shumeet
Died here: list all 682...
Spencer Gilles (Murder), Rennie Prasun (Infancy), Justis Gilles (Natural causes), Elvira Gilles (Natural causes), Elie Prasun (Infancy), Friedrick Prasun (Disease), Mitra Prasun (Disease), Wayne Gilles (Disease), Caro Prasun (Infancy), Brietta Prasun (Suicide), Elie Prasun (Natural causes), Claus Gilles (Infancy), Renato Prasun (Infancy), Reginald Gilles (Infancy), Corinna Gilles (Infancy), Alessandra Gilles (Infancy), Rudolfo Prasun (Natural causes), Clinton Prasun (Infancy), Hogan Prasun (Infancy), Llewellyn Gilles (Infancy), Lust Prasun (Infancy), Waldemar Prasun (Infancy), Tim Gilles (Infancy), Bernardine Gilles (Infancy), Elie Prasun (Infancy), Hewe Prasun (Infancy), Theodore Noland (Infancy), Dahlia Gilles (Infancy), Neal Prasun (Infancy), Loleta Gilles (Infancy), Davin Noland (Infancy), Spencer Gilles (Infancy), Luella Prasun (Infancy), Zacharias Prasun (Infancy), Claudina Gilles (Infancy), Dahlia Prasun (Disease), Elie Noland (Disease), Vinnie Noland (Infancy), Elie Prasun (Infancy), Mara Prasun (Infancy), Thekla Prasun (Infancy), Capt. Spencer Gilles (Natural causes), Alessandra Gilles (Infancy), Jennette Gilles (Infancy), Inna Prasun (Suicide), Elinor Gilles (Infancy), Elie Gilles (Infancy), Lavinia Noland (Infancy), Ethel Gilles (Disease), Dahlia Gilles (Disease), Mara Prasun (Disease), Spencer Gilles (Disease), Spencer Gilles (Disease), Benjamen Zollie (Disease), Vinny Noland (Disease), Shira Shumeet (Disease), Esmerelda Prasun (Disease), Lynn Noland (Infancy), Schuyler Gilles (Infancy), Hermy Gilles (Infancy), Rudolfo Prasun (Freak accident), Percy Prasun (Suicide), Sonni Prasun (Infancy), Amanda Prasun (Infancy), Demetris Prasun (Infancy), Tia Prasun (Suicide), Whitaker Gilles (Infancy), Tre Prasun (Infancy), Erich Prasun (Infancy), Mel Shumeet (Natural causes), Jaclyn Noland (Freak accident), Efram Prasun (Murder), Tia Shumeet (Infancy), Alfonse Gilles (Natural causes), Mellie Gilles (Natural causes), Tommy Noland (Suicide), Shurlocke Prasun (Freak accident), Quintin Prasun (Natural causes), Vinny Noland (Suicide), Patrik Noland (Infancy), Rudolfo Prasun (Natural causes), Torrin Prasun (Freak accident), Winne Prasun (Freak accident), Dayle Shumeet (Infancy), Diandra Prasun (Infancy), Elie Shumeet (Starvation), Quintin Noland (Murder), Erwin Prasun (Infancy), Mustafa Gilles (Infancy), Emogene Prasun (Infancy), Rudolfo Noland (Natural causes), Elie Prasun (Infancy), Emogene Prasun (Infancy), Tammie Gilles (Natural causes), Jean-Christophe Shumeet (Disease), Cherise Gilles (Disease), Jean-Paul Prasun (Infancy), Rudolfo Prasun (Infancy), Tabbie Prasun (Infancy), Rustie Prasun (Infancy), Jackie Gilles (Infancy), Rolf Noland (Starvation), Michale Prasun (Disease), Angelo Prasun (Starvation), Danna Prasun (Infancy), Barty Gilles (Infancy), Llewellyn Gilles (Infancy), Carsten Noland (Infancy), Max Prasun (Infancy), Elie Gilles (Infancy), Augie Zollie (Infancy), Maureene Gilles (Infancy), Lorilyn Gilles (Freak accident), Aila Shumeet (Natural causes), Vina Noland (Natural causes), Rhett Noland (Natural causes), Rozalin Noland (Starvation), Loleta Gilles (Freak accident), Eleni Prasun (Infancy), Anne-Mar Zollie (Infancy), Pansy Prasun (Suicide), Nadya Shumeet (Starvation), Geof Gilles (Infancy), Jackqueline Gilles (Infancy), Claus Gilles (Infancy), Dominic Zollie (Infancy), Valaree Noland (Suicide), Benjamen Zollie (Infancy), Lazlo Prasun (Infancy), Lonnie Zollie (Infancy), Tait Gilles (Freak accident), Ethel Prasun (Starvation), Rudolfo Zollie (Infancy), Rudolfo Zollie (Infancy), Rudolfo Zollie (Disease), Penny Prasun (Starvation), Lyn Zollie (Infancy), Winfield Prasun (Infancy), Shandie Zollie (Infancy), Vachel Zollie (Infancy), Emogene Noland (Natural causes), Cathrine Prasun (Starvation), Alfonse Prasun (Infancy), Lars Prasun (Infancy), Kelila Zollie (Infancy), Wylie Zollie (Infancy), Gunner Shumeet (Natural causes), Loleta Noland (Suicide), Angy Shumeet (Disease), Rudolfo Gilles (Freak accident), Renato Prasun (Infancy), Wilburt Prasun (Infancy), Brewster Prasun (Freak accident), Philly Prasun (Infancy), Quintin Prasun (Suicide), Rudolfo Prasun (Suicide), Cindee Prasun (Starvation), Darren Prasun (Infancy), Kermie Prasun (Infancy), Aurel Prasun (Freak accident), Audre Prasun (Infancy), Lian Prasun (Infancy), Wayne Prasun (Infancy), Capt. Rufe Gilles (Natural causes), Tia Gilles (Natural causes), Doralin Prasun (Infancy), Horatio Noland (Infancy), Lonni Noland (Infancy), Ermina Gilles (Natural causes), Petronilla Prasun (Suicide), Loleta Prasun (Suicide), Cissie Prasun (Infancy), Rolf Noland (Infancy), Ermina Zollie (Natural causes), Janaye Noland (Infancy), Marylou Prasun (Infancy), Ricki Prasun (Disease), Teddie Gilles (Infancy), Eliot Noland (Infancy), Isidore Prasun (Infancy), Pepe Noland (Infancy), Duffy Prasun (Infancy), Dru Gilles (Murder), Lonnie Noland (Infancy), Llewellyn Prasun (Murder), Binky Zollie (Freak accident), Corinna Prasun (Suicide), Mildrid Prasun (Infancy), Davey Prasun (Murder), Trescha Prasun (Infancy), Moshe Gilles (Infancy), Sara Gilles (Infancy), Leodora Prasun (Murder), Ty Prasun (Murder), Reginald Gilles (Natural causes), Lonnie Prasun (Natural causes), Spencer Prasun (Murder), Lonnie Prasun (Infancy), Ermina Prasun (Infancy), Tait Prasun (Suicide), Hallam Prasun (Freak accident), Rosalinde Noland (Infancy), Hanford Zollie (Infancy), Percy Prasun (Natural causes), Vally Prasun (Infancy), Pamelina Noland (Infancy), Rocky Gilles (Natural causes), Lefty Zollie (Disease), Brett Prasun (Infancy), Wayne Prasun (Natural causes), Alvinia Vaclav (Suicide), Madison Vaclav (Freak accident), Sonni Noland (Infancy), Corinna Gilles (Disease), Winne Gilles (Freak accident), Alessandra Prasun (Infancy), Llewellyn Gilles (Infancy), Juan Zollie (Infancy), Sheilakathryn Vaclav (Natural causes), Zelig Noland (Natural causes), Samuele Prasun (Infancy), Erhard Prasun (Infancy), Rufus Prasun (Infancy), Wilber Gilles (Freak accident), Horatio Noland (Disease), Dode Vaclav (Infancy), Blaine Zollie (Infancy), Demetris Prasun (Infancy), Chicky Vaclav (Infancy), Gwyneth Prasun (Infancy), Veronika Gilles (Natural causes), Elnora Gilles (Disease), Jeanine Gilles (Disease), Marillin Prasun (Disease), Gusti Gilles (Disease), Caro Prasun (Infancy), Francois Prasun (Infancy), Saxe Noland (Murder), Ely Noland (Murder), Danika Prasun (Suicide), Anurag Zollie (Suicide), Wilber Gilles (Suicide), Roddie Vaclav (Infancy), Horatio Prasun (Infancy), Mabel Prasun (Infancy), Lenny Prasun (Infancy), Bettine Aldis (Infancy), Alfonse Prasun (Infancy), Georg Zollie (Infancy), Rozalin Prasun (Natural causes), Spencer Prasun (Murder), Neddie Prasun (Murder), Arlie Prasun (Disease), Jeralee Noland (Suicide), Dave Prasun (Infancy), Gertrud Aldis (Infancy), Karna Noland (Natural causes), Georg Zollie (Murder), Ruddy Myke (Murder), Haydon Shumeet (Suicide), Dwane Shumeet (Infancy), Kelila Noland (Natural causes), Clare Quinn (Natural causes), Dasha Prasun (Natural causes), Arly Gilles (Disease), Haydon Shumeet (Infancy), Nadya Prasun (Murder), Henrie Prasun (Infancy), Erl Gilles (Murder), Kelila Zollie (Infancy), Horatio Prasun (Suicide), Rudolfo Prasun (Natural causes), Ulberto Aldis (Infancy), Lefty Zollie (Natural causes), Wylie Zollie (Murder), Ethel Noland (Murder), Almeria Prasun (Infancy), Rab Noland (Infancy), Audry Aldis (Infancy), Charleen Vaclav (Natural causes), Wood Noland (Infancy), Garcia Aldis (Infancy), Chase Noland (Suicide), Leopold Vaclav (Suicide), Jacquenetta Aldis (Infancy), Jolyn Aldis (Natural causes), Dode Gilles (Natural causes), Georg Zollie (Infancy), Elie Noland (Infancy), Whitaker Gilles (Natural causes), Dahlia Prasun (Suicide), Lenny Prasun (Disease), Elie Prasun (Disease), Teodora Zollie (Disease), Daffie Prasun (Disease), Leonora Zollie (Murder), Luis Prasun (Suicide), Conroy Aldis (Infancy), George Noland (Infancy), Daffie Zollie (Natural causes), Darth Prasun (Natural causes), Siffre Zollie (Murder), Frank Noland (Infancy), Mellissa Noland (Infancy), Elvina Zollie (Infancy), Philbert Vaclav (Natural causes), Julieta Noland (Natural causes), Ford Noland (Suicide), Rolf Noland (Suicide), Silvan Aldis (Murder), Staford Noland (Murder), Gussy Prasun (Disease), Gunner Prasun (Disease), Jerri Prasun (Infancy), Miguel Prasun (Murder), Juliane Zollie (Infancy), Rolf Noland (Infancy), Bernadine Prasun (Infancy), Florina Noland (Natural causes), Elie Prasun (Infancy), Lamont Aldis (Infancy), Tait Gilles (Natural causes), Myranda Zollie (Disease), Finley Noland (Murder), Barris Aldis (Murder), Rozalin Noland (Infancy), Melinda Vaclav (Natural causes), Harrold Noland (Murder), Staford Noland (Disease), Alphonso Vaclav (Infancy), Spencer Zollie (Infancy), Marjorie Prasun (Infancy), Harvard Aldis (Disease), Amadeus Aldis (Infancy), Zelig Noland (Natural causes), Finley Noland (Infancy), Lea Vaclav (Natural causes), Alfonse Noland (Suicide), Barbi Aldis (Suicide), Rudolph Prasun (Disease), Rianon Prasun (Infancy), Augie Prasun (Infancy), Jack Noland (Infancy), Katlin Prasun (Natural causes), Hewet Gilles (Murder), Abbot Noland (Murder), Jerry Prasun (Infancy), Clayborn Prasun (Infancy), Madelle Zollie (Natural causes), Lona Noland (Infancy), Tiebold Aldis (Murder), Fleurette Prasun (Suicide), Sigfried Gilles (Suicide), Josef Shumeet (Infancy), Winton Prasun (Infancy), Bartlett Prasun (Natural causes), Joice Noland (Suicide), Zary Vaclav (Infancy), Lonnie Prasun (Infancy), Rudolfo Prasun (Murder), Nerty Aldis (Infancy), Madison Noland (Infancy), Tia Vaclav (Natural causes), Rudolfo Prasun (Natural causes), Amanda Prasun (Infancy), Rodney Aldis (Infancy), Leopold Noland (Starvation), Lola Aldis (Infancy), Courtney Aldis (Infancy), Carolin Aldis (Infancy), Rab Noland (Disease), Susanna Prasun (Disease), Alfonse Noland (Infancy), Pincas Noland (Infancy), Price Aldis (Infancy), Cathrin Prasun (Natural causes), Almire Noland (Natural causes), Roddie Vaclav (Natural causes), Ave Zollie (Murder), Karlen Noland (Murder), Harriot Noland (Natural causes), Gabriel Prasun (Natural causes), Abbot Noland (Freak accident), Lilllie Noland (Infancy), Gianna Aldis (Natural causes), Cathrin Prasun (Infancy), Cindi Noland (Infancy), Lucky Noland (Infancy), Cherise Prasun (Natural causes), Sam Gilles (Natural causes), Codee Vaclav (Disease), Jaime Prasun (Disease), Murphy Prasun (Infancy), Alfonse Noland (Infancy), Kingston Prasun (Natural causes), Capt. Hunt Noland (Disease), Ethelind Noland (Disease), Horatio Aldis (Infancy), Bertram Noland (Infancy), Hamilton Prasun (Infancy), Darsie Noland (Infancy), Alysa Noland (Suicide), Cristen Prasun (Natural causes), Mara Aldis (Natural causes), Sarina Aldis (Suicide), Miguel Prasun (Murder), Charleen Aldis (Infancy), Emmet Noland (Infancy), Alonso Noland (Disease), Laverne Noland (Natural causes), Alvinia Noland (Infancy), Rockwell Aldis (Infancy), Zorine Prasun (Natural causes), Manfred Zollie (Disease), Gunther Noland (Disease), Elie Aldis (Infancy), Horace Prasun (Infancy), Georg Zollie (Infancy), Herschel Prasun (Infancy), Gilbertine Aldis (Natural causes), Filippa Noland (Suicide), Winfield Noland (Infancy), Darwin Prasun (Infancy), Rolf Noland (Infancy), Sophronia Prasun (Natural causes), Laurene Zollie (Disease), Erl Aldis (Suicide), Davey Noland (Suicide), Bruno Prasun (Infancy), Michale Prasun (Infancy), Britni Vaclav (Natural causes), Ruby Prasun (Natural causes), Joete Aldis (Suicide), Neal Aldis (Infancy), Lane Prasun (Infancy), Sonni Prasun (Infancy), Earl Prasun (Infancy), Tuesday Prasun (Infancy), Alessandra Prasun (Infancy), Brietta Noland (Natural causes), Thadeus Vaclav (Suicide), Kizzee Prasun (Infancy), Tommy Noland (Infancy), Tedie Prasun (Infancy), Juan Prasun (Infancy), Michale Prasun (Natural causes), Pat Noland (Natural causes), Sophi Prasun (Infancy), Michale Prasun (Disease), Sylvie Prasun (Infancy), Oberon Prasun (Infancy), Barney Aldis (Infancy), Claudina Prasun (Natural causes), Byram Prasun (Infancy), Alisun Vaclav (Natural causes), Clayborn Prasun (Natural causes), Wilhelm Aldis (Infancy), Leda Aldis (Starvation), Nina Aldis (Infancy), Spencer Zollie (Natural causes), Sibyl Zollie (Natural causes), Lea Noland (Infancy), Mordecai Aldis (Infancy), Flipper Aldis (Natural causes), Alessandra Prasun (Natural causes), Ragnar Aldis (Infancy), Kippie Aldis (Infancy), Marion Prasun (Natural causes), Cherianne Noland (Natural causes), Caroljean Noland (Freak accident), Dennie Noland (Infancy), Kippie Aldis (Natural causes), Audry Prasun (Natural causes), Lenny Noland (Freak accident), Sylvie Aldis (Infancy), Horace Prasun (Natural causes), Kelila Noland (Natural causes), Onida Noland (Natural causes), Zelda Guillermo (Murder), Gui Noland (Infancy), Belia Jordan (Murder), Rodney Aldis (Natural causes), Sula Noland (Natural causes), Chandler Guillermo (Murder), Wilmar Noland (Infancy), Jamie Vaclav (Infancy), Addie Noland (Natural causes), Murphy Prasun (Natural causes), Finley Noland (Disease), Elie Prasun (Freak accident), Ethel Prasun (Infancy), Shalne Guillermo (Infancy), Stephi Prasun (Infancy), Laverne Aldis (Infancy), Shimon Prasun (Infancy), Abdul Noland (Infancy), Clo Aldis (Infancy), Deonne Prasun (Infancy), Carolynn Prasun (Infancy), Mara Aldis (Natural causes), Jack Aldis (Disease), Talya Prasun (Infancy), Flin Vaclav (Infancy), Caritta Aldis (Infancy), Lanette Prasun (Infancy), Alessandra Prasun (Infancy), Joelly Prasun (Infancy), Armando Guillermo (Infancy), Rudolfo Noland (Natural causes), Alfonse Prasun (Disease), Horatio Prasun (Disease), Marjorie Prasun (Infancy), Cleopatra Prasun (Infancy), Verine Aldis (Infancy), Loella Prasun (Infancy), Harris Noland (Infancy), Henrie Prasun (Infancy), Onida Noland (Infancy), Alisun Prasun (Infancy), Merrel Aldis (Infancy), Marylou Prasun (Infancy), Liuka Prasun (Infancy), Hartwell Prasun (Infancy), David Noland (Infancy), Ferdie Prasun (Infancy), Alessandra Prasun (Infancy), Estelle Shumeet (Suicide), George Aldis (Infancy), Fiorenze Prasun (Infancy), Silvan Aldis (Infancy), Alfonse Noland (Infancy), Christ Vaclav (Infancy), Jacquelyn Vaclav (Natural causes), Joete Aldis (Starvation), Hercules Shumeet (Infancy), Deerdre Prasun (Infancy), Andriana Noland (Freak accident), Ethelind Aldis (Infancy), Bryant Prasun (Infancy), Horace Prasun (Infancy), Judy Shumeet (Infancy), Philly Noland (Natural causes), Bob Noland (Natural causes), Wilmar Noland (Natural causes), Zary Prasun (Infancy), Rivkah Noland (Murder), Angelita Vaclav (Disease), Clare Shumeet (Disease), Harvard Aldis (Freak accident), Leisha Prasun (Infancy), Mairead Aldis (Infancy), Charley Noland (Infancy), Ralph Shumeet (Infancy), Turner Noland (Infancy), Elie Vaclav (Infancy), Jodie Aldis (Infancy), Dede Vaclav (Suicide), Clayborn Prasun (Infancy), Madeline Noland (Infancy), Wallas Vaclav (Infancy), Antonino Aldis (Infancy), Claudina Prasun (Infancy), Richy Prasun (Suicide), Kelwin Prasun (Suicide), Valenka Aldis (Infancy), Claudina Prasun (Infancy), Mureil Prasun (Infancy), Ermina Noland (Disease), Suzan Aldis (Disease), Alfonse Prasun (Disease), Carole Prasun (Infancy), Mariska Prasun (Natural causes), Chase Noland (Natural causes), Corina Vaclav (Infancy), Charmion Vaclav (Infancy), Rikki Noland (Infancy), Welby Vaclav (Infancy), Anatollo Vaclav (Infancy), Gertrudis Prasun (Infancy), Ralph Noland (Infancy), Timothee Noland (Infancy), Glenn Prasun (Infancy), Carey Vaclav (Infancy), Dennie Noland (Natural causes), Xerxes Guillermo (Disease), Gunther Noland (Disease), Charita Prasun (Infancy), Florina Prasun (Natural causes), Isidore Guillermo (Suicide), Ulric Noland (Disease), Cissie Aldis (Disease), Aldrich Vaclav (Infancy), Dru Aldis (Infancy), Son Prasun (Infancy), David Noland (Infancy), Irita Prasun (Disease), Bryant Prasun (Disease), Lenny Prasun (Disease), Lane Prasun (Disease), Willis Noland (Disease), Cathrin Prasun (Disease), Alessandra Aldis (Disease), Andriana Noland (Suicide), Lian Vaclav (Suicide), Celinka Aldis (Freak accident), Flin Vaclav (Infancy), Kaila Aldis (Infancy), Fancy Guillermo (Infancy), Murphy Prasun (Infancy), Mariska Prasun (Infancy), Aldrich Vaclav (Infancy), Dennie Noland (Infancy), Alfonse Noland (Natural causes), Kizzee Noland (Natural causes), Lane Prasun (Natural causes), Storm Aldis (Suicide), Pace Noland (Starvation), Griff Noland (Infancy), Horace Prasun (Infancy), Stevie Aldis (Infancy), Nerty Noland (Infancy), Cornellis Prasun (Natural causes), Tristan Noland (Suicide), Silvan Noland (Suicide), Jeffie Vaclav (Infancy), Edmond Prasun (Infancy), Marjy Prasun (Infancy), Jesselyn Aldis (Infancy), Michale Prasun (Infancy), Dru Aldis (Natural causes), Siward Noland (Natural causes), Roddie Prasun (Natural causes), Alma Noland (Suicide), Baily Vaclav (Infancy), Rebe Vaclav (Infancy), Aharon Noland (Infancy), Henrique Guillermo (Infancy), Christophe Aldis (Infancy), Francine Prasun (Infancy), Horace Prasun (Natural causes), Millisent Noland (Natural causes), Pru Guillermo (Disease), Jacques Vaclav (Disease), Tate Jordan (Murder), Reginauld Noland (Infancy), Adey Vaclav (Infancy), Ernst Noland (Infancy), Uriel Jordan (Disease), Gabriel Noland (Disease), Kincaid Aldis (Disease), Chas Noland (Disease), Corby Aldis (Freak accident), Hermann Vaclav (Freak accident), Adrianne Guillermo (Infancy), Alison Aldis (Infancy), Eda Prasun (Infancy), Flipper Aldis (Infancy), Abram Prasun (Infancy), Krystal Noland (Natural causes), Teodora Prasun (Natural causes), Shea Vaclav (Infancy), Sheilakathryn Prasun (Infancy), Lark Prasun (Freak accident), Tait Noland (Starvation), Dennie Noland (Murder), Aub Guillermo (Murder), Irita Prasun (Freak accident), Arlena Aldis (Suicide), Irwin Prasun (Infancy), Caroline Noland (Infancy), Thaddeus Noland (Murder), Stanley Noland (Murder), Sebastian Guillermo (Murder), Stanley Noland (Murder), Clio Guillermo (Suicide), Wallas Vaclav (Natural causes), Jessica Prasun (Suicide), Hildagarde Aldis (Infancy), Don Vaclav (Infancy), Torey Aldis (Infancy), Bellamy Noland (Infancy), Jojo Noland (Murder)


Murders: list all 46...
Spencer Gilles (in the year 218 by Capt. Spencer Gilles), Efram Prasun (in the year 267 by Quintin Noland), Quintin Noland (in the year 272 by Rudolfo Prasun), Dru Gilles (in the year 300 by Llewellyn Prasun), Llewellyn Prasun (in the year 300 by Tait Gilles), Davey Prasun (in the year 302 by Leodora Prasun), Leodora Prasun (in the year 302 by Ty Prasun), Ty Prasun (in the year 302 by Capt. Welbie Zollie), Spencer Prasun (in the year 303 by Tait Gilles), Saxe Noland (in the year 313 by Ely Noland), Ely Noland (in the year 313 by Ely Noland), Spencer Prasun (in the year 315 by Barris Aldis), Neddie Prasun (in the year 315 by Lefty Zollie), Georg Zollie (in the year 316 by Dahlia Prasun), Ruddy Myke (in the year 316 by Nadya Prasun), Nadya Prasun (in the year 317 by Roddie Vaclav), Erl Gilles (in the year 319 by Horatio Prasun), Wylie Zollie (in the year 322 by Ethel Noland), Ethel Noland (in the year 322 by Horace Prasun), Leonora Zollie (in the year 327 by Fleurette Prasun), Siffre Zollie (in the year 329 by Barris Aldis), Silvan Aldis (in the year 331 by Staford Noland), Staford Noland (in the year 331 by Staford Noland), Miguel Prasun (in the year 331 by Barris Aldis), Finley Noland (in the year 334 by Horace Prasun), Barris Aldis (in the year 334 by Sibyl Zollie), Harrold Noland (in the year 335 by Britni Vaclav), Hewet Gilles (in the year 339 by Karlen Noland), Abbot Noland (in the year 339 by Sarina Aldis), Tiebold Aldis (in the year 340 by Sibyl Zollie), Rudolfo Prasun (in the year 343 by Cherianne Noland), Ave Zollie (in the year 349 by Karlen Noland), Karlen Noland (in the year 349 by Alonso Noland), Miguel Prasun (in the year 357 by Bob Noland), Zelda Guillermo (in the year 380 by Belia Jordan), Belia Jordan (in the year 380 by Isidore Guillermo), Chandler Guillermo (in the year 381 by Jack Aldis), Rivkah Noland (in the year 392 by Paul Noland), Tate Jordan (in the year 404 by Jojo Noland), Dennie Noland (in the year 407 by Aub Guillermo), Aub Guillermo (in the year 407 by Thaddeus Noland), Thaddeus Noland (in the year 407 by Sebastian Guillermo), Stanley Noland (in the year 407 by Jojo Noland), Sebastian Guillermo (in the year 407 by Stanley Noland), Stanley Noland (in the year 407 by Jojo Noland), Jojo Noland (in the year 408 by Hall Noland)


218.   A new island was discovered by the crew of Capsulogenous. They call it Port Jervis. On it, they have founded a port called Gilles Point, which is named after Capt. Spencer Gilles. Spencer Gilles, who in 218 discovered the island of Port Jervis along with 9 others, was killed in Gilles Point, Port Jervis by Capt. Spencer Gilles, who was acting in self-defense; he was 24 years old.
224.   Justis Gilles, who in 218 discovered the island of Port Jervis along with 9 others, died in Gilles Point, Port Jervis, of natural causes; he was 74 years old.
227.   Elvira Gilles, who in 218 discovered the island of Port Jervis along with 9 others, died in Gilles Point, Port Jervis, of natural causes; she was 65 years old.
230.   Friedrick Prasun, who in 218 discovered the island of Port Jervis along with 9 others, died in Gilles Point, Port Jervis, after showing symptoms of disease; he was 34 years old.
235.   Elie Prasun, who in 218 discovered the island of Port Jervis along with 9 others, died in Gilles Point, Port Jervis, of natural causes; she was 69 years old.
241.   Rudolfo Prasun, who in 218 discovered the island of Port Jervis along with 9 others, died in Gilles Point, Port Jervis, of natural causes; he was 72 years old.
258.   Capt. Spencer Gilles, who in 218 discovered the island of Port Jervis along with 9 others, died in Gilles Point, Port Jervis, of natural causes; he was 64 years old.
260.   Overmourn is now docked at Gilles Point, on Port Jervis.
261.   Mara Prasun, who in 218 discovered the island of Port Jervis along with 9 others, died in Gilles Point, Port Jervis, after showing symptoms of disease; she was 66 years old.
262.   Percy Prasun started a new settlement on Port Jervis called Metlakatla.
267.   Pincas Prasun, Dimitry Gilles, Cherise Prasun, Lonnie Prasun, Lonnie Prasun, Cherise Prasun, and Leif Prasun, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Port Jervis called Silas.
268.   Alfonse Gilles, who in 218 discovered the island of Port Jervis along with 9 others, died in Gilles Point, Port Jervis, of natural causes; he was 70 years old.
269.   Quintin Prasun, who in 218 discovered the island of Port Jervis along with 9 others, died in Gilles Point, Port Jervis, of natural causes; he was 69 years old.
274.   Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Port Jervis, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Dimitry Gilles has decided to start building a ship in Silas, so that at least some of the displaced people of Port Jervis may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Port Jervis, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Ermina Gilles has decided to start building a ship in Silas, so that at least some of the displaced people of Port Jervis may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. The Capsulogenous, under command of Capt. Spencer Noland, has left the harbor at Gilles Point, Port Jervis. Angy Shumeet, Rudolfo Noland, and Vina Noland, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Port Jervis called Big Delta.
277.   Binky Zollie, Elie Prasun, Welbie Zollie, Clayborn Prasun, Ermina Zollie, and Welbie Zollie, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Port Jervis called Winthrop.
280.   The Introitus, under command of Capt. Dimitry Gilles, has left the harbor at Silas, Port Jervis.
282.   Rocky Gilles, Rolf Noland, Gunner Shumeet, Capt. Rufe Gilles, Wayne Prasun, Ermina Gilles, and Ermina Gilles, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Port Jervis called Eastaboga.
288.   Rudolfo Prasun, Rafaelia Zollie, Lane Zollie, Sheril Zollie, Rafaelia Zollie, Sheril Zollie, and Lane Zollie, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Port Jervis called Darien.
289.   Philly Prasun, Spencer Prasun, Lonnie Prasun, Merle Prasun, Almire Prasun, Horatio Prasun, Lonnie Prasun, Almire Prasun, Horatio Prasun, Philly Prasun, and Merle Prasun, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Port Jervis called Bon Air.
291.   Daffie Prasun, Mara Noland, Pepe Noland, Jeralee Noland, and Jeralee Noland, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Port Jervis called Caddo. Darien has been annexed by Gilles Point.
293.   Whitaker Gilles started a new settlement on Port Jervis called Thompson's Station.
295.   Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Port Jervis, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Spencer Prasun has decided to start building a ship in Caddo, so that at least some of the displaced people of Port Jervis may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. Neddie Prasun, Lefty Zollie, Ely Noland, Marillin Zollie, Anurag Zollie, Siffre Zollie, Karna Prasun, Dahlia Zollie, Tia Zollie, Marillin Zollie, Anurag Zollie, Siffre Zollie, Dahlia Zollie, and Tia Zollie, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Port Jervis called Mount Zollie, which they named for Dahlia Zollie.
302.   The Umbelliferone, under command of Capt. Pepe Noland, has left the harbor at Caddo, Port Jervis. Charleen Shumeet, Alysa Prasun, Rudolfo Prasun, Tait Prasun, and Alysa Prasun, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Port Jervis called Defiance.
304.   Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Port Jervis, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Ellen Noland has decided to start building a ship in Winthrop, so that at least some of the displaced people of Port Jervis may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. The Overmourn, under command of Capt. Carlos Prasun, has left the harbor at Gilles Point, Port Jervis.
305.   Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Port Jervis, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Cherise Noland has decided to start building a ship in Gilles Point, so that at least some of the displaced people of Port Jervis may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Port Jervis, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Gustave Prasun has decided to start building a ship in Winthrop, so that at least some of the displaced people of Port Jervis may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Port Jervis, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Leif Prasun has decided to start building a ship in Winthrop, so that at least some of the displaced people of Port Jervis may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Port Jervis, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Julius Gilles has decided to start building a ship in Gilles Point, so that at least some of the displaced people of Port Jervis may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Port Jervis, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Sam Gilles has decided to start building a ship in Gilles Point, so that at least some of the displaced people of Port Jervis may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands.
306.   Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Port Jervis, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Rudolfo Prasun has decided to start building a ship in Gilles Point, so that at least some of the displaced people of Port Jervis may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Port Jervis, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Cathrin Prasun has decided to start building a ship in Winthrop, so that at least some of the displaced people of Port Jervis may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Port Jervis, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Sophronia Prasun has decided to start building a ship in Winthrop, so that at least some of the displaced people of Port Jervis may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Port Jervis, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Horatio Prasun has decided to start building a ship in Bon Air, so that at least some of the displaced people of Port Jervis may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands.
308.   Pterodactyloid is now docked at Bon Air, on Port Jervis.
309.   Laverne Prasun, Kingston Prasun, Florina Prasun, and Laverne Prasun, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Port Jervis called Westford. Harriot Prasun, Tait Gilles, Teodora Zollie, Corinna Gilles, and Corinna Gilles, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Port Jervis called Atoka.
310.   Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Port Jervis, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Zelig Noland has decided to start building a ship in Metlakatla, so that at least some of the displaced people of Port Jervis may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands.
311.   The Hepatorrhexis, under command of Capt. Gilbert Prasun, has left the harbor at Silas, Port Jervis. The Proredemption, under command of Capt. Welbie Zollie, has left the harbor at Winthrop, Port Jervis. Defiance has been annexed by Mount Zollie.
312.   Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Port Jervis, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Mariska Prasun has decided to start building a ship in Silas, so that at least some of the displaced people of Port Jervis may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Port Jervis, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Haleigh Gilles has decided to start building a ship in Silas, so that at least some of the displaced people of Port Jervis may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands.
313.   Danika Prasun started a new settlement on Port Jervis called Mill Creek.
314.   The Endotheliolysin, under command of Capt. Leif Prasun, has left the harbor at Winthrop, Port Jervis. The Lacertiloid, under command of Capt. Cass Prasun, has left the harbor at Gilles Point, Port Jervis. Sophronia Prasun, Zorine Prasun, Wylie Zollie, Clayborn Prasun, Horace Prasun, Horace Prasun, Zorine Prasun, and Clayborn Prasun, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Port Jervis called Robertson.
317.   Ruthi Noland, Fan Noland, Staford Noland, Staford Noland, Rani Noland, Bobine Noland, Spense Noland, Aleta Noland, Reilly Noland, Fan Noland, Ruthi Noland, Staford Noland, Bobine Noland, Spense Noland, Aleta Noland, Reilly Noland, and Rani Noland, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Port Jervis called Noland Hill, which they named for Bobine Noland.
318.   Noland Hill has been annexed by Silas.
319.   The Albertype, under command of Capt. Stuart Gilles, has left the harbor at Silas, Port Jervis.
322.   Westford has been annexed by Eastaboga.
324.   Unjournalized is now docked at Bon Air, on Port Jervis. Bartlett Prasun, Cherise Quinn, Fleurette Prasun, and Leonora Zollie, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Port Jervis called Henry.
326.   The Pterodactyloid, under command of Capt. Stacy Aldis, has left the harbor at Bon Air, Port Jervis.
327.   The Telangiectasy, under command of Capt. Bernd Aldis, has left the harbor at Bon Air, Port Jervis. Due to its lack of open plots on which new residents might build their homes, the town of Mount Zollie, Port Jervis, has claimed an area of open adjacent land that it will expand onto.
329.   Wilber Prasun, Spencer Zollie, Manfred Zollie, Rudolfo Prasun, Gabriel Prasun, and Wilber Prasun, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Port Jervis called Bluff.
331.   Finley Noland started a new settlement on Port Jervis called La Follette. Cristen Prasun, Rudolfo Noland, Addie Noland, Zelig Noland, and Rudolfo Noland, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Port Jervis called Minneapolis.
332.   Mara Noland, Pat Noland, Rolf Noland, Laverne Noland, Laverne Noland, Mara Noland, and Rolf Noland, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Port Jervis called Batavia.
333.   Harrold Noland, Dennie Noland, Britni Vaclav, Bob Noland, and Gianna Aldis, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Port Jervis called Mountain Creek.
337.   Henry has been annexed by Metlakatla.
340.   The Supervisure, under command of Capt. Neall Prasun, has left the harbor at Winthrop, Port Jervis.
342.   The Complement, under command of Capt. Lane Zollie, has left the harbor at Silas, Port Jervis. Big Delta has been annexed by Mountain Creek.
344.   Brietta Noland, Thadeus Vaclav, Lark Vaclav, Sula Noland, Karlen Noland, Roddie Vaclav, Alisun Vaclav, Alonso Noland, Alisun Vaclav, Lark Vaclav, and Thadeus Vaclav, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Port Jervis called Burnwell. Krystal Zollie, Sibyl Zollie, and Krystal Zollie, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Port Jervis called Spring Valley.
347.   Atoka has been annexed by Burnwell.
348.   The town of Minneapolis, Port Jervis, which has no more open plots on which new residents could build their homes, is going to absorb the now unused adjacent land of the abandoned settlement of Silas. Silas has been annexed by Minneapolis.
349.   The Reincarnation, under command of Capt. Hunt Noland, has left the harbor at Winthrop, Port Jervis.
350.   Reincarnation is now docked at Bon Air, on Port Jervis. Mountain Creek has been annexed by Caddo.
354.   Jules Noland, Wilmar Noland, Lonni Noland, Wilmar Noland, Corinna Noland, Pepe Noland, Corinna Noland, Wilmar Noland, Jules Noland, Lonni Noland, and Pepe Noland, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Port Jervis called Glacier View.
361.   The Unjournalized, under command of Capt. Wilber Prasun, has left the harbor at Bon Air, Port Jervis.
366.   The Nonconformistical, under command of Capt. Torrin Aldis, has left the harbor at Caddo, Port Jervis.
380.   Blithelike is now docked at Caddo, on Port Jervis.
382.   Tait Noland and Spencer Aldis, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Port Jervis called New Tazewell.
385.   Assentaneous is now docked at Thompson's Station, on Port Jervis.
389.   The Reincarnation, under command of Capt. Harvard Aldis, has left the harbor at Bon Air, Port Jervis.
391.   Elene Guillermo, Philly Noland, Adrianne Guillermo, Thekla Noland, Jojo Guillermo, Pru Noland, Chase Noland, Sebastian Guillermo, Nerissa Guillermo, Jojo Guillermo, Sebastian Guillermo, Nerissa Guillermo, Philly Noland, and Pru Noland, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Port Jervis called Noland's Bluff, which they named for Chase Noland. Due to its lack of open plots on which new residents might build their homes, the town of Noland's Bluff, Port Jervis, has claimed an area of open adjacent land that it will expand onto.
394.   The Assentaneous, under command of Capt. Bela Shumeet, has left the harbor at Thompson's Station, Port Jervis. Rustin Prasun, Lonni Prasun, and Lonni Prasun, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Port Jervis called Billingsley.
395.   Eastaboga has been annexed by Billingsley.
396.   Elvira Aldis, Hunt Aldis, Kizzee Noland, Gary Noland, and Hunt Aldis, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Port Jervis called Stoneham.
398.   Noland's Bluff has been annexed by Caddo. New Tazewell has been annexed by Caddo.
401.   Adrianne Noland, Wallas Vaclav, Nalani Prasun, Zach Prasun, Shayne Vaclav, Alfonse Prasun, Skyler Vaclav, Dannye Prasun, Amy Vaclav, Gabbey Noland, Alessandra Prasun, Cherise Prasun, Felecia Noland, Wildon Prasun, Hazel Vaclav, Gabbey Noland, Felecia Noland, Hazel Vaclav, Skyler Vaclav, Shayne Vaclav, Amy Vaclav, Dannye Prasun, Nalani Prasun, Alfonse Prasun, Alessandra Prasun, and Cherise Prasun, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Port Jervis called Lower Peachtree.
402.   Biddy Aldis, Corby Aldis, Corby Aldis, Kippie Aldis, Leontyne Aldis, Biddy Aldis, and Kippie Aldis, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Port Jervis called Beaver.
406.   Leona Vaclav, Aldrich Vaclav, Saundra Vaclav, Georgetta Vaclav, Leona Vaclav, and Saundra Vaclav, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Port Jervis called Royal.
407.   Xerxes Guillermo and Teador Prasun, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Port Jervis called Elmira. Jephthah Noland, Rina Prasun, Corinna Noland, Pascale Prasun, Alice Noland, Irita Prasun, Eydie Prasun, Irita Prasun, Horace Prasun, Rina Prasun, Eydie Prasun, Corinna Noland, and Jephthah Noland, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Port Jervis called Alcan Border.