Vibhu Noland
352 – 393

Vibhu Noland was born in Rensselaer, Shrewsbury, Diol, and was killed by Hebert Aldis in Rensselaer, Shrewsbury as retribution for the murder of Putnam Aldis in 393.


Gender: Masculine
Born: 352, Rensselaer, Shrewsbury
Died: 393 (age 41), Rensselaer, Shrewsbury
Cause of death: Murder
Murdered by: Hebert Aldis
Murder reason: Revenge


Full name: Vibhu Kelwin Noland
Named for: N/A


Openness to experience: open (takes after Elonore Noland)
Conscientiousness: unconscientious (takes after Rudyard Noland)
Extroversion: introverted (takes after Elonore Noland)
Agreeableness: disagreeable (takes after Rudyard Noland)
Neuroticism: neurotic (takes after Rudyard Noland)

Immediate Family

Wife: Emmy Noland
Parents: Rudyard Noland and Elonore Noland
Children: Beth Noland, Hashim Noland, Vibhu Noland, Lesley Noland, Starlin Noland

Locations and Residences

Place of birth: Rensselaer, Shrewsbury
Place of death: Rensselaer, Shrewsbury
House: Noland House
Residence timeline: Rensselaer, Shrewsbury (352-392)


Interested in: Women
Married to: Emmy Noland
Considering divorce: No
Marriage timeline: Emmy (Aldis) Noland (370-393 (death))
Strongest love interest at time of death: Emmy Noland
Romantic partners: Emmy Noland


Native languages: Aniumustpyrx


Murder victims: Putnam Aldis (393)
Planned murder: Murder of Putnam Aldis for the killing of Christof Noland in 393


Oldest friend: Kenneth Aldis (met in 352 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 368)
Close friends: list...
Kenneth Aldis (met in 352 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 368)
Marwin Aldis
(met in 352 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 391)
Bernice Aldis
(met in 352 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 387)
Raoul Aldis
(met in 352 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 382)
Garp Noland
(met in 352 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 361)
Guinna Noland
(met in 352 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 393)
Raphaela Noland
(met in 352 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 372)
Nelle Noland
(met in 352 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 362)
Rudyard Noland
(met in 352 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 367)
Cherye Aldis
(met in 352 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 391)
Shayna Aldis
(met in 352 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 388)
Candace Noland
(met in 353 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 393)
Sonny Aldis
(met in 353 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 362)
Batholomew Noland
(met in 353 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 371)
Keith Aldis
(met in 353 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 387)
Ebony Aldis
(met in 353 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 375)
Joane Aldis
(met in 353 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 384)
Marshal Aldis
(met in 354 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 390)
Damara Noland
(met in 354 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 355)
May Aldis
(met in 355 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 393)
Raleigh Noland
(met in 355 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 393)
Ferdie Aldis
(met in 355 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 393)
Rhoda Aldis
(met in 356 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 393)
Theodosia Noland
(met in 357 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 363)
Cookie Aldis
(met in 357 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 363)
Ardys Aldis
(met in 357 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 377)
Jesselyn Aldis
(met in 357 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 393)
Eddy Aldis
(met in 357 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 382)
Dudley Noland
(met in 357 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 362)
Ingemar Noland
(met in 357 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 363)
Adelice Aldis
(met in 357 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 393)
Estrellita Aldis
(met in 358 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 393)
Prudy Aldis
(met in 359 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 380)
Chelton Aldis
(met in 362 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 392)
Ivie Noland
(met in 362 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 384)
Emmy Noland
(met in 362 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 393)
Hashim Aldis
(met in 362 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 374)
Aleta Aldis
(met in 362 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 373)
Eddy Aldis
(met in 362 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 387)
Peter Aldis
(met in 362 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 370)
Odella Aldis
(met in 362 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 367)
Saw Aldis
(met in 362 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 378)
Shelagh Aldis
(met in 363 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 364)
Hashim Aldis
(met in 363 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 386)
Ruddy Noland
(met in 364 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 393)
Bunny Aldis
(met in 368 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 375)
Isadore Aldis
(met in 368 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 371)
Yacov Aldis
(met in 369 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 393)
Eddy Aldis
(met in 370 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 391)
Sam Aldis
(met in 370 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 372)
Emeline Aldis
(met in 370 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 393)
Lesya Aldis
(met in 370 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 375)
Beth Noland
(met in 371 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 372)
Lelah Aldis
(met in 373 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 387)
Madalyn Aldis
(met in 373 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 376)
Jenifer Aldis
(met in 373 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 393)
Daryn Aldis
(met in 373 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 384)
Michel Aldis
(met in 373 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 386)
Michel Aldis
(met in 373 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 393)
Hailee Aldis
(met in 373 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 391)
Cookie Noland
(met in 374 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 391)
Bharat Aldis
(met in 374 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 393)
August Aldis
(met in 374 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 380)
Wain Aldis
(met in 374 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 383)
Missie Aldis
(met in 374 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 389)
Douglas Aldis
(met in 374 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 384)
Maurine Noland
(met in 375 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 392)
Kyle Noland
(met in 375 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 388)
Havivah Aldis
(met in 375 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 384)
Melisande Noland
(met in 375 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 393)
Lesya Aldis
(met in 376 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 391)
Vibhu Noland
(met in 379 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 393)
Anthea Aldis
(met in 379 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 393)
Isadore Aldis
(met in 380 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 387)
Emmott Aldis
(met in 380 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 393)
Catlaina Aldis
(met in 380 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 393)
Aleecia Vaclav
(met in 380 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 393)
Steward Aldis
(met in 380 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 380)
Eddy Aldis
(met in 380 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 391)
August Aldis
(met in 380 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 391)
Gershom Aldis
(met in 380 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 389)
Nessy Aldis
(met in 381 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 393)
Aylmer Aldis
(met in 381 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 391)
Henka Noland
(met in 381 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 393)
Ryan Aldis
(met in 381 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 393)
Chelton Aldis
(met in 381 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 393)
Ninnette Aldis
(met in 381 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 393)
Letti Aldis
(met in 381 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 393)
Annecorinne Noland
(met in 381 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 393)
Kittie Aldis
(met in 382 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 391)
Hannie Aldis
(met in 385 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 385)
Stormie Aldis
(met in 385 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 389)
Dewitt Aldis
(met in 386 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 391)
Joane Noland
(met in 388 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 393)
Hashim Aldis
(met in 388 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 391)
Marwin Aldis
(met in 389 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 391)
Forbes Aldis
(met in 389 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 393)
Georgie Aldis
(met in 392 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 393)
Dorie Aldis
(met in 392 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 393)
Georgie Aldis
(met in 392 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 393)
Acquaintances: list...
Elonore Noland
(met in 352 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 354)
Sawyer Aldis
(met in 352 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 357)
Rudyard Noland
(met in 352 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 353)
Blake Noland
(met in 353 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 356)
Capt. Siegfried Noland
(met in 355 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 367)
Dianne Aldis
(met in 356 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 356)
Cookie Noland
(met in 357 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 363)
Corene Aldis
(met in 359 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 363)
Terrance Noland
(met in 361 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 363)
Nelle Aldis
(met in 362 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 362)
Meredith Aldis
(met in 363 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 363)
Sibbie Aldis
(met in 365 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 392)
Estell Noland
(met in 365 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 365)
Marquita Aldis
(met in 367 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 387)
Hashim Noland
(met in 374 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 393)
Peirce Noland
(met in 376 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 384)
Tatum Aldis
(met in 377 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 377)
Geraldine Aldis
(met in 379 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 384)
August Aldis
(met in 379 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 380)
Wat Aldis
(met in 380 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 392)
Arie Aldis
(met in 380 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 380)
Blithe Aldis
(met in 381 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 381)
Lesley Noland
(met in 381 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 381)
Chelton Aldis
(met in 384 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 391)
Karlene Noland
(met in 385 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 392)
Blondy Aldis
(met in 386 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 392)
Leif Aldis
(met in 387 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 387)
Jaine Aldis
(met in 387 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 387)
Angelo Noland
(met in 387 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 392)
Elwina Aldis
(met in 389 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 392)
Kendal Aldis
(met in 390 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 390)
Kittie Aldis
(met in 390 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 392)
Starlin Noland
(met in 391 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 393)
Chelton Aldis
(met in 391 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 392)
August Aldis
(met in 391 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 392)
Geo Aldis
(met in 392 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 392)
Guillema Aldis
(met in 392 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 392)
Estell Noland
(met in 393 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 393)
Benedict Noland
(met in 393 in Rensselaer; last connected there in 393)

Extended Family

Wife: Emmy Noland
Great-grandparents: Morly Noland, Estell Aldis, August Aldis, Joby Aldis, August Aldis, Joby Aldis, Bart Aldis, Lesya Aldis
Grandparents: Garp Noland, Enrichetta Noland, Sawyer Aldis, Eddy Aldis
Parents: Rudyard Noland and Elonore Noland
Aunts: Odilia Aldis, Averil Aldis, Enrichetta Noland, Torrie Aldis, Daryn Aldis, Judi Aldis, Othella Noland, Joby Aldis, Cherye Aldis
Uncles: Marwin Aldis, Ingemar Noland, Marten Aldis, Carson Noland, Waldemar Noland
Full sisters: Bernice Aldis, Raphaela Noland, Joby Noland, Sal Noland, Ebony Aldis
Full brothers: Rudyard Noland
Half-sisters: Adelice Aldis, Estell Noland, Estell Noland, Joane Aldis
Half-brothers: Zechariah Noland, Alic Noland, Warden Noland, Raleigh Noland, Christof Noland
Daughters: Beth Noland, Lesley Noland, Starlin Noland
Sons: Hashim Noland, Vibhu Noland
Grandchildren: Nola Noland, Emmalynn Noland, Ninnette Noland, Regan Noland, Caresa Noland, Lauri Noland, Brady Noland, Vibhu Noland
All known ancestors: list all 298...
Heathcliff Zalman, Allyn Zollie, Peyter Tymothy, Aristotle Thurston, Fonzie Quinn, Patricio Bert, Kylen Zalman, Pietra Slim, Hellene Tymothy, Brandie Thurston, Rhodia Rockwell, Neville Vaclav, Dorie Isidore, Elberta Tymothy, Norman Ronen, Demetris Vaclav, Mel Jordan, Mauritz Isidore, Sheff Gilles, Nanny Jordan, Alford Rickard, Corine Monroe, Donal Slim, Kandy Ronen, Ellen Jordan, Justis Shumeet, Eva Sawyere, Dudley Guillermo, Suellen Gilles, Gwennie Rickard, Adrianne Guillermo, Nerte Slim, Rodge Zollie, Aleta Noland, Alyda Zollie, Ibrahim Prasun, Piet Noland, Freida Aldis, Katinka Gilles, Hellene Melvin, Woochang Rayner, Anny Bert, Tallie Aldis, Diego Sawyere, Larisa Thurston, Fitz Myke, Demetris Zollie, Mira Myke, Fonzie Quinn, Myrah Quinn, Peyton Ronen, Mackenzie Melvin, Llewellyn Vaclav, Ximenez Thurston, Ted Slim, Suellen Shumeet, Norman Ronen, Barnett Zollie, Sam Prasun, Gwennie Thurston, Corine Noland, Sheff Gilles, Susana Rayner, Justis Shumeet, Lambert Bert, Aeriell Myke, Piet Noland, Jamie Zollie, Charlton Jordan, Jack Guillermo, Jose Rayner, Elayne Quinn, Halimeda Zollie, Holley Vaclav, Fonzie Quinn, Neville Zollie, Gay Zollie, Harmon Vaclav, Cooper Zollie, Leland Aldis, Elberta Zollie, Benni Jordan, Murial Jordan, Darth Rickard, Rissa Noland, Norman Prasun, Aila Vaclav, Corella Myke, Morna Aldis, Tallie Aldis, Rhodia Shumeet, Angel Aldis, Ali Zollie, Nickie Zollie, Andros Prasun, Eddy Myke, Holley Prasun, Myrah Ronen, Yolanda Vaclav, Justis Shumeet, Norman Ronen, Farra Aldis, Sean Aldis, Chery Gilles, Kurt Gilles, Prince Zollie, Sheff Gilles, Bernardina Noland, Dru Aldis, Mohammad Aldis, Piet Noland, Trevar Jordan, Vina Zollie, Jack Guillermo, Wynn Quinn, Neville Vaclav, Shawna Jordan, Leone Zollie, Neville Zollie, Ransom Sawyere, Spencer Gilles, Tate Vaclav, Fonzie Quinn, Osgood Vaclav, Charissa Jordan, Monty Gilles, Rodge Zollie, Jedediah Zollie, Kissiah Zollie, Yalonda Zollie, Aldis Vaclav, Cooper Melvin, Larisa Aldis, Dyna Aldis, Shay Zollie, Leland Gilles, Vina Gilles, Rayner Jordan, Bertie Gilles, Shea Jordan, Sheff Gilles, Franky Gilles, Shannen Vaclav, Laurella Melvin, Thomas Aldis, Amalie Zollie, Mason Aldis, Corella Vaclav, Matthieu Zollie, Filip Gilles, Jamie Prasun, Corine Myke, Brice Noland, Tansy Noland, Aleta Jordan, Elnora Quinn, Osgood Vaclav, Llewellyn Vaclav, Tallie Gilles, Kalvin Gilles, Basil Vaclav, Charissa Zollie, Andros Prasun, Quintin Guillermo, Wayne Prasun, Cordey Noland, Susana Gilles, Darius Jordan, Beatrice Gilles, Gabriel Zollie, Tobin Zollie, Kari Prasun, Lainey Guillermo, Florian Guillermo, Valli Gilles, Franky Gilles, Mira Noland, Onida Jordan, Bancroft Vaclav, Lesya Noland, Suellen Gilles, Mel Noland, Lawton Noland, Dru Gilles, Dru Aldis, Ginni Rayner, Halimeda Aldis, Leonid Zollie, Jerrie Zollie, Chandler Vaclav, Cameron Aldis, Durward Gilles, Mabel Aldis, Humbert Noland, Lind Gilles, Wally Zollie, Anna-Maria Myke, Elie Prasun, Margi Guillermo, Justis Guillermo, Amandy Melvin, Tallie Gilles, Garnette Noland, Mark Jordan, Kalvin Gilles, Katharyn Gilles, Capt. Jordy Guillermo, Nerte Zollie, Cornellis Noland, Quintin Guillermo, Giselle Gilles, Brewer Prasun, Shaine Vaclav, Tate Gilles, Gwenette Guillermo, Mattheus Noland, Fonsie Aldis, Elnora Prasun, Gregg Gilles, Westbrooke Aldis, Gabriel Zollie II, Matthieu Zollie, Halimeda Prasun, Pammi Aldis, Hal Zollie, Sean Noland, Harald Noland, Benni Guillermo, Sayre Vaclav, Adolfo Zollie, Randi Gilles, Freida Zollie, Morris Gilles, Lainey Zollie, Douglas Guillermo, Suki Guillermo, Andros Prasun, Blinnie Melvin, Onida Noland, Jan Aldis, Claire Zollie, Murial Gilles, Englebert Gilles, Roddie Vaclav, Elnora Gilles, Vernor Noland, Corella Noland, Shea Noland, Suellen Vaclav, Gerome Zollie, Charissa Guillermo, Dorette Guillermo, Trace Aldis, Abdulkarim Prasun, Mel Noland, Durante Guillermo, Debby Zollie, Kalindi Jordan, Halimeda Noland, Jan Aldis, Elie Zollie, Gerome Zollie, Katharyn Aldis, Bridget Zollie, Brice Aldis, Capt. Douglas Noland, Glennis Zollie, Blinnie Aldis, Dru Aldis, Durante Guillermo, Capt. Roddie Aldis, Siouxie Myke, Nelle Noland, Mel Noland, Charissa Noland, Saw Aldis, Estell Aldis, Mel Noland, Blithe Noland, Gershom Noland, Alwin Aldis, Eddy Aldis, Roddie Aldis, Hashim Aldis, Charissa Aldis, August Aldis, Sonny Aldis, Estell Aldis, Morly Noland, Joby Aldis, Bart Aldis, Lesya Aldis, Enrichetta Noland, Sawyer Aldis, Garp Noland, Eddy Aldis, Rudyard Noland, Elonore Noland


Last known whereabouts: list...
Blithe Aldis:
Died in Rensselaer in 382 (observed firsthand)
Blithe Aldis:
Died in Rensselaer in 382 (observed firsthand)
Chelton Aldis:
Died in Rensselaer in 392 (observed firsthand)
Yacov Aldis:
Living in Noland Town in 390 (heard from Ninnette Aldis in Rensselaer in 391)
Dianne Aldis:
Living in Aldis Creek in 391 (heard from Estrellita Aldis in Rensselaer in 392)
Eddy Aldis:
Living in Rensselaer in 391 (observed firsthand)
Wain Aldis:
Died in Rensselaer in 383 (observed firsthand)
Marshal Aldis:
Living in Rensselaer in 390 (observed firsthand)
Eddy Aldis:
Living in Rensselaer in 392 (heard from Emmy Noland in Rensselaer in 392)
Aylmer Aldis:
Living in Noland Town in 392 (observed firsthand)
Dorie Aldis:
Living in Rensselaer in 392 (observed firsthand)
Corene Aldis:
Living in Rensselaer in 363 (observed firsthand)
Sonny Aldis:
Died in Rensselaer in 362 (observed firsthand)
Marwin Aldis:
Living in Rensselaer in 392 (heard from Emmy Noland in Rensselaer in 392)
Blondy Aldis:
Living in Rensselaer in 392 (observed firsthand)
Bharat Aldis:
Living in Rensselaer in 392 (observed firsthand)
Lelah Aldis:
Died in Rensselaer in 387 (observed firsthand)
Anthea Aldis:
Living in Rensselaer in 392 (observed firsthand)
Isadore Aldis:
Living in Noland Town in 392 (heard from Estrellita Aldis in Rensselaer in 392)
Ardys Aldis:
Died in Rensselaer in 377 (observed firsthand)
Georgie Aldis:
Living in Rensselaer in 392 (observed firsthand)
Guillema Aldis:
Died in Rensselaer in 393 (observed firsthand)
Rhoda Aldis:
Living in Rensselaer in 392 (observed firsthand)
August Aldis:
Living in Rensselaer in 380 (observed firsthand)
Sam Aldis:
Living in Aldis Creek in 381 (heard from Eddy Aldis in Rensselaer in 384)
Emmott Aldis:
Living in Rensselaer in 392 (observed firsthand)
Forbes Aldis:
Living in Rensselaer in 392 (observed firsthand)
Hashim Aldis:
Living in Noland Town in 382 (heard from Hashim Aldis in Rensselaer in 385)
Cookie Aldis:
Living in Rensselaer in 364 (heard from Aleta Aldis in Rensselaer in 364)
Jesselyn Aldis:
Living in Rensselaer in 392 (observed firsthand)
Eddy Aldis:
Living in Noland Town in 390 (heard from Ninnette Aldis in Rensselaer in 391)
Kittie Aldis:
Living in Rensselaer in 392 (observed firsthand)
Wat Aldis:
Living in Rensselaer in 392 (observed firsthand)
Aleta Aldis:
Died in Rensselaer in 373 (observed firsthand)
Sawyer Aldis:
Died in Mount Aldis in 364 (heard from Raoul Aldis in Rensselaer in 368)
Shelagh Aldis:
Living in Gantt in 377 (heard from Eddy Aldis in Rensselaer in 381)
Geraldine Aldis:
Living in Noland Town in 390 (heard from Ninnette Aldis in Rensselaer in 391)
Ryan Aldis:
Living in Rensselaer in 392 (observed firsthand)
Bernice Aldis:
Living in Noland Town in 390 (heard from Ninnette Aldis in Rensselaer in 391)
Ebony Aldis:
Living in Mountain in 386 (heard from Estrellita Aldis in Rensselaer in 392)
Stormie Aldis:
Living in Rensselaer in 390 (heard from Emmy Noland in Rensselaer in 390)
Eddy Aldis:
Died in Rensselaer in 387 (observed firsthand)
Jenifer Aldis:
Died in Rensselaer in 393 (observed firsthand)
Arie Aldis:
Living in Aldis Creek in 391 (heard from Estrellita Aldis in Rensselaer in 392)
August Aldis:
Living in Noland Town in 392 (observed firsthand)
Nelle Aldis:
Died in Mount Aldis in 375 (heard from Eddy Aldis in Rensselaer in 375)
Nessy Aldis:
Living in Rensselaer in 392 (observed firsthand)
Chelton Aldis:
Living in Rensselaer in 392 (observed firsthand)
Hannie Aldis:
Living in Noland Town in 390 (heard from Ninnette Aldis in Rensselaer in 391)
Peter Aldis:
Died in Rensselaer in 370 (observed firsthand)
Hashim Aldis:
Died in Rensselaer in 386 (observed firsthand)
Daryn Aldis:
Died in Rensselaer in 384 (observed firsthand)
Kittie Aldis:
Living in Rensselaer in 392 (heard from Emmy Noland in Rensselaer in 392)
May Aldis:
Living in Rensselaer in 392 (observed firsthand)
Chelton Aldis:
Died in Rensselaer in 392 (observed firsthand)
Lesya Aldis:
Living in Rensselaer in 392 (heard from Emmy Noland in Rensselaer in 392)
Kenneth Aldis:
Living in Noland Town in 390 (heard from Ninnette Aldis in Rensselaer in 391)
Lesya Aldis:
Living in Rensselaer in 375 (observed firsthand)
Ninnette Aldis:
Living in Rensselaer in 392 (observed firsthand)
Tatum Aldis:
Died in Rensselaer in 377 (observed firsthand)
Raoul Aldis:
Died in Rensselaer in 382 (observed firsthand)
Missie Aldis:
Living in Aldis Creek in 391 (heard from Estrellita Aldis in Rensselaer in 392)
Keith Aldis:
Living in Noland Town in 390 (heard from Ninnette Aldis in Rensselaer in 391)
Leif Aldis:
Living in Rensselaer in 388 (heard from Emmy Noland in Rensselaer in 388)
Michel Aldis:
Died in Aldis Creek in 388 (heard from Cherye Aldis in Rensselaer in 388)
Prudy Aldis:
Living in Mountain in 390 (heard from Estrellita Aldis in Rensselaer in 392)
Meredith Aldis:
Died in Rensselaer in 363 (observed firsthand)
Michel Aldis:
Living in Rensselaer in 388 (heard from Emmy Noland in Rensselaer in 388)
Hashim Aldis:
Living in Noland Town in 392 (observed firsthand)
Joane Aldis:
Living in Noland Town in 390 (heard from Ninnette Aldis in Rensselaer in 391)
Jaine Aldis:
Died in Rensselaer in 388 (observed firsthand)
Odella Aldis:
Living in the wilderness of Shrewsbury in 385 (heard from Estrellita Aldis in Rensselaer in 392)
Havivah Aldis:
Living in Noland Town in 390 (heard from Ninnette Aldis in Rensselaer in 391)
Elwina Aldis:
Living in Rensselaer in 392 (observed firsthand)
Catlaina Aldis:
Living in Rensselaer in 392 (observed firsthand)
Letti Aldis:
Living in Rensselaer in 388 (heard from Emmy Noland in Rensselaer in 388)
Steward Aldis:
Living in Aldis Creek in 391 (heard from Estrellita Aldis in Rensselaer in 392)
Marwin Aldis:
Living in Noland Town in 392 (observed firsthand)
Emeline Aldis:
Living in Rensselaer in 392 (observed firsthand)
Madalyn Aldis:
Living in Noland Town in 390 (heard from Ninnette Aldis in Rensselaer in 391)
Isadore Aldis:
Died in Noland Town in 376 (heard from Eddy Aldis in Rensselaer in 378)
Adelice Aldis:
Living in Mount Aldis in 388 (heard from Cherye Aldis in Rensselaer in 389)
Sibbie Aldis:
Living in Rensselaer in 392 (observed firsthand)
August Aldis:
Died in Rensselaer in 380 (observed firsthand)
Douglas Aldis:
Living in Noland Town in 390 (heard from Ninnette Aldis in Rensselaer in 391)
Dewitt Aldis:
Living in Aldis Creek in 392 (observed firsthand)
Chelton Aldis:
Living in Rensselaer in 392 (observed firsthand)
Saw Aldis:
Died in the wilderness of Shrewsbury in 390 (heard from Estrellita Aldis in Rensselaer in 392)
Kendal Aldis:
Died in Rensselaer in 391 (observed firsthand)
Georgie Aldis:
Living in Rensselaer in 392 (observed firsthand)
Estrellita Aldis:
Died in Rensselaer in 393 (observed firsthand)
Gershom Aldis:
Living in Aldis Creek in 391 (heard from Ninnette Aldis in Rensselaer in 391)
Ferdie Aldis:
Living in Rensselaer in 392 (observed firsthand)
Cherye Aldis:
Died in Rensselaer in 391 (observed firsthand)
Bunny Aldis:
Living in Rensselaer in 375 (observed firsthand)
Hailee Aldis:
Living in Rensselaer in 392 (heard from Emmy Noland in Rensselaer in 392)
Marquita Aldis:
Living in Rensselaer in 388 (heard from Emmy Noland in Rensselaer in 388)
August Aldis:
Living in Rensselaer in 392 (observed firsthand)
Shayna Aldis:
Died in Rensselaer in 388 (observed firsthand)
Geo Aldis:
Living in Rensselaer in 392 (observed firsthand)
Lesley Noland:
Died in Rensselaer in 381 (observed firsthand)
Candace Noland:
Living in Mount Aldis in 388 (heard from Estrellita Aldis in Rensselaer in 389)
Theodosia Noland:
Living in Rensselaer in 363 (observed firsthand)
Terrance Noland:
Living in Rensselaer in 363 (observed firsthand)
Peirce Noland:
Living in Noland Town in 390 (heard from Ninnette Aldis in Rensselaer in 391)
Cookie Noland:
Living in Rensselaer in 392 (heard from Emmy Noland in Rensselaer in 392)
Maurine Noland:
Died in Rensselaer in 392 (observed firsthand)
Ivie Noland:
Living in Noland Town in 390 (heard from Ninnette Aldis in Rensselaer in 391)
Vibhu Noland:
Living in Rensselaer in 392 (observed firsthand)
Vibhu Noland:
Died in Rensselaer in 393 (observed firsthand)
Batholomew Noland:
Died in Noland Town in 376 (heard from Eddy Aldis in Rensselaer in 378)
Henka Noland:
Living in Rensselaer in 392 (observed firsthand)
Angelo Noland:
Living in Rensselaer in 392 (observed firsthand)
Elonore Noland:
Died in Rensselaer in 354 (observed firsthand)
Estell Noland:
Died in Rensselaer in 365 (observed firsthand)
Kyle Noland:
Died in Rensselaer in 388 (observed firsthand)
Dudley Noland:
Died in Mount Aldis in 364 (heard from Eddy Aldis in Rensselaer in 368)
Cookie Noland:
Living in the wilderness of Shrewsbury in 365 (heard from Daryn Aldis in Rensselaer in 380)
Raleigh Noland:
Living in Mount Aldis in 388 (heard from Marwin Aldis in Rensselaer in 389)
Estell Noland:
Living in Rensselaer in 393 (observed firsthand)
Ingemar Noland:
Living in Rensselaer in 363 (observed firsthand)
Garp Noland:
Died in Mount Aldis in 385 (heard from Marwin Aldis in Rensselaer in 389)
Beth Noland:
Died in Rensselaer in 372 (observed firsthand)
Damara Noland:
Living in the wilderness of Shrewsbury in 364 (heard from Daryn Aldis in Rensselaer in 380)
Capt. Siegfried Noland:
Living in Aldis Creek in 376 (heard from Michel Aldis in Rensselaer in 384)
Guinna Noland:
Living in Mount Aldis in 388 (heard from Cherye Aldis in Rensselaer in 389)
Emmy Noland:
Living in Rensselaer in 392 (observed firsthand)
Blake Noland:
Living in Mount Aldis in 379 (heard from Marwin Aldis in Rensselaer in 389)
Raphaela Noland:
Living in Aldis Creek in 381 (heard from Cherye Aldis in Rensselaer in 384)
Hashim Noland:
Living in Rensselaer in 392 (observed firsthand)
Rudyard Noland:
Living in Mount Aldis in 382 (heard from Cherye Aldis in Rensselaer in 389)
Karlene Noland:
Living in Rensselaer in 392 (observed firsthand)
Starlin Noland:
Living in Rensselaer in 392 (observed firsthand)
Benedict Noland:
Living in Rensselaer in 393 (observed firsthand)
Rudyard Noland:
Died in Mount Aldis in 377 (heard from Eddy Aldis in Rensselaer in 381)
Melisande Noland:
Living in Rensselaer in 392 (observed firsthand)
Joane Noland:
Living in Rensselaer in 392 (observed firsthand)
Ruddy Noland:
Living in Rensselaer in 392 (observed firsthand)
Nelle Noland:
Died in Mount Aldis in 364 (heard from Eddy Aldis in Rensselaer in 368)
Annecorinne Noland:
Living in Rensselaer in 392 (observed firsthand)
Aleecia Vaclav:
Living in Rensselaer in 392 (observed firsthand)


352.   Vibhu Kelwin Noland was born to Elonore Noland and Rudyard Noland in the town of Rensselaer, on the island of Shrewsbury. 11 people came to meet Vibhu Noland for the first time this year: Bernice Noland, Vibhu Noland, Rudyard Noland, Ruddy Noland, Rudyard Noland, Elonore Noland, Raphaela Noland, Nelle Aldis, Sawyer Aldis, Marwin Aldis, and Cherye Aldis. Kenneth Aldis people came to meet Vibhu Noland for the first time. A language barrier precluded potential new friendships for Vibhu this year.
353.   Vibhu is getting better at speaking Aniumustpyrx. Vibhu Noland's younger sister, Ebony Noland, was born in Rensselaer. Vibhu Noland's parents Rudyard Noland and Elonore Noland divorced after 18 years of marriage; they had 7 children together. Rudyard Noland and Elonore Noland decided that Rudyard will stay in their house, and Elonore will move out. Vibhu Noland moved out of Aldis House in Rensselaer. Vibhu Noland moved into Noland House in Rensselaer. Vibhu Noland's father Rudyard Noland married Guinna Aldis in Rensselaer, Shrewsbury. Vibhu Noland made 4 new friends this year: Keith Aldis, Sonny Aldis, Shayna Aldis, and Bernice Noland.
354.   Vibhu is getting better at speaking Aniumustpyrx. In Noland House, their home, Vibhu is attending to Elonore Noland, who has fallen ill and is likely to die soon. Vibhu Noland's mother, Elonore Noland, died in Rensselaer, Shrewsbury, after showing symptoms of disease; she was 38 years old.
355.   Vibhu is getting better at speaking Aniumustpyrx. Vibhu Noland's younger half-brother, Raleigh Noland, was born in the town of Rensselaer, on the island of Shrewsbury.
356.   Vibhu has become fluent in Aniumustpyrx.
357.   Vibhu Noland turned 5. Vibhu Noland's younger half-sister, Adelice Noland, was born in the town of Rensselaer, on the island of Shrewsbury. Vibhu Noland met 4 new people this year: Cookie Noland, Theodosia Noland, Eddy Noland, and Jesselyn Noland.
358.   Vibhu Noland met one new person this year, Estrellita Aldis. Vibhu Noland made 4 new friends this year: May Aldis, Estrellita Aldis, Rudyard Noland, and Guinna Noland.
359.   Vibhu Noland made 6 new friends this year: Candace Aldis, Nelle Aldis, Eddy Noland, Garp Noland, Jesselyn Noland, and Raphaela Noland. A language barrier precluded other potential new friendships for Vibhu this year.
361.   Vibhu Noland made 4 new friends this year: Cherye Aldis, Prudy Aldis, Raleigh Noland, and Adelice Noland. A language barrier precluded other potential new friendships for Vibhu this year.
362.   Vibhu Noland is now 10 years old. Vibhu visited his friend Sonny Aldis, who has fallen ill and is likely to die soon; they first met 9 years ago in Rensselaer, Shrewsbury, where they meet now for the last time. Vibhu Noland met 4 new people this year: Chelton Aldis, Aleta Aldis, Ivie Noland, and Nelle Aldis. Vibhu Noland made 8 new friends this year: Emmy Aldis, Peter Aldis, Chelton Aldis, Marshal Aldis, Hashim Aldis, Ingemar Noland, Cookie Noland, and Ardys Noland.
363.   Vibhu Noland made 3 new friends this year: Odella Aldis, Shelagh Aldis, and Theodosia Noland.
364.   Vibhu Noland met one new person this year, Ruddy Noland. A language barrier precluded other potential new friendships for Vibhu this year.
365.   Vibhu Noland's younger half-sister, Estell Noland, was born in the town of Rensselaer, on the island of Shrewsbury. Vibhu Noland's half-sister, Estell Noland, died in Rensselaer, Shrewsbury, from complications related to infancy; she was not even a year old. Vibhu Noland met one new person this year, Sibbie Aldis.
367.   Vibhu Noland turned 15. Vibhu Noland met one new person this year, Marquita Aldis. Vibhu Noland made 3 new friends this year: Aleta Aldis, Kenneth Aldis, and Saw Aldis.
368.   Vibhu Noland met one new person this year, Isadore Aldis. Vibhu just found out from Eddy Aldis that his family member Dudley Noland died of disease in Mount Aldis, Shrewsbury 4 years ago. They hadn't seen each other since 6 years ago in in Rensselaer, Shrewsbury. (Eddy had recently found this out from Aleta Aldis.) Vibhu just found out from Eddy Aldis that his family member Nelle Noland died of disease in Mount Aldis, Shrewsbury 4 years ago. They hadn't seen each other since 6 years ago in in Rensselaer, Shrewsbury. (Eddy had recently found this out from Aleta Aldis.) Vibhu just found out from Raoul Aldis that his family member Sawyer Aldis died of disease in Mount Aldis, Shrewsbury 4 years ago. They hadn't seen each other since 11 years ago in in Rensselaer, Shrewsbury. (Raoul had recently found this out from Cherye Aldis.)
369.   Vibhu Noland met one new person this year, Isadore Aldis. A language barrier precluded other potential new friendships for Vibhu this year.
370.   Vibhu Noland is now 18 years old. Vibhu Noland married Emmy Aldis in Rensselaer, Shrewsbury. Emmy Aldis is now named Emmy Noland. Vibhu visited his friend Peter Aldis, who has fallen ill and is likely to die soon; they first met 8 years ago in Rensselaer, Shrewsbury, where they meet now for the last time. Vibhu Noland met 3 new people this year: Lesya Aldis, Emeline Aldis, and Eddy Aldis. A language barrier precluded other potential new friendships for Vibhu this year.
371.   Emmy Noland gave birth to a girl named Beth Elonore Noland, of whom Vibhu Noland is the father.
372.   Vibhu Noland is now 20 years old. Vibhu Noland's daughter, Beth Noland, died in Rensselaer, Shrewsbury, from complications related to infancy; she was only a year old.
373.   Vibhu visited his friend Aleta Aldis, who has fallen ill and is likely to die soon; they first met 11 years ago in Rensselaer, Shrewsbury, where they meet now for the last time. Vibhu Noland met 5 new people this year: Madalyn Aldis, Jenifer Aldis, Hailee Aldis, Lelah Aldis, and Michel Aldis. Vibhu Noland made 4 new friends this year: Hailee Aldis, Lesya Aldis, Daryn Aldis, and Michel Aldis.
374.   Emmy Noland gave birth to a boy named Hashim Marten Noland, after Hashim Aldis, of whom Vibhu Noland is the father. Vibhu Noland met 6 new people this year: Wain Aldis, Missie Aldis, Douglas Aldis, Bharat Aldis, Cookie Aldis, and August Aldis. Vibhu Noland made 6 new friends this year: Wain Aldis, Douglas Aldis, Missie Aldis, Michel Aldis, August Aldis, and Ruddy Noland. A language barrier precluded other potential new friendships for Vibhu this year.
375.   Vibhu Noland met two new people this year, Maurine Noland and Havivah Noland. Vibhu Noland made 4 new friends this year: Cookie Aldis, Kyle Noland, Melisande Noland, and Maurine Noland.
376.   Vibhu Noland met two new people this year, Peirce Noland and Lesya Noland. A language barrier precluded other potential new friendships for Vibhu this year.
377.   Vibhu Noland is now 25 years old.
379.   Emmy Noland gave birth to a boy named Vibhu Garrett Noland; he is named for his father Vibhu Kelwin Noland. Vibhu Noland met two new people this year, Geraldine Aldis and Anthea Aldis. A language barrier precluded potential new friendships for Vibhu this year. Vibhu Noland is worrying about his sister Ebony Noland, who 3 years ago set out for a new life in Aldis Creek, Shrewsbury.
380.   Vibhu Noland met 9 new people this year: Wat Aldis, Isadore Aldis, Catlaina Aldis, Emmott Aldis, Arie Aldis, Eddy Aldis, Steward Aldis, Aleecia Aldis, and Gershom Aldis. Vibhu Noland made 5 new friends this year: Emmott Aldis, Steward Aldis, August Aldis, Lelah Aldis, and Havivah Noland.
381.   Emmy Noland gave birth to a girl named Lesley Elonore Noland, of whom Vibhu Noland is the father. Vibhu Noland's daughter, Lesley Noland, died in Rensselaer, Shrewsbury, from complications related to infancy; she was not even a year old. Vibhu Noland met 7 new people this year: Ninnette Aldis, Nessy Aldis, Aylmer Aldis, Annecorinne Aldis, Ryan Aldis, Henka Aldis, and Chelton Aldis. Vibhu just found out from Eddy Aldis that his father Rudyard Noland died of natural causes in Mount Aldis, Shrewsbury 4 years ago. They hadn't seen each other since 14 years ago in in Rensselaer, Shrewsbury. (Eddy had recently found this out from Ninnette Aldis.) Vibhu Noland made 6 new friends this year: Eddy Aldis, Ninnette Aldis, Nessy Aldis, Emeline Aldis, Eddy Aldis, and Aylmer Aldis. A language barrier precluded other potential new friendships for Vibhu this year.
382.   Vibhu Noland is now 30 years old. Vibhu visited his friend Raoul Aldis, who has fallen ill and is likely to die soon; they first met 30 years ago in Rensselaer, Shrewsbury, where they meet now for the last time. Vibhu Noland met one new person this year, Kittie Aldis. A language barrier precluded other potential new friendships for Vibhu this year.
384.   Vibhu visited his aunt, Daryn Aldis, who has fallen ill and is likely to die soon. A language barrier precluded other potential new friendships for Vibhu this year.
385.   Vibhu Noland met two new people this year, Hannie Aldis and Karlene Vaclav. Vibhu Noland made 4 new friends this year: Chelton Aldis, Hannie Aldis, Isadore Aldis, and Stormie Noland.
386.   Vibhu visited his friend Hashim Aldis, who has fallen ill and is likely to die soon; they first met 23 years ago in Rensselaer, Shrewsbury, where they meet now for the last time. Vibhu Noland met one new person this year, Dewitt Aldis. Vibhu visited with his friend Marshal Aldis, who he hadn't seen since 24 years ago in Rensselaer, Shrewsbury. Vibhu Noland made 4 new friends this year: Ryan Aldis, Kittie Aldis, Anthea Aldis, and Gershom Aldis. A language barrier precluded other potential new friendships for Vibhu this year.
387.   Vibhu visited his friend Eddy Aldis, who has fallen ill and is likely to die soon; they first met 25 years ago in Rensselaer, Shrewsbury, where they meet now for the last time. Vibhu Noland met 3 new people this year: Jaine Aldis, Angelo Noland, and Leif Aldis. A language barrier precluded other potential new friendships for Vibhu this year.
388.   Vibhu visited his friend Shayna Aldis, who has fallen ill and is likely to die soon; they first met 36 years ago in Rensselaer, Shrewsbury, where they meet now for the last time. Vibhu Noland met one new person this year, Hashim Aldis. A language barrier precluded other potential new friendships for Vibhu this year. There is talk of the settlements of Rensselaer and Gantt consolidating.
389.   Vibhu Noland met 3 new people this year: Marwin Aldis, Forbes Aldis, and Elwina Aldis. Vibhu visited with his friend May Aldis, who he hadn't seen since 12 years ago in Rensselaer, Shrewsbury. Vibhu Noland made 3 new friends this year: Marwin Aldis, Forbes Aldis, and Annecorinne Aldis.
390.   Vibhu Noland met two new people this year, Kittie Aldis and Kendal Aldis.
391.   Emmy Noland gave birth to a girl named Starlin Lynde Noland, of whom Vibhu Noland is the father. Vibhu visited his aunt, Cherye Aldis, who has fallen ill and is likely to die soon. Vibhu Noland's sister, Raphaela Noland, murdered Kenny Aldis in an act of revenge. Vibhu Noland met two new people this year, August Aldis and Chelton Aldis. A language barrier precluded other potential new friendships for Vibhu this year.
392.   Vibhu Noland is now 40 years old. Vibhu Noland met 3 new people this year: Georgie Aldis, Georgie Aldis, and Guillema Aldis. Vibhu Noland made 3 new friends this year: Georgie Aldis, Dorie Aldis, and Georgie Aldis. A language barrier precluded other potential new friendships for Vibhu this year. The settlements of Rensselaer, Mount Aldis, Millport, and Gantt are consolidating; since it's the biggest town and the economic center of the area, Rensselaer will absorb the other settlements.
393.   Vibhu Noland's son Hashim Noland married Joane Noland in Rensselaer, Shrewsbury. Vibhu Noland's half-brother, Christof Noland, was murdered in Rensselaer, Shrewsbury by Putnam Aldis; he was 20 years old. Vibhu Noland murdered Putnam Aldis in an act of revenge. Vibhu Noland was murdered by Hebert Aldis in an act of revenge. Vibhu Noland was laid to rest in the Rensselaer cemetery by a procession of its residents, who placed a gravestone there. Vibhu Noland's son, Hashim Noland, murdered Hebert Aldis in an act of revenge.
394.   Vibhu Noland's grandchild, named Nola Noland, was born in the town of Rensselaer, Shrewsbury; the child's father is Vibhu's son, Hashim Noland.
395.   Vibhu Noland's half-brother, Raleigh Noland, murdered Forbes Aldis in an act of revenge.
397.   Vibhu Noland's half-brother, Raleigh Noland, murdered Michel Aldis in an act of revenge. This was his second victim.
398.   Vibhu Noland's son Vibhu Noland married Annecorinne Aldis in Peru, Shrewsbury. Annecorinne Aldis is now named Annecorinne Noland.
399.   Vibhu Noland's grandchild, named Emmalynn Noland, was born in the town of Peru, Shrewsbury; the child's father is Vibhu's son, Vibhu Noland.
400.   Vibhu Noland's grandchild, named Ninnette Noland, was born in the town of Peru, Shrewsbury; the child's father is Vibhu's son, Vibhu Noland.
401.   Vibhu Noland's grandchild, named Regan Noland, was born in the town of Peru, Shrewsbury; the child's father is Vibhu's son, Vibhu Noland.
402.   Vibhu Noland's grandchild, named Caresa Noland, was born in the town of Peru, Shrewsbury; the child's father is Vibhu's son, Vibhu Noland.
403.   Vibhu Noland's grandchild, named Lauri Noland, was born in the town of Peru, Shrewsbury; the child's father is Vibhu's son, Vibhu Noland.
404.   Vibhu Noland's grandchild, named Brady Noland, was born in the town of Peru, Shrewsbury; the child's father is Vibhu's son, Vibhu Noland.
405.   Vibhu Noland's grandchild, named Vibhu Noland, was born in the town of Rensselaer, Shrewsbury; the child's father is Vibhu's son, Vibhu Noland.