CMPS290A - Topics in Algorithms

Date Topic Notes References
04/11 Randomized complexity classes wikipedia-BPP, Chapter 1-4 of Motwani-Raghavan
04/13 The Chernoff bound, boosting success probability, the definition of property testing scribe notes Chapter 1-4 of Motwani-Raghavan, Chapter 1 of Goldreich's book
04/18 Monotonicity testing on the line scribe notes Section 2 in EKK99
04/20 Yao's minimax lemma scribe notes Raskhodnikova notes
04/25 Comparison-based lower bound for monotonicity testing on the line Section 2.1 in EKK99, Section 3.1 in CS14
04/27 Getting general lower bound through Ramsey theory, monotonicity testing with reduced range scribe notes F02, Section 2 in CS14, PRV17
05/02 Monotonicity testing over the hypercube with boolean range: the edge tester argument GGLRS00
05/04 Monotonicity testing over the hypergrid with boolean range: the sorting argument scribe notes GGLRS00, DGL+00
05/09 General ranges: the range reduction argument. Lower bounds for non-adaptive, one-sided monotonicity testing DGL+00 FLN+02
05/11 Monotonicity testing and routing: counterexamples to edge-disjoint paths approach BCGM10
05/16 Edge testers for functions over arbitrary ranges: the alternating paths argument CS13
05/18 Isoperimetric theorems on the hypercube and the monotonicity testing connection
05/23 Student presentation: Kuan-Sung Huang on Talagrand's concentration Talagrand notes
05/25 Student presentation: Andrew Stolman on the triangle removal lemma Gowers notes
05/30 Student presentation: Hadley Black on bipartiteness testing on sparse graphs Goldreich-Ron99
06/01 Student presentation: Will Bolden on triangle conductance TPM17