Est. 277

Winthrop is a fairly large settlement on the island of Port Jervis, Diol, that was founded in the year 277.


Island: Port Jervis
Coast: North
Area: 0.2 square miles


Languages: Aniumustpyrx, Monedusus, Jervisese


Founded: 277
Founders: Binky Zollie, Elie Prasun, Capt. Welbie Zollie, Clayborn Prasun, Ermina Zollie, Capt. Welbie Zollie
Annexed: None


Ships in port: None
Former ships: 4



Population: 51
Highest-ever population: 57 (in 406)


Former residents who moved away: list all 167...
Daffie Zollie, Tait Gilles, Cathrin Prasun, Julius Gilles, Sara Prasun, Cherise Prasun, Samuel Prasun, Spencer Prasun, Horatio Prasun, Merle Prasun, Philly Prasun, Lonnie Prasun, Almire Noland, Capt. Leif Prasun, Samuel Prasun, Spencer Prasun, Alysa Noland, Danika Prasun, Florina Noland, Ty Prasun, Corinna Prasun, Arlie Prasun, Fleurette Prasun, Llewellyn Prasun, Ford Noland, Davey Prasun, Dahlia Prasun, Ethel Noland, Spencer Zollie, Ethel Zollie, Alfonse Zollie, Wylie Zollie, Chrissa Quinn, Bethena Noland, Florina Noland, Laverne Noland, Teodora Zollie, Kingston Prasun, Ford Noland, Violet Prasun, Gustave Prasun, Daffie Prasun, Ileana Zollie, Marian Prasun, Capt. Welbie Zollie, Gwendolin Zollie, Carolee Prasun, Aurel Prasun, Sam Gilles, Sophronia Prasun, Zorine Prasun, Clayborn Prasun, Horace Prasun, Clayborn Prasun, Ethel Prasun, Haley Prasun, Englebert Noland, Capt. Leif Prasun, Ellen Prasun, Clayborn Prasun, Ford Noland, Ford Noland, Ford Noland, Staford Noland, Ethel Noland, Teodora Zollie, Lefty Zollie, Finley Noland, Alfonse Noland, Ruby Prasun, Elie Noland, Alonso Noland, Kingston Prasun, Kingston Prasun, Claudina Prasun, Mariska Prasun, Rianon Prasun, Gunther Noland, Florina Prasun, Harriot Noland, Wilmar Noland, Michale Prasun, Audry Prasun, Roddie Prasun, Pace Prasun, Capt. Neall Prasun, Cathrin Zollie, Corinna Zollie, Daffie Zollie, Rafaela Zollie, Elie Zollie, Zondra Noland, Lefty Zollie, Son Zollie, Judah Prasun, Kingston Prasun, Sophronia Prasun, Kingston Prasun, Sophronia Prasun, Harriot Noland, Wilmar Noland, Capt. Hunt Noland, Philly Noland, Ethelind Noland, Abbot Noland, Gussy Aldis, Mara Aldis, Cissie Aldis, Chase Noland, Zorine Prasun, Chase Noland, Ardelia Aldis, Chase Noland, Irwin Prasun, Michale Prasun, Cornellis Prasun, Siward Noland, Lane Prasun, Joelly Noland, Maddi Noland, Fred Noland, Alfonse Prasun, Alfonse Prasun, Horatio Prasun, Dannye Prasun, Hervey Prasun, Leda Aldis, Irwin Prasun, Inesita Prasun, Ingaborg Prasun, Tuesday Prasun, Jordan Noland, Roddie Prasun, Cathrin Prasun, Tristan Noland, Alonso Noland, Elie Noland, Tristan Noland, Fred Noland, Pooh Prasun, Cathrin Prasun, Phineas Prasun, Alisun Prasun, Alonso Noland, Elie Noland, Pooh Prasun, Phineas Prasun, Alisun Prasun, Henrie Noland, Merla Noland, Gallagher Noland, Joelly Noland, Pooh Prasun, Phineas Prasun, Alisun Prasun, Clayborn Prasun, Alessandra Prasun, Abelard Prasun, Teodora Prasun, Alonso Noland, Joelly Noland, Bentley Noland, Fred Noland, Oberon Noland, Murphy Noland, Pooh Prasun, Bradford Prasun
Died here: list all 94...
Eleni Prasun (Infancy), Dominic Zollie (Infancy), Lonnie Zollie (Infancy), Winfield Prasun (Infancy), Wylie Zollie (Infancy), Brewster Prasun (Freak accident), Aurel Prasun (Freak accident), Lian Prasun (Infancy), Tia Gilles (Natural causes), Cissie Prasun (Infancy), Ermina Zollie (Natural causes), Marylou Prasun (Infancy), Duffy Prasun (Infancy), Binky Zollie (Freak accident), Corinna Prasun (Suicide), Davey Prasun (Murder), Leodora Prasun (Murder), Ty Prasun (Murder), Reginald Gilles (Natural causes), Lonnie Prasun (Infancy), Ermina Prasun (Infancy), Hanford Zollie (Infancy), Pamelina Noland (Infancy), Brett Prasun (Infancy), Alessandra Prasun (Infancy), Caro Prasun (Infancy), Francois Prasun (Infancy), Mabel Prasun (Infancy), Lenny Prasun (Infancy), Alfonse Prasun (Infancy), Dasha Prasun (Natural causes), Henrie Prasun (Infancy), Rudolfo Prasun (Natural causes), Almeria Prasun (Infancy), Wood Noland (Infancy), Chase Noland (Suicide), Lenny Prasun (Disease), Elie Prasun (Disease), Teodora Zollie (Disease), Daffie Prasun (Disease), Darth Prasun (Natural causes), Elvina Zollie (Infancy), Gussy Prasun (Disease), Gunner Prasun (Disease), Jerri Prasun (Infancy), Juliane Zollie (Infancy), Bernadine Prasun (Infancy), Myranda Zollie (Disease), Staford Noland (Disease), Marjorie Prasun (Infancy), Finley Noland (Infancy), Alfonse Noland (Suicide), Rudolph Prasun (Disease), Katlin Prasun (Natural causes), Cathrin Prasun (Natural causes), Murphy Prasun (Infancy), Kingston Prasun (Natural causes), Hamilton Prasun (Infancy), Zorine Prasun (Natural causes), Juan Prasun (Infancy), Alessandra Prasun (Natural causes), Lenny Noland (Freak accident), Murphy Prasun (Natural causes), Ethel Prasun (Infancy), Shimon Prasun (Infancy), Bryant Prasun (Infancy), Claudina Prasun (Infancy), Kelwin Prasun (Suicide), Claudina Prasun (Infancy), Ermina Noland (Disease), Suzan Aldis (Disease), Alfonse Prasun (Disease), Mariska Prasun (Natural causes), Glenn Prasun (Infancy), Irita Prasun (Disease), Bryant Prasun (Disease), Lenny Prasun (Disease), Lane Prasun (Disease), Willis Noland (Disease), Cathrin Prasun (Disease), Alessandra Aldis (Disease), Murphy Prasun (Infancy), Alfonse Noland (Natural causes), Lane Prasun (Natural causes), Griff Noland (Infancy), Horace Prasun (Infancy), Stevie Aldis (Infancy), Horace Prasun (Natural causes), Millisent Noland (Natural causes), Ernst Noland (Infancy), Irwin Prasun (Infancy), Caroline Noland (Infancy), Jessica Prasun (Suicide), Torey Aldis (Infancy)
Murders: Davey Prasun (in the year 302 by Leodora Prasun), Leodora Prasun (in the year 302 by Ty Prasun), Ty Prasun (in the year 302 by Capt. Welbie Zollie)


277.   Winthrop, Port Jervis, was founded by Binky Zollie, Elie Prasun, Welbie Zollie, Clayborn Prasun, Ermina Zollie, and Welbie Zollie. 5 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 277: Elie Prasun, Clayborn Prasun, Binky Zollie, Ermina Zollie, and Welbie Zollie.
278.   8 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 278: Spencer Prasun, Lonnie Prasun, Leif Prasun, Florina Prasun, Merle Prasun, Cherise Prasun, Samuel Prasun, and Horatio Prasun.
279.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 279: Daffie Prasun.
280.   1 resident(s) moved out of Winthrop in 280: Daffie Prasun.
281.   4 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 281: Tait Gilles, Sara Gilles, Julius Gilles, and Cathrin Gilles.
282.   4 resident(s) moved out of Winthrop in 282: Tait Gilles, Sara Gilles, Julius Gilles, and Cathrin Gilles.
284.   8 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 284: Spencer Prasun, Sophronia Prasun, Alysa Prasun, Ethel Prasun, Brewster Prasun, Llewellyn Prasun, Violet Prasun, and Aurel Prasun. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Samuel Prasun, and Cherise Zollie.
288.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 288: Gustave Prasun. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Spencer Prasun, Lonnie Prasun, Merle Prasun, Horatio Prasun, and Almire Prasun.
292.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 292: Reginald Gilles, and Tia Gilles.
294.   4 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 294: Samuel Prasun, Darth Prasun, Cathrin Prasun, and Lenny Prasun.
295.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 295: Ty Prasun, and Corinna Prasun. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Leif Prasun.
296.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 296: Leodora Prasun. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Samuel Prasun.
297.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 297: Davey Prasun.
298.   Ermina Zollie, who in 277 founded Winthrop along with 5 others, died in Winthrop, Port Jervis, of natural causes; she was 61 years old. 7 resident(s) moved out of Winthrop in 298: Spencer Prasun, Alysa Prasun, Arlie Prasun, Danika Prasun, Fleurette Prasun, Ty Prasun, and Corinna Prasun.
299.   3 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 299: Ford Noland, Ty Prasun, and Corinna Prasun.
300.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 300: Gwendolin Prasun. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Ford Noland, and Davey Prasun.
301.   Binky Zollie, who in 277 founded Winthrop along with 5 others, died in Winthrop, Port Jervis, after a freak accident; he was 49 years old. 1 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 301: Davey Prasun.
302.   Leodora Prasun murdered 30-year-old Davey Prasun in Winthrop, Port Jervis. Davey Prasun was murdered in Winthrop, Port Jervis by Leodora Prasun; he was 30 years old. Ty Prasun murdered Leodora Prasun in an act of revenge. Welbie Zollie murdered Ty Prasun in an act of revenge. Reginald Gilles attempted to murder Welbie Zollie as revenge for the latter's murder of Ty Prasun, but failed. The blood feud is not resolved, however.
303.   5 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 303: Dahlia Gilles, Chase Noland, Katlin Noland, Ford Noland, and Ellen Noland.
304.   Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Port Jervis, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Ellen Noland has decided to start building a ship in Winthrop, so that at least some of the displaced people of Port Jervis may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. Ellen Noland started building a ship in Winthrop. 1 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 304: Leif Prasun. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Dahlia Gilles, Ethel Zollie, Spencer Zollie, Wylie Zollie, Ethel Zollie, Chrissa Zollie, Alfonse Zollie, and Bethena Zollie.
305.   Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Port Jervis, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Gustave Prasun has decided to start building a ship in Winthrop, so that at least some of the displaced people of Port Jervis may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. Gustave Prasun started building a ship in Winthrop. Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Port Jervis, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Leif Prasun has decided to start building a ship in Winthrop, so that at least some of the displaced people of Port Jervis may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. Leif Prasun started building a ship in Winthrop.
306.   Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Port Jervis, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Cathrin Prasun has decided to start building a ship in Winthrop, so that at least some of the displaced people of Port Jervis may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. Cathrin Prasun started building a ship in Winthrop. Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Port Jervis, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Sophronia Prasun has decided to start building a ship in Winthrop, so that at least some of the displaced people of Port Jervis may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. Sophronia Prasun started building a ship in Winthrop. 2 resident(s) moved out of Winthrop in 306: Florina Prasun, and Laverne Prasun.
308.   2 resident(s) moved out of Winthrop in 308: Kingston Prasun, and Teodora Zollie.
309.   Ellen Noland built a ship in Winthrop, Port Jervis, which she christened the Reincarnation; this is the first ship that she has completed. 2 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 309: Sam Gilles, and Marian Prasun.
310.   Gustave Prasun built a ship in Winthrop, Port Jervis, which he christened the Proredemption; this is the first ship that he has completed. 1 resident(s) moved out of Winthrop in 310: Ford Noland.
311.   Leif Prasun built a ship in Winthrop, Port Jervis, which he christened the Endotheliolysin; this is the first ship that he has completed. Welbie Zollie is trying to gather up a group of people in Winthrop for an expedition on the Proredemption, which Welbie Zollie has agreed to lead. Violet Prasun, Gustave Prasun, Ileana Zollie, Marian Prasun, Capt. Welbie Zollie, Carolee Prasun, Daffie Prasun, Aurel Prasun, and Gwendolin Zollie have boarded the Proredemption from the port of Winthrop, Port Jervis. The Proredemption, under command of Capt. Welbie Zollie, has left the harbor at Winthrop, Port Jervis. 9 resident(s) moved out of Winthrop in 311: Violet Prasun, Gustave Prasun, Carolee Prasun, Daffie Prasun, Marian Prasun, Aurel Prasun, Capt. Welbie Zollie, Gwendolin Zollie, and Ileana Zollie.
312.   Cathrin Prasun built a ship in Winthrop, Port Jervis, which she christened the Supervisure; this is the first ship that she has completed. 5 resident(s) moved out of Winthrop in 312: Sam Gilles, Sophronia Prasun, Zorine Prasun, Horace Prasun, and Clayborn Prasun.
313.   3 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 313: Rudolfo Prasun, Dasha Prasun, and Neall Prasun.
314.   Leif Prasun is trying to gather up a group of people in Winthrop for an expedition on the Endotheliolysin, which Leif Prasun has agreed to lead. Clayborn Prasun, Ethel Prasun, Haley Prasun, Englebert Noland, Capt. Leif Prasun, Ellen Prasun, and Clayborn Prasun have boarded the Endotheliolysin from the port of Winthrop, Port Jervis. The Endotheliolysin, under command of Capt. Leif Prasun, has left the harbor at Winthrop, Port Jervis. 1 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 314: Ford Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Englebert Noland, Clayborn Prasun, Ethel Prasun, Haley Prasun, Clayborn Prasun, Ellen Prasun, and Capt. Leif Prasun.
315.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 315: Ethel Prasun.
318.   3 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 318: Staford Noland, Teodora Zollie, and Lefty Zollie. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Ford Noland.
319.   Capt. Welbie Zollie, who in 277 founded Winthrop along with 5 others, died aboard the Proredemption, which had become lost at sea; he was 43 years old.
320.   Clayborn Prasun, who in 277 founded Winthrop along with 5 others, died aboard the Endotheliolysin, which had become lost at sea; he was 47 years old.
321.   2 resident(s) moved out of Winthrop in 321: Ethel Noland, and Staford Noland.
322.   2 resident(s) moved out of Winthrop in 322: Teodora Zollie, and Lefty Zollie.
324.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 324: Teodora Zollie, and Lefty Zollie.
325.   4 resident(s) moved out of Winthrop in 325: Ruby Noland, Alfonse Noland, Finley Noland, and Alonso Noland.
327.   Elie Prasun, who in 277 founded Winthrop along with 5 others, died in Winthrop, Port Jervis, after showing symptoms of disease; she was 53 years old. 1 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 327: Hunt Noland.
328.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 328: Kingston Prasun.
329.   1 resident(s) moved out of Winthrop in 329: Kingston Prasun.
330.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 330: Staford Noland, and Kingston Prasun.
334.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 334: Harriot Noland, and Wilmar Noland.
336.   3 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 336: Alfonse Noland, Zondra Noland, and Joelly Noland.
337.   5 resident(s) moved out of Winthrop in 337: Gunther Noland, Mariska Noland, Claudina Prasun, Kingston Prasun, and Florina Prasun.
338.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 338: Son Zollie. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Harriot Noland, Wilmar Noland, Michale Prasun, Audry Prasun, Pace Prasun, and Roddie Prasun.
339.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 339: Harriot Noland, and Wilmar Noland.
340.   Neall Prasun is trying to gather up a group of people in Winthrop for an expedition on the Supervisure, which Neall Prasun has agreed to lead. Capt. Neall Prasun, Cathrin Prasun, Corinna Zollie, Daffie Zollie, Rafaela Prasun, Elie Zollie, Zondra Noland, Lefty Zollie, and Son Zollie have boarded the Supervisure from the port of Winthrop, Port Jervis. The Supervisure, under command of Capt. Neall Prasun, has left the harbor at Winthrop, Port Jervis. 10 resident(s) moved out of Winthrop in 340: Zondra Noland, Capt. Neall Prasun, Rafaela Prasun, Cathrin Prasun, Judah Prasun, Elie Zollie, Lefty Zollie, Corinna Zollie, Daffie Zollie, and Son Zollie.
341.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 341: Kingston Prasun, and Sophronia Prasun.
342.   2 resident(s) moved out of Winthrop in 342: Kingston Prasun, and Sophronia Prasun.
344.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 344: Kingston Prasun, and Sophronia Prasun.
346.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 346: Mara Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Kingston Prasun, and Sophronia Prasun.
347.   2 resident(s) moved out of Winthrop in 347: Harriot Noland, and Wilmar Noland.
349.   Hunt Noland is trying to gather up a group of people in Winthrop for an expedition on the Reincarnation, which Hunt Noland has agreed to lead. Capt. Hunt Noland, Gussy Noland, Abbot Noland, Ethelind Noland, Mara Noland, Cissie Noland, and Philly Noland have boarded the Reincarnation from the port of Winthrop, Port Jervis. The Reincarnation, under command of Capt. Hunt Noland, has left the harbor at Winthrop, Port Jervis. 7 resident(s) moved out of Winthrop in 349: Philly Noland, Capt. Hunt Noland, Cissie Noland, Ethelind Noland, Gussy Noland, Mara Noland, and Abbot Noland.
351.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 351: Kingston Prasun, and Zorine Prasun.
353.   1 resident(s) moved out of Winthrop in 353: Chase Noland.
355.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 355: Alfonse Noland, and Chase Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Zorine Prasun.
356.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 356: Ardelia Noland, and Zorine Prasun.
358.   2 resident(s) moved out of Winthrop in 358: Chase Noland, and Ardelia Noland.
359.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 359: Siward Noland.
360.   1 resident(s) moved out of Winthrop in 360: Irwin Prasun.
361.   1 resident(s) moved out of Winthrop in 361: Michale Prasun.
362.   2 resident(s) moved out of Winthrop in 362: Siward Noland, and Cornellis Prasun.
363.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 363: Leda Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Joelly Prasun, Lane Prasun, Alfonse Prasun, Maddi Prasun, Horatio Prasun, Fred Prasun, and Dannye Prasun.
365.   1 resident(s) moved out of Winthrop in 365: Hervey Prasun.
368.   3 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 368: Millisent Noland, Irwin Prasun, and Tuesday Prasun. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Leda Aldis.
370.   4 resident(s) moved out of Winthrop in 370: Irwin Prasun, Tuesday Prasun, Inesita Prasun, and Ingaborg Prasun.
372.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 372: Jordan Noland.
374.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 374: Alonso Noland.
377.   Jordan Noland started building a ship in Winthrop.
378.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 378: Roddie Prasun, and Cathrin Prasun. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Jordan Noland.
379.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 379: Tristan Noland.
381.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 381: Bryant Prasun, and Ethel Prasun. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Roddie Prasun, and Cathrin Prasun.
383.   4 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 383: Lane Prasun, Joelly Prasun, Cathrin Prasun, and Merla Prasun.
384.   1 resident(s) moved out of Winthrop in 384: Tristan Noland.
385.   4 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 385: Lea Noland, Bentley Noland, Saw Noland, and Pooh Prasun.
387.   4 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 387: Torey Aldis, Horace Prasun, Cathrin Prasun, and Mariska Prasun.
389.   2 resident(s) moved out of Winthrop in 389: Elie Noland, and Alonso Noland.
390.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 390: Tristan Noland, and Lenny Prasun.
391.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 391: Alexander Prasun. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Tristan Noland.
393.   5 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 393: Fred Prasun, Alfonse Prasun, Lane Prasun, Iseabal Prasun, and Irita Prasun. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Cathrin Prasun, and Pooh Prasun.
394.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 394: Neal Prasun.
396.   3 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 396: Phineas Prasun, Alisun Prasun, and Olenka Prasun.
397.   2 resident(s) moved out of Winthrop in 397: Phineas Prasun, and Alisun Prasun.
398.   4 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 398: Alonso Noland, Elie Noland, Pooh Prasun, and Cathrin Prasun.
400.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 400: Jabez Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Alonso Noland, Elie Noland, and Pooh Prasun.
401.   5 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 401: Horace Prasun, Joanne Prasun, Phineas Prasun, Alisun Prasun, and Laverne Prasun.
402.   6 resident(s) moved out of Winthrop in 402: Henrie Noland, Merla Noland, Joelly Noland, Gallagher Noland, Phineas Prasun, and Alisun Prasun.
405.   48 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 405: Cathrin Aldis, Torey Aldis, Clem Aldis, Christean Noland, Lenny Noland, Joelly Noland, Bentley Noland, Saw Noland, Fred Noland, Murphy Noland, Oberon Noland, Jabez Noland, Laverne Noland, Alonso Noland, Elie Noland, Katlin Prasun, Estell Prasun, Barbabra Prasun, Ethel Prasun, Lea Prasun, Audry Prasun, Cathrin Prasun, Taffy Prasun, Jessica Prasun, Barbey Prasun, Alexander Prasun, Iseabal Prasun, Neal Prasun, Tucker Prasun, Alexander Prasun, Carlee Prasun, Olenka Prasun, Jake Prasun, Dareen Prasun, Lenny Prasun, Julius Prasun, Ondrea Prasun, Cinda Prasun, Horace Prasun, Joanne Prasun, Tabina Prasun, Wilek Prasun, Keren Prasun, Bradford Prasun, Barron Prasun, Claudina Prasun, Anette Prasun, and Fraser Prasun.
406.   5 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 406: Pascale Prasun, Claudina Prasun, Justis Prasun, Pooh Prasun, and Mariska Prasun.
407.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winthrop in 407: Shimon Prasun. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Joelly Noland, Bentley Noland, Fred Noland, Murphy Noland, Oberon Noland, and Alonso Noland.