Wilderness of Stantonville

Wilderness of Stantonville is the open, untamed, unincorportated area of the island of Stantonville, Diol.


Location: Stantonville


Population: 6
Highest-ever population: 27, (in 345)


Current inhabitants: Geoffrey Vaclav, Kendall Noland, Sibley Noland, Staford Vaclav, Nancey Vaclav, Tedmund Noland
Former inhabitants: Walt Vaclav, Tynan Vaclav, Sawyer Aldis, Tildy Noland, Ashley Gilles, Jermain Vaclav, Rayner Aldis, Jodie Aldis, Suellen Vaclav, Kylie Vaclav, Walt Vaclav, Grethel Vaclav, Lincoln Vaclav, La Aldis, Jephthah Gilles, Stillmann Vaclav, Dru Noland, Eddy Vaclav, Starla Noland, Thomasina Aldis, Glyn Noland, Jehu Noland, Arabelle Noland, August Noland, Barbara Noland, Sawyer Aldis, Quinlan Gilles, Godfrey Shumeet, Cathie Noland, Cherin Vaclav, Blinnie Vaclav, Edsel Vaclav, Marline Vaclav, Barbara Vaclav, Matt Vaclav, Doralynn Vaclav, Barbara Noland, Britney Noland, Iain Noland, Concordia Noland, Sidney Noland, Allys Gilles, Storm Noland, Stafford Noland, Adrianna Noland, Nelson Vaclav, Ashley Gilles, Tildy Noland, Fanni Vaclav, Tildy Shumeet, Marline Vaclav, Anna-Maria Vaclav, Rayner Aldis, Jodie Aldis, Marcos Vaclav, Godfrey Shumeet, Tish Shumeet, Glyn Noland, Silvia Vaclav, Ephrem Gilles, Wilmar Noland, Rubina Noland, Robinet Noland, Yale Noland, Carolyne Noland, Wilmar Noland, Jephthah Gilles, Greer Vaclav, Berta Noland, Suellen Vaclav, Kirbie Vaclav, Carly Vaclav, Raimund Vaclav, Walt Vaclav, Tarah Vaclav, Godfrey Shumeet, Jephthah Gilles, Debi Gilles, Enrica Gilles, Greer Vaclav, Salomon Vaclav, Sidney Noland, Marcos Vaclav, Anna-Maria Vaclav, Nancee Vaclav, Quinlan Gilles, Edsel Noland, Allys Gilles, Ephrem Gilles, Lelia Vaclav, Walt Vaclav, Harold Vaclav, Esau Vaclav, Kirbie Vaclav, Renault Vaclav, Codie Noland, Fanni Vaclav, Scot Noland, Windham Vaclav, Torrin Vaclav, Marcos Vaclav, Wilmar Noland, Flor Noland, Percy Noland, Udell Noland, Cathleen Vaclav, Demetre Noland, Rubi Noland, Rubi Noland, John-Patrick Noland, Keith Noland, Quentin Vaclav, Ephrem Aldis, Cass Vaclav, Ephrem Gilles, Yale Noland, Capt. Kevin Vaclav, Clemence Noland, Wilmar Noland, Michail Vaclav, Tammi Vaclav, Reid Noland, Dode Noland, Charissa Noland, Alejandro Vaclav, Helaine Vaclav, Tan Vaclav, Ellette Vaclav, Ashlie Vaclav, Waverly Noland, Starla Aldis, Virgie Vaclav, Jonathon Noland, Jodie Vaclav, Corbin Vaclav, Jorrie Vaclav, Thebault Vaclav, Ephrem Aldis, Hermann Aldis, Jodie Vaclav, Oneida Vaclav, Marquita Noland, Flor Noland, Silvia Vaclav, Quentin Vaclav, Joann Noland, Moses Aldis, Ephrem Gilles, Roanna Vaclav, Humphrey Gilles, Charissa Noland, Tammie Gilles, Barbara Vaclav, Percy Noland, Thacher Vaclav, Carita Vaclav, Nelli Noland, Kevin Vaclav, Barthel Vaclav, Saxe Aldis, Waverly Noland, Greer Aldis, Joan Noland, Neale Vaclav, Carolin Noland, Rocky Vaclav, Tiffani Vaclav, Jared Vaclav, Martin Noland, Quentin Vaclav, Quincey Noland, Tan Vaclav, Prescott Vaclav, Marcos Vaclav, Jonathon Noland, Dyanne Vaclav, Barbara Vaclav, Alphonse Vaclav, Martin Noland, Erina Vaclav, Trina Vaclav, Mac Vaclav, Celesta Vaclav, Haley Vaclav, Valli Noland, Joann Noland, Helaine Vaclav, Capt. Lukas Vaclav, Torrin Vaclav, Jordan Vaclav, Percy Noland, Quincey Noland, Davidde Noland, Ashlie Vaclav, Aggie Noland, Sheila-Kathryn Noland, Jared Vaclav, Saxe Aldis, Tiffani Vaclav, Ephrem Aldis, Jodie Vaclav, Kelwin Vaclav, Sibley Noland, Reynolds Vaclav, Oneida Vaclav, Nicolle Vaclav, Nancee Vaclav, Starla Noland, Nelli Noland, Helaine Vaclav, Barthel Vaclav, Kevin Vaclav, Charissa Vaclav, Charissa Noland, Jo-Anne Noland, Keith Noland, Marquita Noland, Jabez Noland, Jordan Vaclav, Starla Zollie, Cathleen Quinn, Quincey Noland, Ron Vaclav, Somerset Noland, Capt. Kevin Vaclav, Dinny Vaclav, Jared Vaclav, Helena Vaclav, Tedmund Vaclav, Thornton Vaclav, Tamma Aldis, Hermine Vaclav, Silvia Noland, Johannes Noland, Jared Vaclav, Mureil Noland, Helmuth Vaclav, Prescott Vaclav, Udell Noland, Suellen Vaclav, Doralynn Aldis, Jephthah Vaclav, Kevin Vaclav, Oneida Vaclav, Reynolds Vaclav, Carita Vaclav, Simon Vaclav, Elton Vaclav, Nelli Vaclav, Jodie Vaclav, Fredi Noland, Starla Aldis, Greer Aldis, Amelie Vaclav, Torr Vaclav, Jonathon Vaclav, Alejandro Vaclav, Bartolomei Vaclav, Valli Noland, Rubi Noland, Quincey Noland, Trent Noland, Jabez Noland, Blinnie Vaclav, Casi Noland, Sela Noland, Kippie Noland, Valery Noland, Dick Noland, Fredi Noland, Barbara Noland, Keith Noland, Maximilian Noland, Saxe Aldis, Barbara Vaclav, Carmen Noland, Yale Vaclav, Simon Vaclav, Helaine Vaclav, Tammi Vaclav, Jobyna Vaclav, Micki Vaclav, Hermann Aldis, Capt. Lukas Vaclav, Ciel Vaclav, Suellen Vaclav, Doralynn Aldis, Starla Noland, Federico Vaclav, Charissa Vaclav, Brooks Vaclav, Martie Noland, Sheila-Kathryn Noland, Woodie Vaclav, Jack Vaclav, Montague Noland, Bartolomei Vaclav, Flor Vaclav, Amalie Vaclav, Claire Noland, Merlin Vaclav, Tammie Gilles, Capt. Randolf Zollie, Perri Vaclav, Sibley Noland, Sibley Vaclav, Jonathon Noland, Sasha Noland, Kaleb Vaclav, Helaine Vaclav, Keith Vaclav, La Gilles, Andre Vaclav, Rayner Vaclav, Layton Vaclav, Keith Vaclav, Emanuel Noland, Ellette Vaclav, Hazel Vaclav, Emanuel Noland, Doreen Noland, Rockwell Noland, Rubi Noland, Barbara Vaclav, Blinnie Vaclav, Stillmann Noland, Sidonia Noland, Bartolomei Vaclav, Tiffani Vaclav, Arie Vaclav, Helaine Vaclav, Hendrik Noland, Concettina Noland, Charline Noland, Jordan Aldis, Clemence Noland, Giovanna Vaclav, Kendall Noland, Perri Vaclav, Woodie Vaclav, Cathryn Vaclav, Franklin Vaclav, Wilber Vaclav, Trent Noland, Zola Noland, La Noland, Garfinkel Noland, Carmel Noland, Carmel Noland, Mabel Noland, Shilpa Vaclav, Kaleb Vaclav, Faye Vaclav, Martie Noland, Hebert Vaclav, Tammie Gilles, Jordan Vaclav, Ulberto Noland, Joel Noland, Flor Noland, Jonathon Noland, Barbara Vaclav, Bartolomei Vaclav, Maximilian Noland, Wilmar Vaclav, Jabez Noland, Mireielle Vaclav, Valli Vaclav, Emanuel Noland, Emanuel Noland, Ellette Vaclav, Arie Vaclav, Nancey Vaclav, Gonzalo Noland, Keith Vaclav, Harold Noland, Kendall Noland, Merrel Noland, Felicity Noland, Jobyna Vaclav, Yale Vaclav, Capt. Randolf Zollie, Nancey Zollie, Valli Noland, Barbara Vaclav, Viviene Vaclav, Wilber Vaclav, Cathryn Vaclav, Faye Vaclav, Woodie Vaclav, Fannie Vaclav, Sherri Vaclav, Parwane Vaclav, Silvia Noland, Ashely Vaclav, Bartolomei Vaclav, Carita Vaclav, Hazel Vaclav, Pavia Vaclav, Vin Vaclav, Truman Noland, Amabelle Noland, Tildy Noland, Solomon Noland, Layton Vaclav, Tiffani Vaclav, Andrea Vaclav, Pia Vaclav, Daphene Vaclav, Tiffani Vaclav, Stearn Vaclav, Perri Vaclav, Bartolomei Vaclav, Sidonia Noland, Sidonia Noland, Weidar Vaclav, Carree Noland, Tresa Noland, Jordain Noland, Tore Noland, Tore Noland, Joel Noland, Roy Vaclav, Shantee Noland, Clarance Vaclav, Barbara Vaclav
People who died here: Izaak Noland (Infancy), Ellette Noland (Infancy), Blaire Noland (Infancy), Griff Noland (Disease), Storm Noland (Starvation), Ellette Noland (Natural causes), Marvin Vaclav (Natural causes), Danny Noland (Infancy), Marline Noland (Infancy), Ashley Gilles (Starvation), Tildy Noland (Natural causes), Randi Noland (Infancy), Arabelle Noland (Starvation), Charissa Vaclav (Starvation), Barbara Vaclav (Natural causes), Nelson Vaclav (Suicide), Isadore Vaclav (Starvation), Nevin Vaclav (Murder), Dalton Gilles (Suicide), Caril Vaclav (Suicide), Godfrey Shumeet (Natural causes), Tildy Shumeet (Natural causes), Harold Vaclav (Starvation), Cathleen Vaclav (Starvation), Wilmar Noland (Suicide), Skip Noland (Infancy), Raimund Vaclav (Infancy), Vonnie Noland (Infancy), Cybil Vaclav (Infancy), Margi Vaclav (Infancy), Ophelia Vaclav (Infancy), Modesty Noland (Infancy), Robinet Noland (Natural causes), Barclay Noland (Disease), Flossi Vaclav (Starvation), Carly Noland (Infancy), Ellette Vaclav (Starvation), Windham Vaclav (Starvation), Moses Aldis (Starvation), Amelina Vaclav (Starvation), Blinnie Vaclav (Starvation), Starla Vaclav (Infancy), Waverly Noland (Disease), Koo Vaclav (Starvation), Wynn Noland (Infancy), Nelli Noland (Suicide), Jobyna Vaclav (Infancy), Prescott Vaclav (Natural causes), Valli Noland (Natural causes), Helmuth Vaclav (Starvation), Bard Vaclav (Natural causes), Greer Vaclav (Starvation), Brooks Vaclav (Starvation), Reynolds Vaclav (Starvation), Shilpa Vaclav (Starvation), Tiffani Vaclav (Disease), Woodie Vaclav (Infancy), Doralynn Vaclav (Infancy), Sharna Noland (Infancy), Tammie Gilles (Natural causes)
Murders: Nevin Vaclav (in the year 312 by Codie Noland)


252.   Izaak Noland died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville from complications related to infancy; he was only a year old.
254.   Ellette Noland died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville from complications related to infancy; she was not even a year old.
256.   Blaire Noland died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville from complications related to infancy; she was not even a year old.
264.   Griff Noland died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville after showing symptoms of disease; he was 8 years old.
265.   Storm Noland died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville of starvation; she was 54 years old.
269.   Ellette Noland died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville of natural causes; she was 62 years old.
277.   Marvin Vaclav died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville of natural causes; he was 67 years old.
282.   Danny Noland died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville from complications related to infancy; he was not even a year old.
284.   Marline Noland died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville from complications related to infancy; she was not even a year old.
285.   Ashley Gilles died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville of starvation; he was 81 years old. Tildy Noland died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville of natural causes; she was 71 years old.
286.   Randi Noland died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville from complications related to infancy; she was not even a year old.
287.   Arabelle Noland died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville of starvation; she was 27 years old.
289.   Charissa Vaclav died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville of starvation; she was 43 years old.
297.   Barbara Vaclav died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville of natural causes; she was 57 years old.
305.   Nelson Vaclav took his own life in the wilderness of Stantonville; he was 52 years old.
309.   Isadore Vaclav died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville of starvation; she was 22 years old.
312.   Codie Noland murdered 21-year-old Nevin Vaclav in the wilderness of Wilderness of Stantonville. Nevin Vaclav was murdered in the wilderness of Wilderness of Stantonville by Codie Noland; he was 21 years old. Esau Vaclav attempted to murder Codie Noland as revenge for the latter's murder of Nevin Vaclav, but failed. The blood feud is not resolved, however.
313.   Dalton Gilles took his own life in the wilderness of Stantonville; he was 20 years old.
315.   Caril Vaclav took her own life in the wilderness of Stantonville; she was 32 years old.
319.   Godfrey Shumeet died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville of natural causes; he was 78 years old.
322.   Tildy Shumeet died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville of natural causes; she was 65 years old. Harold Vaclav died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville of starvation; he was 31 years old.
323.   Cathleen Vaclav died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville of starvation; she was 37 years old.
328.   Wilmar Noland took his own life in the wilderness of Stantonville; he was 20 years old. Skip Noland died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville from complications related to infancy; he was only a year old. Raimund Vaclav died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville from complications related to infancy; he was not even a year old.
329.   Vonnie Noland died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville from complications related to infancy; she was only a year old.
330.   Cybil Vaclav died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville from complications related to infancy; she was not even a year old.
332.   Margi Vaclav died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville from complications related to infancy; she was only a year old.
340.   Ophelia Vaclav died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville from complications related to infancy; she was only a year old. Modesty Noland died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville from complications related to infancy; she was not even a year old.
342.   Robinet Noland died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville of natural causes; she was 57 years old. Barclay Noland died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville after showing symptoms of disease; he was 3 years old.
343.   Flossi Vaclav died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville of starvation; she was 26 years old. Carly Noland died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville from complications related to infancy; she was not even a year old.
344.   Ellette Vaclav died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville of starvation; she was 19 years old.
346.   Windham Vaclav died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville of starvation; he was 71 years old.
347.   Moses Aldis died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville of starvation; he was 10 years old.
353.   Amelina Vaclav died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville of starvation; she was not even a year old.
354.   Blinnie Vaclav died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville of starvation; she was 50 years old. Starla Vaclav died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville from complications related to infancy; she was not even a year old.
356.   Waverly Noland died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville after showing symptoms of disease; he was 24 years old. Koo Vaclav died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville of starvation; she was 4 years old.
366.   Wynn Noland died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville from complications related to infancy; he was not even a year old.
367.   Nelli Noland took her own life in the wilderness of Stantonville; she was 34 years old.
380.   Jobyna Vaclav died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville from complications related to infancy; she was only a year old.
381.   Prescott Vaclav died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville of natural causes; he was 80 years old.
382.   Valli Noland died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville of natural causes; she was 63 years old.
383.   Helmuth Vaclav died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville of starvation; he was 29 years old.
384.   Bard Vaclav died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville of natural causes; he was 86 years old. Greer Vaclav died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville of starvation; she was 78 years old. Brooks Vaclav died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville of starvation; he was 67 years old.
390.   Reynolds Vaclav died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville of starvation; he was 40 years old.
397.   Shilpa Vaclav died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville of starvation; she was 32 years old. Tiffani Vaclav died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville after showing symptoms of disease; she was 31 years old. Woodie Vaclav died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville from complications related to infancy; he was not even a year old. Doralynn Vaclav died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville from complications related to infancy; she was not even a year old.
399.   Sharna Noland died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville from complications related to infancy; she was not even a year old.
402.   Tammie Gilles died alone in the wilderness of Stantonville of natural causes; he was 76 years old.