Est. 178

Centreville is a small island in the Ocean of Diol that was discovered in the year 178 by the crew of the Schoolery.


Area: 91.89 square miles
Coordinates: 6777, 8649


Discovered: 178
Discovery ship: Schoolery


Languages: Aniumustpyrx, Monedusus, Centrevillean


Wilderness: Wilderness of Centreville
Most populous settlements: Chester Count 48, Huntingdon 20, Halifax 16
Settlements: Clarkston, Black Diamond, Hollow Rock, Huntingdon, Myke Lake, Chester Count, Chapman, Larsen Bay, Halifax
Abandoned settlements: Enville, Fort Yukon, Van Horn, Toksook Bay, Windham, Funny River, Coffeeville, Piperton



Population: 123
Highest-ever population: 150, in 307


Inhabitants: list all 123...
Illa Aldis, Esme Gilles, Anatollo Noland, Anett Noland, Illa Gilles, Genni Aldis, Andreana Vaclav, Worth Vaclav, Troy Aldis, Pepi Vaclav, Violante Aldis, Ashely Aldis, Shaun Aldis, Zulema Myke, June Myke, Barnebas Myke, Andy Vaclav, Shamit Aldis, Bjorne Vaclav, Emil Noland, Matthus Myke, Caspar Myke, Hadley Aldis, Calla Myke, Dode Noland, Abdulkarim Aldis, Arvind Aldis, Dunstan Aldis, Fletcher Vaclav, Howie Gilles, Illa Vaclav, Cass Noland, Nicolette Quinn, Troy Aldis, Helge Vaclav, Joly Noland, Cosette Myke, Illa Vaclav, Kimberly Myke, Stanislaw Aldis, Rodina Noland, Rachel Aldis, Randi Gilles, Pepi Vaclav, Edgardo Vaclav, Craig Myke, Gianna Aldis, Norina Aldis, Fredericka Aldis, Audrey Aldis, Codee Noland, Zed Aldis, Darryl Vaclav, Lois Myke, Edgardo Aldis, Edgardo Myke, Emile Noland, Trey Vaclav, Nike Aldis, Stillman Vaclav, Caspar Myke, Gamaliel Aldis, Connie Vaclav, Faunie Vaclav, Hogan Myke, Andy Vaclav, Case Myke, Charmaine Zollie, Rosalinde Zollie, Sylvia Zollie, Ellynn Zollie, Janette Vaclav, Colleen Zollie, Fortuna Aldis, Giffer Gilles, Prince Gilles, Reube Gilles, Becka Gilles, Fortuna Gilles, Robinson Gilles, Mara Zollie, Christabella Zollie, Cristabel Zollie, Staford Zollie, Staford Zollie, Teodora Gilles, Kenna Aldis, Caroline Zollie, Spiros Zollie, Marcus Zollie, Carline Myke, Coleman Gilles, Kaitlyn Aldis, Bobette Guillermo, Capt. Wojciech Gilles, Rabi Gilles, Marissa Zollie, Guillema Aldis, Deva Zollie, Charlena Gilles, Broderick Quinn, Jessie Gilles, Deva Zollie, Leora Noland, Charmaine Zollie, Daffie Gilles, Davide Vaclav, Leola Myke, Joshua Zollie, Nunzio Noland, Vinita Aldis, Jean-Marc Myke, Molli Vaclav, Joy Zollie, Antonin Aldis, Maxfield Myke, Reginauld Gilles, Fortuna Aldis, Isaac Noland, Sisely Zollie, Natalie Aldis, Lyn Zollie, Dory Myke
Former inhabitants who left: list all 260...
Glennis Zollie, Moises Noland, Aindrea Noland, Rosy Myke, Capt. Leonard Noland, Freida Myke, Stefania Vaclav, Capt. Erek Noland, May Gilles, Haleigh Myke, Bridgett Myke, Aleta Prasun, Rolando Aldis, Lurline Vaclav, Lurline Aldis, Capt. Baxter Gilles, Beatrisa Noland, Capt. Pepito Myke, Randa Zollie, Steffen Aldis, Paul Myke, Kit Noland, Mel Noland, Charissa Noland, Joseph Noland, Gershom Noland, Capt. Melvin Noland, Nelle Noland, Wylie Noland, Saw Aldis, Estell Aldis, Alwin Aldis, Gershom Zollie, Roddie Aldis, Blithe Noland, Eddy Aldis, Mel Noland, Jesselyn Noland, Nelle Prasun, Alfonzo Noland, Alphonso Myke, Tildy Prasun, Capt. Davin Myke, Capt. Abdulkarim Aldis, Davin Noland, Kip Noland, Capt. Sancho Vaclav, Corella Vaclav, Everard Vaclav, Eileen Gilles, Brunhilde Vaclav, William Vaclav, Davin Vaclav, Bear Gilles, Ford Myke, Jeralee Myke, Bogart Vaclav, August Myke, Nissie Zollie, Capt. Vaughan Noland, Randa Myke, Bellamy Noland, Connie Myke, Ingemar Myke, Augusta Aldis, Yuri Noland, Stanfield Gilles, Johnny Gilles, Alasdair Myke, Beatrisa Myke, Kippy Vaclav, Capt. Craig Myke, Sharron Gilles, Judi Vaclav, Leese Myke, Allen Myke, Capt. Harmon Noland, Erhart Myke, Capt. Erhart Myke, Aram Gilles, Bellamy Noland, Casie Gilles, Mavra Gilles, Sherry Aldis, Abdulkarim Noland, Miquela Aldis, Blaine Aldis, Kyle Gilles, Kelcy Gilles, Sharron Gilles, Darda Noland, Augusta Aldis, Capt. Brett Gilles, Capt. Meade Myke, Pierette Myke, Shandie Noland, Maureene Gilles, Charlean Zollie, Magna Noland, Capt. Alf Noland, Jan Noland, Horatio Noland, Gelya Gilles, Randa Zollie, Jesselyn Aldis, Tracey Aldis, Corenda Myke, Ali Myke, Leyla Gilles, Capt. Gershom Aldis, Ramon Aldis, Ric Noland, Freddie Myke, Angelique Gilles, Jasmina Noland, Brice Noland, Augusta Vaclav, Jule Myke, Randa Noland, Pierette Gilles, Jada Noland, Stormie Noland, Capt. Thatcher Noland, Caryn Aldis, Jesselyn Aldis, Genni Aldis, Hercule Noland, Padraig Aldis, Issi Gilles, Bertie Gilles, John-David Gilles, Emmey Noland, Maurise Noland, Genni Myke, Roosevelt Aldis, Alyss Gilles, Carl Gilles, Connie Gilles, Capt. John-David Gilles, Charmine Aldis, Capt. Hewie Gilles, August Gilles, Isaac Gilles, Capt. Ferdy Noland, Bernd Noland, Arnoldo Gilles, Gwendolen Gilles, Kanya Myke, Brear Aldis, Janifer Aldis, Judi Gilles, Eric Noland, Capt. Bernd Noland, Hewie Gilles, Kassi Gilles, Olenka Gilles, Shea Gilles, Maureene Noland, Judi Noland, Judi Zollie, Melody Aldis, Suzzy Aldis, Llewellyn Gilles, Clarance Noland, Sonny Myke, Capt. Burt Gilles, Martie Noland, Gail Aldis, Sheila-Kathryn Aldis, Pascal Noland, Capt. Abdulkarim Aldis, Maureene Myke, Caspar Myke, Rea Vaclav, Capt. Vibhu Noland, Alys Aldis, Clarance Noland, Truda Gilles, Evan Myke, Fanechka Aldis, Judi Aldis, Capt. Harmon Noland, Abner Aldis, August Myke, Carroll Noland, Ollie Myke, Jordon Myke, Annabal Myke, Capt. Reuven Myke, Elizabeth Gilles, Bertrand Myke, Craig Myke, Windham Myke, Capt. Vibhu Noland, Alys Aldis, Idalia Vaclav, Illa Myke, Eryn Aldis, Matthias Myke, Barbabra Noland, Truda Gilles, Sunny Noland, Kraig Noland, Pierette Aldis, Charlean Noland, Capt. Hiro Aldis, Capt. Shay Aldis, Darell Aldis, Joey Aldis, Gwendolen Gilles, Capt. Isaac Noland, Pascal Noland, Capt. Antonin Myke, Barbaraanne Myke, Capt. Rustin Myke, Sayer Myke, Cathleen Myke, Capt. Caspar Myke, Matthias Myke, Dalenna Vaclav, Kimberly Prasun, Stormie Vaclav, Violante Vaclav, Jan Vaclav, Shamit Noland, Lois Myke, Lois Aldis, Craig Noland, Oona Zollie, Ashely Myke, Winston Myke, Rhonda Myke, Kirsteni Noland, Capt. Tye Vaclav, Capt. Marlo Aldis, Geoff Aldis, Glynis Aldis, Miquela Aldis, Kareem Noland, Rodney Aldis, Connie Vaclav, Ezechiel Aldis, Barnabe Noland, Avram Vaclav, Clayton Noland, Flinn Myke, Jyoti Vaclav, Barton Aldis, Alyss Vaclav, Dominic Myke, Brynna Aldis, Golda Vaclav, Bjorne Vaclav, Shannah Aldis, Jolynn Noland, Capt. Lars Noland, Rosemonde Noland, Vonnie Noland, Vonnie Myke, Aile Myke
Died here: list all 748...
Dorette Guillermo (Suicide), Durante Guillermo (Suicide), Corella Noland (Natural causes), Jeff Noland (Infancy), Douglis Zollie (Infancy), Harmon Noland (Infancy), Reta Noland (Infancy), Zacharia Noland (Infancy), Rennie Noland (Infancy), Esau Noland (Murder), Hellene Noland (Murder), Viole Zollie (Infancy), Capt. Douglas Noland (Murder), Roxie Noland (Murder), Maggy Noland (Murder), Davin Noland (Murder), Rebeca Zollie (Infancy), Mureil Gilles (Natural causes), Helga Noland (Murder), Englebert Noland (Murder), Roberto Noland (Murder), Bary Noland (Murder), Mickey Zollie (Infancy), Gershom Zollie (Infancy), Robena Zollie (Freak accident), Wheeler Noland (Infancy), Elie Zollie (Natural causes), Wells Noland (Infancy), Roberto Noland (Infancy), Rosalia Noland (Infancy), Fiona Noland (Infancy), Wells Noland (Infancy), Ingram Vaclav (Disease), Christabelle Myke (Disease), Whitaker Noland (Suicide), Linnell Jordan (Infancy), Emanuela Noland (Infancy), Charmine Noland (Suicide), Gerome Zollie (Murder), Isa Prasun (Murder), Maddi Jordan (Suicide), Tybalt Jordan (Infancy), Hilliard Gilles (Infancy), Michail Prasun (Infancy), Gerrard Noland (Infancy), Derrek Aldis (Infancy), Rosalia Noland (Disease), Aloisia Prasun (Disease), Chen Vaclav (Disease), Raychel Noland (Disease), Baxter Gilles (Infancy), Layla Vaclav (Infancy), Gerome Noland (Infancy), Mel Aldis (Infancy), Talia Noland (Starvation), Dell Aldis (Infancy), Wyatan Aldis (Infancy), Bridget Zollie (Natural causes), August Noland (Murder), Marys Jordan (Suicide), Dasya Gilles (Infancy), Alisha Noland (Infancy), Huntington Noland (Infancy), Bridget Aldis (Infancy), Harvie Noland (Infancy), Charmine Zollie (Infancy), Kip Noland (Murder), Myrilla Myke (Suicide), Parry Aldis (Disease), Orion Noland (Murder), Audi Gilles (Infancy), Helga Noland (Infancy), Corine Noland (Natural causes), Fina Noland (Infancy), Lucas Noland (Infancy), Iain Prasun (Suicide), Adolfo Noland (Suicide), Ken Noland (Suicide), Carmon Aldis (Infancy), Bear Gilles (Infancy), Kailey Noland (Infancy), Shea Noland (Infancy), Susana Jordan (Natural causes), Blinnie Aldis (Natural causes), Vinny Vaclav (Suicide), Glorianna Gilles (Disease), Gershom Vaclav (Disease), Gertie Aldis (Suicide), Odie Noland (Infancy), Eddie Myke (Disease), Arel Gilles (Disease), Cosette Aldis (Disease), Emelyne Myke (Disease), Cris Aldis (Infancy), Craig Myke (Infancy), Desirae Noland (Suicide), Trescha Gilles (Infancy), Garrott Gilles (Infancy), Bernette Aldis (Starvation), Hellene Noland (Suicide), Dani Aldis (Starvation), Vikki Aldis (Infancy), Barri Gilles (Suicide), Clancy Gilles (Infancy), Tildy Jordan (Natural causes), Mureil Noland (Freak accident), Tybalt Jordan (Natural causes), Kippy Gilles (Suicide), Siouxie Aldis (Infancy), Everard Jordan (Infancy), Micheline Jordan (Infancy), Mason Noland (Infancy), Cal Gilles (Infancy), Dory Noland (Infancy), Brice Gilles (Infancy), Sancho Aldis (Suicide), Mel Noland (Infancy), Thorny Aldis (Murder), Tybalt Jordan (Murder), Oral Vaclav (Infancy), Illa Vaclav (Starvation), Lesya Noland (Infancy), Shea Myke (Infancy), Giuseppe Noland (Infancy), Enoch Noland (Infancy), Babara Noland (Infancy), Cordelia Aldis (Suicide), Lonny Gilles (Infancy), Sibbie Myke (Suicide), Jerald Gilles (Murder), Shea Myke (Disease), Jan Aldis (Suicide), Miquela Vaclav (Suicide), Bernette Myke (Infancy), Genni Noland (Murder), Terrel Noland (Murder), Siouxie Myke (Natural causes), Kandy Gilles (Infancy), Alfonzo Noland (Murder), Giuseppe Noland (Murder), Davin Noland (Infancy), Alida Aldis (Natural causes), Pepito Myke (Suicide), Rudolfo Vaclav (Infancy), Erhart Gilles (Infancy), Rosa Vaclav (Natural causes), Randa Myke (Infancy), Yalonda Vaclav (Infancy), Capt. Roddie Aldis (Natural causes), Marylou Noland (Natural causes), Christoph Vaclav (Infancy), Inigo Aldis (Infancy), Bridget Aldis (Natural causes), Deana Vaclav (Freak accident), Durante Aldis (Infancy), Tildy Vaclav (Infancy), Mimi Noland (Natural causes), Carree Noland (Infancy), Enya Aldis (Infancy), Jen Vaclav (Infancy), Mason Noland (Natural causes), Tobe Vaclav (Freak accident), Rosalia Aldis (Suicide), Abby Vaclav (Infancy), Brice Aldis (Disease), Pepito Myke (Disease), Corella Aldis (Natural causes), Paige Noland (Natural causes), Leelah Noland (Natural causes), Brynna Aldis (Suicide), Tracy Noland (Infancy), Gae Myke (Infancy), Katusha Gilles (Infancy), Errol Noland (Infancy), Niall Gilles (Infancy), Wilden Noland (Infancy), Joyce Noland (Infancy), Mordecai Myke (Infancy), Davin Aldis (Suicide), Vince Noland (Infancy), Rolfe Myke (Infancy), Jan Vaclav (Murder), Elsie Vaclav (Infancy), Ken Gilles (Murder), Ethan Noland (Infancy), Matthias Gilles (Infancy), Kippy Vaclav (Suicide), Romola Vaclav (Infancy), Skye Gilles (Freak accident), Geoffrey Aldis (Infancy), Paige Noland (Suicide), Bernd Aldis (Disease), Cathrin Gilles (Infancy), Riane Vaclav (Infancy), Ford Myke (Infancy), Bridget Vaclav (Murder), Dewey Gilles (Starvation), Genni Noland (Infancy), Beryl Aldis (Infancy), Jeralee Vaclav (Starvation), Cris Vaclav (Infancy), Pepito Myke (Natural causes), Francois Noland (Infancy), Marie Aldis (Infancy), Barri Gilles (Murder), Durante Gilles (Murder), Joycelin Noland (Disease), Zachariah Noland (Disease), Bernd Aldis (Suicide), Elie Noland (Natural causes), Jeralee Aldis (Suicide), Francois Noland (Infancy), Lex Myke (Infancy), Alida Noland (Infancy), Bridget Vaclav (Suicide), Joane Noland (Murder), Kalman Vaclav (Starvation), Ramesh Gilles (Murder), Elyn Noland (Natural causes), Spike Aldis (Infancy), Nelle Noland (Infancy), Pepito Myke (Infancy), Terrel Noland (Murder), Mel Aldis (Murder), Johann Myke (Infancy), Elysia Gilles (Suicide), Ferdie Myke (Disease), Morgen Myke (Infancy), Jennings Noland (Infancy), John-David Gilles (Suicide), Titos Vaclav (Infancy), Kimberly Myke (Natural causes), Charmine Gilles (Starvation), Rickey Noland (Suicide), Enya Vaclav (Murder), Lindy Gilles (Starvation), Brice Vaclav (Infancy), Cobby Noland (Infancy), Kippy Noland (Infancy), Elden Myke (Infancy), Sonni Noland (Suicide), Sayer Noland (Suicide), Alejandra Noland (Infancy), Demetre Vaclav (Natural causes), Ken Gilles (Suicide), Jonathon Vaclav (Starvation), Randa Vaclav (Infancy), Mortimer Noland (Natural causes), August Aldis (Suicide), Pieter Aldis (Freak accident), Christie Noland (Freak accident), Nelle Myke (Natural causes), Dorette Myke (Natural causes), Joly Vaclav (Infancy), Wells Noland (Infancy), Tracy Noland (Natural causes), Avrom Noland (Natural causes), April Myke (Infancy), Mel Noland (Freak accident), Stearn Noland (Murder), Kimberly Myke (Infancy), Maureene Myke (Natural causes), Garnette Noland (Natural causes), Shea Vaclav (Natural causes), Judi Noland (Natural causes), Bernd Gilles (Infancy), Miquela Noland (Infancy), Dianemarie Vaclav (Natural causes), Judi Noland (Infancy), Pepito Myke (Natural causes), Kippy Aldis (Natural causes), Bjorne Vaclav (Suicide), Jackson Myke (Freak accident), Othella Noland (Infancy), Carroll Vaclav (Infancy), Portia Aldis (Infancy), Art Myke (Infancy), Scarface Vaclav (Natural causes), Thorny Noland (Infancy), Vaughan Noland (Infancy), Baxter Gilles (Infancy), Jan Noland (Starvation), Shara Noland (Infancy), Perle Noland (Natural causes), Nadiya Noland (Murder), Randy Myke (Infancy), Demetre Vaclav (Natural causes), Emilia Noland (Freak accident), Bennet Aldis (Infancy), Randa Myke (Infancy), Scott Noland (Infancy), Kanya Aldis (Infancy), Genni Noland (Natural causes), Jesselyn Aldis (Natural causes), Charissa Gilles (Infancy), Jacky Myke (Infancy), Martyn Noland (Infancy), Blaine Vaclav (Natural causes), Fortune Jordan (Natural causes), Lori Vaclav (Disease), Ulrick Myke (Disease), Ruthanne Myke (Infancy), Charissa Gilles (Suicide), Shea Gilles (Infancy), Petey Myke (Infancy), Maureene Myke (Infancy), Elisha Noland (Infancy), Rex Aldis (Infancy), Tomas Noland (Murder), Virgie Noland (Infancy), Neala Aldis (Infancy), Chiquita Noland (Natural causes), Conway Vaclav (Natural causes), Illa Myke (Suicide), Pepito Myke (Starvation), Adolpho Noland (Infancy), Gershom Aldis (Infancy), Alasdair Myke (Infancy), Wakefield Noland (Infancy), Pepito Vaclav (Infancy), Hiram Aldis (Infancy), Adella Myke (Infancy), Margareta Myke (Natural causes), Pepito Myke (Infancy), Cobby Noland (Infancy), Joshuah Myke (Infancy), Cinda Aldis (Natural causes), Eileen Myke (Natural causes), Llewellyn Myke (Suicide), Lonee Vaclav (Starvation), Randa Aldis (Infancy), Tomas Noland (Natural causes), Nevil Aldis (Infancy), Bridget Noland (Infancy), Dane Vaclav (Natural causes), Christoph Vaclav (Murder), Kincaid Aldis (Infancy), Jesselyn Noland (Natural causes), Reginauld Myke (Infancy), Samantha Myke (Natural causes), Kimberly Noland (Infancy), Jesselyn Aldis (Infancy), Giancarlo Noland (Infancy), Partha Noland (Murder), Gershom Aldis (Murder), Clarance Noland (Murder), Clarance Noland (Murder), Lyndon Vaclav (Murder), Nathanael Vaclav (Infancy), Bing Myke (Infancy), Ellen Vaclav (Murder), Shayne Noland (Natural causes), Leroy Myke (Natural causes), Alida Aldis (Natural causes), Sherry Aldis (Infancy), Bellamy Noland (Infancy), Ollie Noland (Infancy), Shaun Noland (Infancy), Sylvan Noland (Infancy), Connor Noland (Infancy), Terrel Gilles (Infancy), Bertie Gilles (Natural causes), Arvind Aldis (Natural causes), Isaac Gilles (Disease), Chiquita Noland (Disease), Vite Aldis (Disease), Ferdie Myke (Disease), Aveline Myke (Disease), Marlo Gilles (Infancy), Annalisa Noland (Infancy), Demetre Noland (Disease), Merilee Aldis (Disease), Bliss Aldis (Disease), Pierette Myke (Disease), Mel Myke (Murder), Pepito Myke (Murder), Hiram Aldis (Murder), Paul Myke (Murder), Rodolfo Gilles (Infancy), Cariotta Myke (Infancy), Bradford Noland (Infancy), Austen Aldis (Murder), Obadiah Myke (Murder), Osmond Noland (Murder), Rozina Myke (Natural causes), Otho Noland (Natural causes), Ikey Noland (Suicide), Hiram Aldis (Starvation), Bertrand Myke (Infancy), Jan Aldis (Infancy), Maribelle Myke (Infancy), Francesco Noland (Infancy), Barnebas Myke (Murder), Leroy Myke (Murder), Durante Noland (Murder), Siouxie Myke (Suicide), Olivia Noland (Infancy), Dacy Aldis (Infancy), Connie Myke (Murder), Chester Noland (Murder), Mac Noland (Murder), Taylor Noland (Murder), Leroy Myke (Murder), Wally Noland (Murder), Roberto Noland (Infancy), Casie Myke (Natural causes), Alfonzo Noland (Natural causes), Weider Vaclav (Infancy), Kirsteni Noland (Infancy), Loria Myke (Natural causes), Paige Noland (Infancy), Randa Myke (Infancy), Craig Gilles (Infancy), Mack Myke (Suicide), Hewitt Aldis (Infancy), Kara-Lynn Gilles (Infancy), Ingemar Gilles (Infancy), Connie Aldis (Natural causes), Garcon Noland (Natural causes), Nitin Vaclav (Infancy), Vonnie Noland (Infancy), Worth Myke (Natural causes), Viki Aldis (Murder), Durante Noland (Infancy), Martie Myke (Murder), Geoff Gilles (Natural causes), Sheridan Myke (Natural causes), Laurance Myke (Infancy), Thatcher Gilles (Starvation), James Aldis (Disease), Boniface Vaclav (Disease), Sheelagh Noland (Disease), Joyce Noland (Infancy), Genni Noland (Infancy), Danny Noland (Infancy), Lois Aldis (Natural causes), Osbourn Gilles (Infancy), Maureene Myke (Infancy), Yaakov Myke (Natural causes), Alida Aldis (Natural causes), Brice Noland (Suicide), Wolfy Myke (Suicide), Glenn Aldis (Infancy), Bud Aldis (Natural causes), Genni Noland (Natural causes), Worth Myke (Suicide), Charmine Gilles (Starvation), Gretna Noland (Infancy), Allan Noland (Suicide), Bennie Aldis (Infancy), Casi Myke (Infancy), Wally Noland (Infancy), Kimberly Myke (Natural causes), Roberto Noland (Natural causes), Connie Aldis (Suicide), Ford Myke (Disease), Judi Aldis (Suicide), Loria Noland (Natural causes), Audrey Gilles (Freak accident), Clara Aldis (Infancy), Daphene Gilles (Infancy), Casi Gilles (Natural causes), Torie Aldis (Natural causes), Thane Noland (Suicide), Eddie Noland (Infancy), Maureene Noland (Infancy), Sonny Noland (Natural causes), Blaine Vaclav (Suicide), Randa Gilles (Natural causes), Alida Noland (Natural causes), Lois Aldis (Infancy), Judi Noland (Infancy), Milli Myke (Suicide), Ford Myke (Infancy), Austen Aldis (Infancy), Lois Gilles (Natural causes), Sibbie Vaclav (Natural causes), Beau Noland (Suicide), Bing Vaclav (Infancy), Corenda Myke (Infancy), Maurise Noland (Infancy), Clarance Noland (Infancy), Glorianna Myke (Natural causes), Partha Noland (Murder), Felicio Myke (Infancy), Charin Vaclav (Infancy), Lois Vaclav (Infancy), Brice Noland (Infancy), Sioux Aldis (Infancy), Georgiana Myke (Infancy), Oswell Myke (Suicide), Beatrisa Noland (Disease), Claire Noland (Infancy), Bartholomew Aldis (Infancy), Pen Noland (Infancy), Alida Noland (Infancy), Ali Myke (Natural causes), Sharline Gilles (Suicide), Roosevelt Aldis (Suicide), Dian Gilles (Disease), Amalie Myke (Natural causes), Oona Aldis (Suicide), Bobbette Noland (Freak accident), Alida Myke (Infancy), Austen Aldis (Infancy), Calla Aldis (Infancy), Gabriel Vaclav (Natural causes), Eddie Noland (Disease), Arnoldo Gilles (Murder), Janeta Noland (Suicide), Afshin Noland (Freak accident), Wally Aldis (Infancy), Pedro Noland (Infancy), Edgardo Aldis (Infancy), Pepe Vaclav (Infancy), Otho Gilles (Infancy), Arabela Gilles (Natural causes), Lindsay Aldis (Suicide), Oswell Myke (Suicide), Ruddie Aldis (Infancy), Janifer Gilles (Suicide), Jan Noland (Freak accident), Tabbitha Vaclav (Infancy), Anatola Myke (Infancy), Thatcher Gilles (Infancy), Maureene Aldis (Natural causes), Caspar Myke (Murder), Edgardo Aldis II (Infancy), Myna Gilles (Infancy), Tracy Gilles (Infancy), Barri Gilles (Natural causes), Kanya Myke (Infancy), Lea Noland (Infancy), Darth Myke (Murder), Jammie Gilles (Infancy), Woodie Vaclav (Infancy), Bridget Noland (Natural causes), Joly Noland (Freak accident), Jeb Noland (Suicide), Elysia Aldis (Infancy), Miquela Gilles (Infancy), Flinn Vaclav (Infancy), Kimberly Myke (Natural causes), Marita Myke (Suicide), Lucilia Vaclav (Infancy), Blakelee Vaclav (Infancy), Gabriel Vaclav (Disease), Audrey Aldis (Natural causes), Kerrin Vaclav (Natural causes), Herve Vaclav (Suicide), Bertrand Myke (Suicide), Audrey Aldis (Infancy), Connie Vaclav (Infancy), Alicia Vaclav (Infancy), Bertrand Myke (Murder), Beau Aldis (Murder), Allan Noland (Suicide), Craig Aldis (Murder), Felicio Myke (Murder), Arie Vaclav (Murder), Pincus Aldis (Natural causes), Alix Gilles (Disease), Casi Vaclav (Suicide), Austen Aldis (Infancy), Truda Vaclav (Infancy), Clarance Aldis (Infancy), Kara-Lynn Gilles (Infancy), Shamit Noland (Natural causes), Alyss Noland (Infancy), Sonny Myke (Infancy), Lynn Vaclav (Infancy), Brynna Myke (Natural causes), Miquela Gilles (Suicide), Yard Aldis (Infancy), Gelya Myke (Infancy), Billy Gilles (Infancy), Kitti Myke (Natural causes), Jamey Gilles (Murder), Cob Noland (Starvation), Stillman Aldis (Suicide), Vibhu Noland (Infancy), Reginauld Myke (Infancy), Lockwood Noland (Infancy), Nunzio Aldis (Infancy), Clare Vaclav (Infancy), Woodie Aldis (Natural causes), Godiva Vaclav (Natural causes), Yaakov Vaclav (Infancy), Rosalind Aldis (Natural causes), Yaakov Vaclav (Murder), Natale Aldis (Infancy), Mohammad Gilles (Murder), Lois Noland (Natural causes), Edgardo Aldis (Suicide), Blaine Vaclav (Infancy), Nunzio Aldis (Murder), Mohammad Gilles (Infancy), Hendrick Aldis (Suicide), Cherise Myke (Freak accident), Margeaux Noland (Infancy), Faunie Aldis (Natural causes), Matthias Myke (Infancy), Elijah Myke (Infancy), Broderic Noland (Suicide), Donald Noland (Infancy), Monica Myke (Infancy), Barri Noland (Infancy), Lawton Aldis (Infancy), Ashby Aldis (Infancy), Kaia Myke (Infancy), Gavriel Aldis (Infancy), Cariotta Aldis (Infancy), Gabriel Vaclav (Natural causes), Anatollo Aldis (Suicide), Hiro Aldis (Infancy), Amos Vaclav (Infancy), Herve Vaclav (Infancy), Cori Noland (Infancy), Tyrone Myke (Infancy), Kittie Noland (Suicide), Caspar Myke (Infancy), Ashely Aldis (Natural causes), Curtice Vaclav (Infancy), Emile Myke (Disease), Joyce Aldis (Natural causes), Annabela Aldis (Infancy), Maureene Aldis (Infancy), Aleks Myke (Infancy), Connie Vaclav (Infancy), Worth Aldis (Infancy), Flossy Myke (Natural causes), Edgardo Aldis (Infancy), Dyana Vaclav (Infancy), Zena Myke (Natural causes), Gwendolen Aldis (Natural causes), Ammamaria Vaclav (Infancy), Franky Vaclav (Infancy), Thatcher Gilles (Disease), Cobb Noland (Infancy), Illa Noland (Infancy), Clarance Vaclav (Infancy), Ignaz Noland (Infancy), Merna Myke (Infancy), Adeline Myke (Infancy), Ricki Aldis (Infancy), Hiro Aldis (Suicide), Alis Noland (Infancy), Annabal Gilles (Infancy), Matthus Myke (Suicide), Ailina Gilles (Infancy), Edgardo Myke (Infancy), Gerrard Gilles (Natural causes), Elsa Vaclav (Suicide), Peg Aldis (Infancy), Rachel Noland (Suicide), Dunstan Aldis (Infancy), Effie Vaclav (Infancy), Adeline Vaclav (Infancy), Deane Aldis (Infancy), Iormina Gilles (Disease), Kimberly Noland (Disease), Caron Noland (Disease), Alix Aldis (Disease), Maureene Noland (Infancy), Loria Vaclav (Infancy), Germana Myke (Infancy), Audrey Vaclav (Infancy), Giorgi Aldis (Infancy), Joyce Aldis (Infancy), Saxon Aldis (Disease), Alis Gilles (Disease), Judi Myke (Starvation), Hilary Noland (Freak accident), Ashely Aldis (Infancy), Claire Noland (Infancy), Stuart Vaclav (Infancy), Helga Noland (Disease), Franky Noland (Murder), Ambros Vaclav (Suicide), Hilary Noland (Natural causes), Howie Gilles (Murder), Kirbee Myke (Suicide), Rustin Myke (Infancy), Angelique Myke (Natural causes), Kimberly Noland (Suicide), Edgardo Vaclav (Infancy), Garold Noland (Infancy), Bertrand Gilles (Murder), Bharat Aldis (Murder), Alfonso Vaclav (Infancy), Aldwin Vaclav (Murder), Normie Vaclav (Murder), Sergeant Noland (Murder), Durante Aldis (Natural causes), Maureene Aldis (Natural causes), Elizabeth Aldis (Disease), Bennie Myke (Murder), Kare Gilles (Infancy), Alis Vaclav (Infancy), Xever Aldis (Infancy), Woochang Myke (Murder), Bartholomew Aldis (Suicide), Roderigo Aldis (Murder), Rand Zollie (Infancy), Jose Myke (Infancy), Gerry Noland (Infancy), Baily Myke (Murder), Deane Noland (Murder), Adeline Noland (Starvation), Helga Aldis (Natural causes), Charmaine Zollie (Natural causes), Edgardo Vaclav (Murder), Juan Zollie (Murder), Nikos Aldis (Murder), Etienne Zollie (Murder), Gerry Noland (Suicide), Eric Gilles (Freak accident), Lauri Quinn (Infancy), Archon Vaclav (Murder), Mikael Zollie (Murder), Bjorne Vaclav (Murder), Darrin Zollie (Murder), Micky Noland (Murder), Lenny Zollie (Murder), Mitchael Myke (Infancy), Pen Zollie (Infancy), Douglass Aldis (Infancy), Lennie Vaclav (Suicide), Charmaine Zollie (Infancy), See Aldis (Infancy), Billy Gilles (Infancy), Eadie Quinn (Infancy), Bartholomeo Quinn (Suicide), Dunstan Aldis (Murder), Nunzio Noland (Infancy), Deva Zollie (Murder), Mitchael Myke (Murder), Elie Zollie (Suicide), Elizabeth Myke (Infancy), Edgardo Aldis (Natural causes), Loria Vaclav (Murder), Carmen Aldis (Suicide), Temp Gilles (Murder), Kalil Noland (Murder), Howie Gilles (Murder), Brynna Aldis (Infancy), Emil Noland (Infancy), Rhoda Noland (Infancy)


Murders: list all 102...
Esau Noland (in the year 185 by Hellene Noland), Hellene Noland (in the year 185 by Davin Noland), Capt. Douglas Noland (in the year 187 by Maggy Noland), Roxie Noland (in the year 187 by Gerome Zollie), Maggy Noland (in the year 188 by Davin Noland), Davin Noland (in the year 188 by Roberto Noland), Helga Noland (in the year 191 by Roberto Noland), Englebert Noland (in the year 191 by Roberto Noland), Roberto Noland (in the year 191 by Bary Noland), Bary Noland (in the year 191 by Whitaker Noland), Gerome Zollie (in the year 203 by Isa Prasun), Isa Prasun (in the year 203 by Adolfo Noland), August Noland (in the year 207 by Kip Noland), Kip Noland (in the year 208 by Kip Noland), Orion Noland (in the year 210 by Vinny Vaclav), Thorny Aldis (in the year 230 by Tybalt Jordan), Tybalt Jordan (in the year 230 by Davin Aldis), Jerald Gilles (in the year 236 by Genni Noland), Genni Noland (in the year 236 by Terrel Noland), Terrel Noland (in the year 236 by Alfonzo Noland), Alfonzo Noland (in the year 237 by Giuseppe Noland), Giuseppe Noland (in the year 237 by Giuseppe Noland), Jan Vaclav (in the year 253 by Sonni Noland), Ken Gilles (in the year 253 by Sonni Noland), Bridget Vaclav (in the year 259 by Ferdie Myke), Barri Gilles (in the year 262 by Terrel Noland), Durante Gilles (in the year 262 by Terrel Noland), Joane Noland (in the year 266 by Ramesh Gilles), Ramesh Gilles (in the year 266 by Terrel Noland), Terrel Noland (in the year 267 by Mel Aldis), Mel Aldis (in the year 267 by Tracy Noland), Enya Vaclav (in the year 271 by Dane Vaclav), Stearn Noland (in the year 280 by Randa Myke), Nadiya Noland (in the year 291 by Dane Vaclav), Tomas Noland (in the year 296 by Martie Myke), Christoph Vaclav (in the year 304 by Partha Noland), Partha Noland (in the year 306 by Gershom Aldis), Gershom Aldis (in the year 306 by Clarance Noland), Clarance Noland (in the year 306 by Brice Noland), Clarance Noland (in the year 306 by Brice Noland), Lyndon Vaclav (in the year 307 by Ellen Vaclav), Ellen Vaclav (in the year 307 by Gabriel Vaclav), Mel Myke (in the year 313 by Gabriel Vaclav), Pepito Myke (in the year 313 by Gabriel Vaclav), Hiram Aldis (in the year 313 by Paul Myke), Paul Myke (in the year 313 by Austen Aldis), Austen Aldis (in the year 313 by Obadiah Myke), Obadiah Myke (in the year 313 by Osmond Noland), Osmond Noland (in the year 313 by Barnebas Myke), Barnebas Myke (in the year 314 by Taylor Noland), Leroy Myke (in the year 315 by Durante Noland), Durante Noland (in the year 315 by Connie Myke), Connie Myke (in the year 315 by Chester Noland), Chester Noland (in the year 315 by Worth Myke), Mac Noland (in the year 315 by Worth Myke), Taylor Noland (in the year 315 by Leroy Myke), Leroy Myke (in the year 315 by Wally Noland), Wally Noland (in the year 315 by Allan Noland), Viki Aldis (in the year 322 by Martie Myke), Martie Myke (in the year 322 by Wolfy Myke), Partha Noland (in the year 338 by Roosevelt Aldis), Arnoldo Gilles (in the year 343 by Clarance Noland), Caspar Myke (in the year 348 by Darth Myke), Darth Myke (in the year 349 by Herve Vaclav), Bertrand Myke (in the year 355 by Beau Aldis), Beau Aldis (in the year 355 by Felicio Myke), Craig Aldis (in the year 355 by Cob Noland), Felicio Myke (in the year 355 by Arie Vaclav), Arie Vaclav (in the year 355 by Pascal Noland), Jamey Gilles (in the year 360 by Broderic Noland), Yaakov Vaclav (in the year 363 by Mohammad Gilles), Mohammad Gilles (in the year 363 by Nunzio Aldis), Nunzio Aldis (in the year 364 by Nunzio Aldis), Franky Noland (in the year 396 by Caspar Myke), Howie Gilles (in the year 397 by Geoff Aldis), Bertrand Gilles (in the year 399 by Bharat Aldis), Bharat Aldis (in the year 399 by Aldwin Vaclav), Aldwin Vaclav (in the year 399 by Normie Vaclav), Normie Vaclav (in the year 399 by Bjorne Vaclav), Sergeant Noland (in the year 399 by Bjorne Vaclav), Bennie Myke (in the year 400 by Woochang Myke), Woochang Myke (in the year 400 by Baily Myke), Roderigo Aldis (in the year 401 by Micky Noland), Baily Myke (in the year 401 by Deane Noland), Deane Noland (in the year 401 by Matthus Myke), Edgardo Vaclav (in the year 402 by Ashely Aldis), Juan Zollie (in the year 402 by Nikos Aldis), Nikos Aldis (in the year 402 by Etienne Zollie), Etienne Zollie (in the year 402 by Archon Vaclav), Archon Vaclav (in the year 402 by Mikael Zollie), Mikael Zollie (in the year 402 by Bjorne Vaclav), Bjorne Vaclav (in the year 402 by Darrin Zollie), Darrin Zollie (in the year 402 by Matthus Myke), Micky Noland (in the year 402 by Cass Noland), Lenny Zollie (in the year 403 by Lennie Vaclav), Dunstan Aldis (in the year 406 by Deva Zollie), Deva Zollie (in the year 406 by Mitchael Myke), Mitchael Myke (in the year 406 by Capt. Wojciech Gilles), Loria Vaclav (in the year 408 by Reube Gilles), Temp Gilles (in the year 408 by Kalil Noland), Kalil Noland (in the year 408 by Howie Gilles), Howie Gilles (in the year 408 by Emil Noland)


178.   A new island was discovered by the crew of Schoolery. They call it Centreville. On it, they have founded a port called Enville.
179.   Dorette Guillermo, who in 178 discovered the island of Centreville along with 13 others, took her own life in Enville, Centreville; she was 62 years old. Durante Guillermo, who in 178 discovered the island of Centreville along with 13 others, took his own life in Enville, Centreville; he was 23 years old.
181.   Corella Noland, who in 178 discovered the island of Centreville along with 13 others, died in Enville, Centreville, of natural causes; she was 67 years old.
185.   Hellene Noland, who in 178 discovered the island of Centreville along with 13 others, was murdered by Davin Noland in an act of revenge.
187.   Capt. Douglas Noland, who in 178 discovered the island of Centreville along with 13 others, was murdered in Enville, Centreville by Maggy Noland; he was 37 years old.
188.   Maggy Noland, who in 178 discovered the island of Centreville along with 13 others, was murdered by Davin Noland in an act of revenge. Davin Noland, who in 178 discovered the island of Centreville along with 13 others, was murdered by Roberto Noland in an act of revenge.
190.   Mureil Gilles, who in 178 discovered the island of Centreville along with 13 others, died in Enville, Centreville, of natural causes; she was 77 years old.
191.   Roberto Noland, who in 178 discovered the island of Centreville along with 13 others, was murdered by Bary Noland in an act of revenge.
198.   Elie Zollie, who in 178 discovered the island of Centreville along with 13 others, died in Enville, Centreville, of natural causes; she was 64 years old.
202.   Ultrafidian is now docked at Enville, on Centreville.
203.   Charmine Noland, who in 178 discovered the island of Centreville along with 13 others, took her own life in Enville, Centreville; she was 59 years old. Gerome Zollie, who in 178 discovered the island of Centreville along with 13 others, was murdered in Enville, Centreville by Isa Prasun; he was 65 years old.
204.   Bridget Noland, Mason Noland, Mureil Noland, and Bridget Noland, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Centreville called Ridgetop.
206.   Melvin Noland, Wylie Noland, Elie Noland, Nelle Noland, Jeralee Noland, Mel Noland, Estell Noland, Illa Noland, Nelle Noland, Jeralee Noland, Melvin Noland, Elie Noland, Illa Noland, and Estell Noland, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Centreville called Double Springs.
207.   Bridget Zollie, who in 178 discovered the island of Centreville along with 13 others, died in Enville, Centreville, of natural causes; she was 66 years old.
210.   Adolfo Noland, Blinnie Aldis, Desirae Noland, Cinda Noland, Elyn Noland, Elyn Noland, and Cinda Noland, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Centreville called Port Alexander. Genni Noland, Orion Noland, Rosa Vaclav, Chiquita Noland, Vinny Vaclav, Genni Noland, Genni Noland, Chiquita Noland, Genni Noland, and Rosa Vaclav, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Centreville called Mitchellville.
215.   Jan Aldis started a new settlement on Centreville called Fort Yukon.
219.   The Ultrafidian, under command of Capt. Erek Noland, has left the harbor at Enville, Centreville.
222.   Paige Noland, Tomas Noland, Mimi Noland, Paige Noland, Mortimer Noland, Cordelia Aldis, Avrom Noland, Perle Noland, Mimi Noland, Paige Noland, Perle Noland, Mortimer Noland, Avrom Noland, and Tomas Noland, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Centreville called Wenatchee. Alida Aldis, Davin Noland, Capt. Roddie Aldis, Alida Aldis, August Aldis, Judi Aldis, and Abdulkarim Aldis, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Centreville called Waltham.
228.   The Schoolery, under command of Capt. Baxter Gilles, has left the harbor at Enville, Centreville.
230.   Glennis Zollie, who in 178 discovered the island of Centreville along with 13 others, died in St. Joseph, Waterford, of natural causes; she was 77 years old.
232.   Eileen Vaclav, Bridget Vaclav, Brunhilde Aldis, Jesselyn Vaclav, Scarface Vaclav, Deana Vaclav, Demetre Vaclav, Demetre Vaclav, Eileen Vaclav, Jesselyn Vaclav, Scarface Vaclav, Deana Vaclav, Demetre Vaclav, and Bridget Vaclav, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Centreville called Clarkston.
233.   The Snakeneck, under command of Capt. Melvin Noland, has left the harbor at Double Springs, Centreville. Bridget Aldis, Corella Aldis, and Dorette Aldis, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Centreville called Homewood.
235.   Fortune Jordan, Rosalia Aldis, Davin Aldis, Rosalia Aldis, and Fortune Jordan, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Centreville called Green Pond.
239.   The Aphthongia, under command of Capt. Davin Myke, has left the harbor at Mitchellville, Centreville. Shayne Noland, Margareta Noland, Garnette Gilles, Tracy Noland, Chiquita Noland, Joane Noland, Rozina Noland, Terrel Noland, Chiquita Noland, Rozina Noland, Shayne Noland, Margareta Noland, Terrel Noland, and Joane Noland, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Centreville called Shirley.
245.   Joycelin Noland, Rickey Noland, and Sayer Noland, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Centreville called Prescott.
248.   Homewood has been annexed by Port Alexander. Green Pond has been annexed by Port Alexander.
253.   Genni Noland, Kippy Vaclav, and Pepito Myke, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Centreville called Mooresville. John-David Gilles, Barri Gilles, Shea Gilles, Conway Vaclav, Geoff Gilles, Bear Gilles, Lindy Gilles, Shea Gilles, Bear Gilles, Geoff Gilles, Lindy Gilles, and John-David Gilles, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Centreville called Bexley.
257.   The Phytogenic, under command of Capt. Abdulkarim Aldis, has left the harbor at Waltham, Centreville.
258.   Bexley has been annexed by Clarkston. Waltham has been annexed by Clarkston.
260.   Prescott has been annexed by Shirley.
265.   August Aldis, Conway Vaclav, Alida Aldis, Sherry Aldis, Pieter Aldis, Sherry Aldis, Alida Aldis, and Pieter Aldis, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Centreville called Van Horn.
266.   Sonni Noland, Roberto Noland, and Roberto Noland, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Centreville called Parma Heights.
267.   Dane Vaclav, Ferdie Myke, Shea Vaclav, Arvind Aldis, Mel Myke, Alida Vaclav, Enya Myke, Kippy Aldis, Alida Vaclav, Enya Myke, Mel Myke, and Kippy Aldis, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Centreville called Coldfoot.
272.   Eileen Myke, Sheridan Myke, Shandie Myke, Kimberly Myke, Llewellyn Myke, Geoff Gilles, Sheridan Myke, Llewellyn Myke, Shandie Myke, and Kimberly Myke, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Centreville called Black Diamond. Coldfoot has been annexed by Clarkston.
275.   Blaine Vaclav and Nelle Myke, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Centreville called White Bluff.
276.   Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Centreville, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Pepito Myke has decided to start building a ship in Enville, so that at least some of the displaced people of Centreville may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Centreville, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Mortimer Noland has decided to start building a ship in Wenatchee, so that at least some of the displaced people of Centreville may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Centreville, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Perle Noland has decided to start building a ship in Wenatchee, so that at least some of the displaced people of Centreville may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Centreville, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Bjorne Vaclav has decided to start building a ship in Enville, so that at least some of the displaced people of Centreville may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. The Advection, under command of Capt. Sancho Vaclav, has left the harbor at Clarkston, Centreville. Tomas Noland, Margareta Noland, Harmon Noland, Alida Noland, Osmond Noland, Tomas Noland, Tomas Noland, and Osmond Noland, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Centreville called Boston.
277.   Dane Vaclav, Otho Noland, Alida Vaclav, and Alida Vaclav, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Centreville called Hollow Rock.
283.   Genni Noland, Worth Myke, and Conway Vaclav, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Centreville called Greenbrier.
284.   There is talk of the town of Greenbrier, Centreville, expanding or else consolidating with its adjacent settlements.
285.   Port Alexander has been annexed by Black Diamond. Ridgetop has been annexed by Black Diamond.
289.   The Reimpatriation, under command of Capt. Vaughan Noland, has left the harbor at Enville, Centreville. Due to its lack of open plots on which new residents might build their homes, the town of Greenbrier, Centreville, has claimed an area of open adjacent land that it will expand onto.
290.   Mitchellville has been annexed by Greenbrier.
293.   Parma Heights has been annexed by Wenatchee.
301.   Thatcher Gilles, Allan Noland, August Gilles, Shandie Noland, Brice Noland, Lois Vaclav, Ali Noland, Alfonzo Noland, Isaac Gilles, Ali Noland, Allan Noland, Isaac Gilles, and Shandie Noland, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Centreville called Powell's Crossroads.
302.   The Subprefect, under command of Capt. Craig Myke, has left the harbor at Enville, Centreville. Genni Aldis, Arvind Aldis, Marita Aldis, Brynna Aldis, Hiram Aldis, James Aldis, Torie Aldis, Bliss Aldis, Pincus Aldis, Vite Aldis, Bliss Aldis, Brynna Aldis, James Aldis, Marita Aldis, Vite Aldis, and Hiram Aldis, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Centreville called Lake Forest. Powell's Crossroads has been annexed by Wenatchee.
303.   Lake Forest has been annexed by Hollow Rock. Double Springs has been annexed by Hollow Rock.
306.   Ostracoda is now docked at Van Horn, on Centreville.
309.   Tracey Myke, Durante Noland, Augusta Vaclav, Mel Myke, Bertrand Myke, Bridget Noland, Casie Myke, Lois Vaclav, Blaine Vaclav, Barnebas Myke, Bridget Noland, Casie Myke, Tracey Myke, Augusta Vaclav, and Lois Vaclav, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Centreville called Parsons.
311.   The Arthrodic, under command of Capt. Harmon Noland, has left the harbor at Boston, Centreville. Shirley has been annexed by Clarkston. Parsons has been annexed by Clarkston.
312.   The Ostracoda, under command of Capt. Brett Gilles, has left the harbor at Van Horn, Centreville.
314.   Mack Myke and Lois Myke, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Centreville called Hanover.
319.   Brice Noland, Loria Noland, Hendrick Aldis, Torie Noland, Bud Aldis, Bobbette Noland, Torie Noland, Hendrick Aldis, and Bobbette Noland, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Centreville called Cromwell.
322.   The Nonfabulous, under command of Capt. Meade Myke, has left the harbor at Boston, Centreville.
325.   Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Centreville, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Loria Noland has decided to start building a ship in Clarkston, so that at least some of the displaced people of Centreville may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Centreville, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Audrey Vaclav has decided to start building a ship in Boston, so that at least some of the displaced people of Centreville may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Centreville, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Gabriel Vaclav has decided to start building a ship in Boston, so that at least some of the displaced people of Centreville may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Centreville, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Gelya Noland has decided to start building a ship in Clarkston, so that at least some of the displaced people of Centreville may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. Idalia Vaclav started a new settlement on Centreville called Toksook Bay. Casi Noland, Llewellyn Gilles, Kanya Noland, Janifer Aldis, Bertrand Myke, Bernd Noland, Judi Myke, Judi Aldis, Partha Noland, Felicio Myke, Kitti Myke, Judi Aldis, Casi Noland, Kitti Myke, Caspar Myke, Judi Myke, Janifer Aldis, Judi Aldis, and Bernd Noland, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Centreville called Windham.
326.   Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Centreville, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Glorianna Myke has decided to start building a ship in Enville, so that at least some of the displaced people of Centreville may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Centreville, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Rosalind Myke has decided to start building a ship in Boston, so that at least some of the displaced people of Centreville may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Centreville, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Partha Noland has decided to start building a ship in Windham, so that at least some of the displaced people of Centreville may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Centreville, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Judi Aldis has decided to start building a ship in Windham, so that at least some of the displaced people of Centreville may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Centreville, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Judi Aldis has decided to start building a ship in Black Diamond, so that at least some of the displaced people of Centreville may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Centreville, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Allan Noland has decided to start building a ship in Black Diamond, so that at least some of the displaced people of Centreville may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Centreville, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Corenda Aldis has decided to start building a ship in Clarkston, so that at least some of the displaced people of Centreville may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Centreville, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Tracey Noland has decided to start building a ship in Clarkston, so that at least some of the displaced people of Centreville may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Centreville, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Ford Myke has decided to start building a ship in Hollow Rock, so that at least some of the displaced people of Centreville may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Centreville, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Idalia Vaclav has decided to start building a ship in Toksook Bay, so that at least some of the displaced people of Centreville may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands.
329.   Shamit Noland, Amalie Myke, Beau Noland, Loria Noland, Zena Myke, and Shamit Noland, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Centreville called Warren. Greenbrier has been annexed by Hollow Rock. Hanover has been annexed by Hollow Rock.
332.   The Laminarioid, under command of Capt. Gershom Aldis, has left the harbor at Clarkston, Centreville.
333.   Darell Gilles, Darth Myke, Marita Vaclav, Brynna Myke, Gwendolen Gilles, Nunzio Aldis, Gabriel Vaclav, Oswell Myke, Gabriel Vaclav, Evan Myke, Kerrin Gilles, Oswell Myke, Evan Myke, Marita Vaclav, Adeline Vaclav, Gabriel Vaclav, Rea Vaclav, Gwendolen Gilles, and Darell Gilles, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Centreville called Huntingdon. Wenatchee has been annexed by Huntingdon.
348.   The Anticontagion, under command of Capt. Thatcher Noland, has left the harbor at Boston, Centreville.
349.   The Tongueshot, under command of Capt. John-David Gilles, has left the harbor at Black Diamond, Centreville. The Oligophrenia, under command of Capt. Bernd Noland, has left the harbor at Windham, Centreville.
353.   Durante Aldis, Flossy Myke, and Matthus Myke, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Centreville called Myke Lake, which they named for Matthus Myke.
355.   The Blennostatic, under command of Capt. Burt Gilles, has left the harbor at Hollow Rock, Centreville.
357.   Warren has been annexed by Black Diamond. Boston has been annexed by Black Diamond.
360.   Stillman Aldis and Helga Aldis, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Centreville called Funny River.
362.   The Saccharate, under command of Capt. Abdulkarim Aldis, has left the harbor at Huntingdon, Centreville.
365.   Archon Vaclav, Bjorne Vaclav, Aldwin Vaclav, Illa Vaclav, Elsa Gilles, Archon Vaclav, Bjorne Vaclav, and Aldwin Vaclav, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Centreville called Chester Count.
367.   Saccharate is now docked at Enville, on Centreville.
368.   Anatollo Noland and Antonin Myke, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Centreville called Coffeeville.
369.   The Greengrocery, under command of Capt. Harmon Noland, has left the harbor at Black Diamond, Centreville. The Meningorachidian, under command of Capt. Reuven Myke, has left the harbor at Hollow Rock, Centreville.
372.   The Electroendosmotic, under command of Capt. Vibhu Noland, has left the harbor at Black Diamond, Centreville. Edgardo Aldis, Joey Aldis, Darell Aldis, Pascal Noland, Gwendolen Noland, Shay Aldis, Isaac Noland, Darell Aldis, Joey Aldis, Pascal Noland, Shay Aldis, Isaac Noland, and Gwendolen Noland, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Centreville called Piperton.
375.   Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Centreville, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Hiro Aldis has decided to start building a ship in Chester Count, so that at least some of the displaced people of Centreville may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Centreville, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Pascal Noland has decided to start building a ship in Piperton, so that at least some of the displaced people of Centreville may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. Tye Vaclav, Barbaraanne Vaclav, Brynna Aldis, Saxon Aldis, Normie Vaclav, Bharat Aldis, Ambros Vaclav, Anatollo Aldis, Rosemonde Aldis, Andy Vaclav, Judi Aldis, Kimberly Vaclav, Kirsteni Vaclav, Bharat Aldis, Judi Aldis, Barbaraanne Vaclav, Kimberly Vaclav, Brynna Aldis, Rosemonde Aldis, Andy Vaclav, Kirsteni Vaclav, Ambros Vaclav, and Tye Vaclav, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Centreville called Delphos.
377.   Joyce Aldis, Hiro Aldis, Illa Aldis, and Carmen Aldis, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Centreville called Chapman.
379.   Caspar Myke, Kimberly Vaclav, June Vaclav, Stormie Vaclav, Jan Vaclav, Lois Myke, Barnebas Myke, Anatollo Noland, Caspar Myke, June Vaclav, Kimberly Vaclav, Barnebas Myke, Lois Myke, and Caspar Myke, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Centreville called Huntsville. White Bluff has been annexed by Huntsville.
380.   Mooresville has been annexed by Chapman.
381.   Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Centreville, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Darell Aldis has decided to start building a ship in Piperton, so that at least some of the displaced people of Centreville may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Centreville, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Maureene Noland has decided to start building a ship in Van Horn, so that at least some of the displaced people of Centreville may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Centreville, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Isaac Noland has decided to start building a ship in Piperton, so that at least some of the displaced people of Centreville may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands.
382.   Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Centreville, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Illa Aldis has decided to start building a ship in Chapman, so that at least some of the displaced people of Centreville may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Centreville, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Antonin Myke has decided to start building a ship in Coffeeville, so that at least some of the displaced people of Centreville may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands.
383.   Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Centreville, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Archon Vaclav has decided to start building a ship in Chester Count, so that at least some of the displaced people of Centreville may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands.
384.   Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Centreville, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Stormie Vaclav has decided to start building a ship in Huntsville, so that at least some of the displaced people of Centreville may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. The Uncandidness, under command of Capt. Hiro Aldis, has left the harbor at Clarkston, Centreville. The Benzamino, under command of Capt. Shay Aldis, has left the harbor at Piperton, Centreville.
385.   Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Centreville, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Elsa Vaclav has decided to start building a ship in Chester Count, so that at least some of the displaced people of Centreville may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Centreville, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Jan Vaclav has decided to start building a ship in Huntsville, so that at least some of the displaced people of Centreville may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Centreville, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Barnebas Myke has decided to start building a ship in Huntsville, so that at least some of the displaced people of Centreville may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. Delphos has been annexed by Myke Lake.
386.   The Pseudographia, under command of Capt. Antonin Myke, has left the harbor at Coffeeville, Centreville.
387.   Cosette Aldis, Hadley Aldis, Arvind Aldis, Bartholomew Aldis, Troy Aldis, Troy Aldis, Genni Aldis, Genni Aldis, Cosette Aldis, Hadley Aldis, Arvind Aldis, Troy Aldis, and Bartholomew Aldis, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Centreville called Larsen Bay.
392.   Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Centreville, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Illa Noland has decided to start building a ship in Hollow Rock, so that at least some of the displaced people of Centreville may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. The Sorbonical, under command of Capt. Rustin Myke, has left the harbor at Windham, Centreville. The Theocritean, under command of Capt. Caspar Myke, has left the harbor at Huntsville, Centreville.
395.   Cromwell has been annexed by Black Diamond. Huntsville has been annexed by Huntingdon.
399.   The Polyarchal, under command of Capt. Marlo Aldis, has left the harbor at Huntingdon, Centreville. Kimberly Aldis, Caspar Myke, Gianna Aldis, Rachel Aldis, Ashely Aldis, Mitchael Myke, Dunstan Aldis, Fredericka Aldis, Zulema Myke, Kimberly Aldis, Rachel Aldis, Gianna Aldis, Fredericka Aldis, and Caspar Myke, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Centreville called Halifax.
401.   Eczematoid is now docked at Chester Count, on Centreville.
404.   The Macrocornea, under command of Capt. Lars Noland, has left the harbor at Huntingdon, Centreville.