Est. 157

Mountain is a tiny settlement on the island of Shrewsbury, Diol, that was founded in the year 157.


Island: Shrewsbury
Coast: South
Area: 0.32 square miles


Languages: Aniumustpyrx


Founded: 157
Founders: Heinrich Aldis, Capt. Pavel Noland, Saunder Gilles, Gallagher Gilles, Obie Rayner
Annexed: None


Ships in port: None
Former ships: 3



Population: 2
Highest-ever population: 53 (in 291)


Residents: Nunzio Aldis, Ebony Aldis
Former residents who moved away: list all 225...
Daphne Gilles, Lind Vaclav, Capt. Ricki Gilles, Kirstie Gilles, Capt. Gerri Prasun, Daphne Gilles, Tallie Jordan, Gershom Zollie, Charissa Noland, Blithe Noland, Eddy Aldis, Alwin Aldis, Mel Noland, Wylie Noland, Gershom Zollie, Joseph Noland, Jesselyn Noland, Gershom Noland, Capt. Melvin Noland, Alwin Aldis, Roddie Aldis, Estell Aldis, Emmit Aldis, Charissa Aldis, Salman Aldis, Alwin Aldis, Hashim Aldis, Charissa Noland, Hashim Aldis, Raoul Aldis, Morly Noland, Charissa Noland, Alwin Aldis, Eddy Aldis, Odilia Aldis, August Aldis, Hashim Aldis, Raoul Aldis, Judi Aldis, Estell Aldis, Eddy Aldis, Joane Aldis, Alwin Aldis, Daryn Aldis, Les Aldis, Charissa Noland, Jesselyn Aldis, Lesya Aldis, Eddy Aldis, Tori Aldis, Sonny Aldis, Daryn Aldis, Chance Aldis, Kenneth Aldis, August Aldis, Jeffry Aldis, Raoul Aldis, August Aldis, Joby Aldis, Enrichetta Noland, Sawyer Aldis, Dewitt Aldis, Witty Aldis, August Aldis, Roddie Aldis, Sheldon Aldis, Mel Aldis, Illa Noland, Saw Noland, Isadore Noland, Blithe Aldis, Michel Aldis, Jaclin Aldis, Catlaina Aldis, Corinna Aldis, Saw Noland, Hashim Aldis, Charissa Noland, Jesselyn Aldis, August Aldis, Hadrian Aldis, Judi Aldis, Kostas Aldis, Jesselyn Aldis, Salman Aldis, Dion Aldis, Estell Aldis, Mel Aldis, Caril Aldis, Lorenzo Aldis, Hashim Aldis, Wenda Aldis, Saw Noland, Raoul Aldis, Kittie Noland, Mack Aldis, Eddy Noland, Mitch Aldis, Jobina Aldis, Steffen Aldis, Dewitt Aldis, Estell Aldis, Estell Aldis, Chelton Aldis, Roddie Aldis, Davon Aldis, Vivien Aldis, Yacov Aldis, Darrick Aldis, Reynard Aldis, Jeffry Aldis, Saw Noland, Cosette Aldis, Melisande Aldis, Melisande Noland, Roddie Aldis, Dewitt Aldis, Jesselyn Aldis, Saw Noland, Cosette Aldis, Winfred Aldis, Candy Aldis, Dion Aldis, Dion Aldis, Estell Aldis, Lyndel Aldis, Rayshell Aldis, Raoul Aldis, Milton Aldis, August Aldis, Catina Noland, Hamnet Aldis, Lyndel Aldis, Purcell Noland, Roddie Noland, Raoul Aldis, Bridget Aldis, Putnam Aldis, Rhodia Aldis, Derby Aldis, Barty Aldis, Estell Aldis, Kathryn Noland, Elvina Noland, Inna Aldis, Phylys Aldis, Wenda Aldis, August Aldis, Lyndel Aldis, Odilia Aldis, Roddie Noland, Bridget Aldis, Nunzio Aldis, Eddy Aldis, Hamnet Aldis, Davon Aldis, Bernd Aldis, Timi Aldis, Siouxie Aldis, Brigida Aldis, Capt. Humbert Aldis, Marius Aldis, Capt. Mel Aldis, Heddi Aldis, Timothy Aldis, Hashim Aldis, Eddy Aldis, Eddy Aldis, Clo Aldis, Cordula Aldis, Emmy Noland, August Aldis, Lyn Aldis, Janina Noland, Sonny Aldis, Roselyn Aldis, Kathryn Noland, Mel Aldis, Biddy Aldis, Saw Aldis, Aleta Aldis, Hashim Aldis, Odella Aldis, Gino Aldis, August Aldis, Cosetta Vaclav, Sheldon Aldis, Dion Aldis, Purcell Aldis, Terence Aldis, Joane Aldis, Stormie Aldis, Clerissa Noland, Blithe Aldis, Aylmer Aldis, Kathryn Noland, Jesselyn Aldis, Putnam Aldis, Nola Aldis, Renaud Aldis, Worthy Aldis, Inna Aldis, Peter Aldis, Donna Noland, Aylmer Aldis, Blithe Aldis, Stormie Aldis, Karlene Noland, Hadley Noland, Torr Vaclav, Jonathon Vaclav, Ethan Vaclav, Blithe Noland, Neale Vaclav, Catina Aldis, Lenna Aldis, Maxwell Aldis, Gipsy Aldis, Schroeder Aldis, Jonathon Vaclav, Donna Aldis, Mahalia Aldis, Thibaut Aldis, Adolfo Aldis, Prudy Aldis
Died here: list all 130...
Obie Rayner (Freak accident), Heinrich Aldis (Natural causes), Gallagher Gilles (Suicide), Saunder Gilles (Natural causes), Capt. Pavel Noland (Natural causes), Heywood Gilles (Suicide), Worthington Noland (Suicide), Levin Noland (Infancy), Barty Noland (Infancy), Mel Aldis (Infancy), Douglas Aldis (Infancy), Hillery Noland (Infancy), Charissa Noland (Suicide), Nelle Noland (Natural causes), Mel Noland (Disease), Corrine Aldis (Infancy), Gary Aldis (Infancy), Cornelius Aldis (Infancy), Mel Aldis (Infancy), Blaire Aldis (Infancy), Carson Aldis (Infancy), Sivert Aldis (Infancy), Matthaeus Aldis (Infancy), Nelle Aldis (Disease), Isabella Aldis (Infancy), Othella Aldis (Infancy), Mel Aldis (Infancy), Saw Aldis (Natural causes), Estell Aldis (Natural causes), Rickard Aldis (Infancy), Tom Aldis (Infancy), Spenser Aldis (Infancy), Geof Aldis (Infancy), Glennis Aldis (Infancy), Jesselyn Noland (Infancy), Jesselyn Aldis (Infancy), Estell Aldis (Infancy), Orren Aldis (Infancy), Renata Aldis (Infancy), Allan Aldis (Freak accident), Hollie Aldis (Infancy), Wynny Aldis (Infancy), Averil Aldis (Infancy), Felisha Aldis (Infancy), Nelle Aldis (Infancy), Illa Noland (Infancy), Sonny Aldis (Infancy), Clinton Noland (Infancy), Gill Aldis (Infancy), Henriette Noland (Infancy), Mel Aldis (Infancy), Norman Aldis (Infancy), Kippy Aldis (Infancy), Charissa Aldis (Infancy), Joao Aldis (Suicide), Sammy Aldis (Infancy), Helga Aldis (Infancy), Angelo Aldis (Infancy), Estell Aldis (Infancy), Bridget Aldis (Natural causes), Tori Aldis (Suicide), Evelyn Aldis (Infancy), Thacher Aldis (Natural causes), Mel Aldis (Natural causes), Jesselyn Aldis (Infancy), Estell Aldis (Infancy), Blithe Noland (Natural causes), Teodoro Aldis (Infancy), Caril Aldis (Freak accident), Cyndi Aldis (Suicide), Estell Aldis (Natural causes), Estell Aldis (Disease), Lesya Aldis (Disease), Eddy Aldis (Infancy), Judi Aldis (Infancy), Lorenzo Aldis (Infancy), Andrej Aldis (Infancy), Lesya Aldis (Infancy), Gershom Aldis (Natural causes), Joao Aldis (Infancy), Mart Aldis (Infancy), Roddie Aldis (Natural causes), Leo Aldis (Natural causes), Mel Aldis (Infancy), Audrie Aldis (Natural causes), Maure Aldis (Infancy), Sacha Aldis (Infancy), Garp Noland (Natural causes), Pablo Aldis (Natural causes), Josefa Aldis (Infancy), Marius Aldis (Murder), Tarrant Aldis (Infancy), Bela Aldis (Murder), Tarrant Aldis (Murder), Ed Aldis (Infancy), Enrichetta Noland (Natural causes), August Aldis (Infancy), Sumner Aldis (Natural causes), Ivy Aldis (Infancy), Kittie Aldis (Infancy), Nelle Aldis (Disease), Eddy Aldis (Disease), Hana Aldis (Disease), Estell Noland (Disease), Tab Noland (Murder), Ruddy Noland (Infancy), Roddie Aldis (Infancy), Roddie Aldis (Murder), Eddy Aldis (Natural causes), Aylmer Aldis (Murder), Beau Noland (Murder), Moina Aldis (Disease), Blythe Aldis (Murder), Joao Aldis (Murder), Pierce Aldis (Murder), Mel Aldis (Natural causes), Jaquenetta Aldis (Infancy), Aldric Aldis (Infancy), Chelton Aldis (Natural causes), Rupert Aldis (Suicide), Roselyn Aldis (Disease), Jesselyn Aldis (Disease), Capt. Sayres Aldis (Disease), August Aldis (Disease), Felisha Aldis (Infancy), Timmi Aldis (Infancy), Clotilda Vaclav (Infancy), Burke Aldis (Infancy), Joby Aldis (Natural causes), Lyn Aldis (Natural causes)
Murders: Marius Aldis (in the year 354 by Bela Aldis), Bela Aldis (in the year 355 by Tarrant Aldis), Tarrant Aldis (in the year 356 by Sumner Aldis), Tab Noland (in the year 362 by Roddie Aldis), Roddie Aldis (in the year 363 by Beau Noland), Aylmer Aldis (in the year 364 by Beau Noland), Beau Noland (in the year 364 by Joao Aldis), Blythe Aldis (in the year 365 by Chelton Aldis), Joao Aldis (in the year 365 by Pierce Aldis), Pierce Aldis (in the year 365 by Chelton Aldis)


157.   Mountain, Hueytown, was founded by Heinrich Aldis, Capt. Pavel Noland, Saunder Gilles, Gallagher Gilles, and Obie Rayner. 5 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 157: Heinrich Aldis, Saunder Gilles, Gallagher Gilles, Capt. Pavel Noland, and Obie Rayner.
163.   Obie Rayner, who in 157 founded Mountain along with 4 others, died in Mountain, Hueytown, after a freak accident; he was 38 years old.
164.   Heinrich Aldis, who in 157 founded Mountain along with 4 others, died in Mountain, Hueytown, of natural causes; he was 62 years old.
174.   Gallagher Gilles, who in 157 founded Mountain along with 4 others, took his own life in Mountain, Hueytown; he was 54 years old.
176.   Saunder Gilles, who in 157 founded Mountain along with 4 others, died in Mountain, Hueytown, of natural causes; he was 63 years old.
195.   Capt. Pavel Noland, who in 157 founded Mountain along with 4 others, died in Mountain, Hueytown, of natural causes; he was 88 years old.
204.   Listerine is now docked at Mountain, on Shrewsbury. 8 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 204: Capt. Ricki Gilles, Kirstie Gilles, Heywood Gilles, Daphne Gilles, Tallie Jordan, Worthington Noland, Gerri Prasun, and Lind Vaclav.
210.   1 resident(s) moved out of Mountain in 210: Lind Vaclav.
213.   1 resident(s) moved out of Mountain in 213: Capt. Ricki Gilles.
214.   Gerri Prasun is trying to gather up a group of people in Mountain for an expedition on the Listerine, which Gerri Prasun has agreed to lead. Kirstie Gilles, Capt. Gerri Prasun, and Daphne Gilles have boarded the Listerine from the port of Mountain, Shrewsbury. The Listerine, under command of Capt. Gerri Prasun, has left the harbor at Mountain, Shrewsbury. 3 resident(s) moved out of Mountain in 214: Kirstie Gilles, Daphne Gilles, and Capt. Gerri Prasun.
222.   1 resident(s) moved out of Mountain in 222: Tallie Jordan.
234.   Snakeneck is now docked at Mountain, on Shrewsbury. 16 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 234: Saw Aldis, Roddie Aldis, Estell Aldis, Alwin Aldis, Mel Noland, Capt. Melvin Noland, Nelle Noland, Wylie Noland, Charissa Noland, Blithe Noland, Eddy Noland, Gershom Noland, Mel Noland, Jesselyn Noland, Joseph Noland, and Gershom Zollie.
240.   1 resident(s) moved out of Mountain in 240: Mel Noland.
242.   3 resident(s) moved out of Mountain in 242: Wylie Noland, Joseph Noland, and Gershom Zollie.
244.   1 resident(s) moved out of Mountain in 244: Jesselyn Noland.
247.   1 resident(s) moved out of Mountain in 247: Gershom Noland.
256.   Hashim Aldis is trying to gather up a group of people in Mountain for an expedition on the Artificership, which Capt. Melvin Noland has agreed to lead. Capt. Melvin Noland has boarded the Artificership from the port of Mountain, Shrewsbury; he will be embark on this voyage alone. The Artificership, under command of Capt. Melvin Noland, has left the harbor at Mountain, Shrewsbury. 1 resident(s) moved out of Mountain in 256: Capt. Melvin Noland.
263.   1 resident(s) moved out of Mountain in 263: Alwin Aldis.
268.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 268: Alwin Aldis.
269.   4 resident(s) moved out of Mountain in 269: Roddie Aldis, Charissa Aldis, Estell Aldis, and Emmit Aldis.
270.   1 resident(s) moved out of Mountain in 270: Salman Aldis.
271.   3 resident(s) moved out of Mountain in 271: Hashim Aldis, Charissa Aldis, and Alwin Aldis.
274.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 274: Alwin Aldis.
276.   3 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 276: Hashim Aldis, Charissa Aldis, and Raoul Aldis.
277.   4 resident(s) moved out of Mountain in 277: Hashim Aldis, Charissa Aldis, Raoul Aldis, and Morly Noland.
280.   4 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 280: Hashim Aldis, Charissa Aldis, Judi Aldis, and Raoul Aldis.
281.   16 resident(s) moved out of Mountain in 281: Eddy Aldis, Estell Aldis, Les Aldis, Odilia Aldis, August Aldis, Eddy Aldis, Lesya Aldis, Joane Aldis, Alwin Aldis, Eddy Aldis, Alwin Aldis, Tori Aldis, Hashim Aldis, Charissa Aldis, Judi Aldis, and Raoul Aldis.
282.   5 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 282: Hashim Aldis, Charissa Aldis, Judi Aldis, Jesselyn Aldis, and Raoul Aldis.
286.   3 resident(s) moved out of Mountain in 286: Sonny Aldis, Daryn Aldis, and Kenneth Aldis.
288.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 288: Roddie Aldis.
289.   2 resident(s) moved out of Mountain in 289: Jeffry Aldis, and August Aldis.
291.   6 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 291: Salman Aldis, Estell Aldis, Mel Aldis, Hashim Aldis, Dion Aldis, and Lorenzo Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Raoul Aldis.
292.   6 resident(s) moved out of Mountain in 292: August Aldis, Joby Aldis, Dewitt Aldis, Enrichetta Aldis, Witty Aldis, and Sawyer Aldis.
293.   11 resident(s) moved out of Mountain in 293: Illa Aldis, Mel Aldis, Sheldon Aldis, Roddie Aldis, Jaclin Noland, Saw Noland, Catlaina Noland, Isadore Noland, Corinna Noland, Blithe Noland, and Saw Noland.
294.   8 resident(s) moved out of Mountain in 294: Hashim Aldis, Charissa Aldis, Judi Aldis, Jesselyn Aldis, Jesselyn Aldis, August Aldis, Kostas Aldis, and Hadrian Aldis.
296.   8 resident(s) moved out of Mountain in 296: Salman Aldis, Estell Aldis, Mel Aldis, Hashim Aldis, Dion Aldis, Lorenzo Aldis, Wenda Aldis, and Caril Aldis.
299.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 299: Dewitt Aldis, and Tori Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Saw Noland.
300.   4 resident(s) moved out of Mountain in 300: Kittie Aldis, Raoul Aldis, Eddy Aldis, and Mack Aldis.
301.   1 resident(s) moved out of Mountain in 301: Mitch Aldis.
303.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 303: Jesselyn Aldis, and Saw Noland.
307.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 307: Dion Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Estell Aldis, Jobina Aldis, Steffen Aldis, Dewitt Aldis, Chelton Aldis, and Estell Aldis.
308.   4 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 308: Roddie Aldis, Eddy Aldis, Cyndi Aldis, and Brigida Aldis.
309.   4 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 309: Dewitt Aldis, Chelton Aldis, Estell Aldis, and Estell Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Melisande Aldis, Yacov Aldis, Melisande Aldis, Vivien Aldis, Darrick Aldis, Reynard Aldis, Roddie Aldis, Jeffry Aldis, Roddie Aldis, Davon Aldis, Cosette Noland, and Saw Noland.
313.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 313: Putnam Aldis.
314.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 314: Estell Aldis.
315.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 315: Saw Noland, and Cosette Noland.
316.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 316: Caril Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Jesselyn Aldis, Dewitt Aldis, Saw Noland, and Cosette Noland.
317.   1 resident(s) moved out of Mountain in 317: Winfred Aldis.
319.   1 resident(s) moved out of Mountain in 319: Candy Aldis.
321.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 321: Wenda Aldis.
323.   5 resident(s) moved out of Mountain in 323: Estell Aldis, Lyndel Aldis, Dion Aldis, Dion Aldis, and Rayshell Aldis.
325.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 325: Raoul Aldis, and Milton Aldis.
327.   2 resident(s) moved out of Mountain in 327: Raoul Aldis, and Milton Aldis.
328.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 328: Marius Aldis, and August Aldis.
329.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 329: Dion Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: August Aldis.
331.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 331: Lyndel Noland, and Purcell Noland.
332.   1 resident(s) moved out of Mountain in 332: Catina Aldis.
333.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 333: Nunzio Aldis.
334.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 334: Hamnet Aldis.
335.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 335: Bernd Aldis, and Raoul Aldis.
337.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 337: Roddie Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Hamnet Aldis.
338.   3 resident(s) moved out of Mountain in 338: Lyndel Noland, Purcell Noland, and Roddie Noland.
339.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 339: Mel Aldis.
340.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 340: August Aldis.
341.   1 resident(s) moved out of Mountain in 341: Raoul Aldis.
343.   3 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 343: Davon Aldis, Lyndel Noland, and Roddie Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Estell Aldis, Putnam Aldis, Rhodia Aldis, Derby Aldis, Kathryn Aldis, and Barty Aldis.
345.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 345: Humbert Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Elvina Aldis, and Inna Aldis.
346.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 346: Hamnet Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Phylys Aldis.
347.   5 resident(s) moved out of Mountain in 347: Wenda Aldis, August Aldis, Lyndel Aldis, Odilia Aldis, and Roddie Noland.
348.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 348: Moina Aldis, and Timothy Aldis.
349.   Marius Aldis is trying to gather up a group of people in Mountain for an expedition on the Snakeneck, which Marius Aldis has agreed to lead. Bridget Aldis, Nunzio Aldis, Hamnet Aldis, Davon Aldis, Bernd Aldis, Timi Aldis, Eddy Aldis, Siouxie Aldis, Capt. Humbert Aldis, Brigida Aldis, Marius Aldis, and Mel Aldis have boarded the Snakeneck from the port of Mountain, Shrewsbury. The Snakeneck, under command of Capt. Humbert Aldis, has left the harbor at Mountain, Shrewsbury. 3 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 349: August Aldis, Garp Noland, and Enrichetta Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Siouxie Aldis, Brigida Aldis, Eddy Aldis, Marius Aldis, Nunzio Aldis, Bernd Aldis, Timi Aldis, Mel Aldis, Heddi Aldis, Bridget Aldis, Davon Aldis, Capt. Humbert Aldis, and Hamnet Aldis.
351.   3 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 351: Sumner Aldis, Blithe Aldis, and Blithe Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Timothy Aldis.
352.   5 resident(s) moved out of Mountain in 352: Eddy Aldis, Hashim Aldis, Cordula Aldis, Clo Aldis, and Emmy Aldis.
353.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 353: Bela Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Lyn Aldis, Sonny Aldis, Janina Aldis, Roselyn Aldis, and August Aldis.
354.   Bela Aldis murdered 57-year-old Marius Aldis in Mountain, Shrewsbury. Marius Aldis was murdered in Mountain, Shrewsbury by Bela Aldis; he was 57 years old. Tarrant Aldis attempted to murder Bela Aldis as revenge for the latter's murder of Marius Aldis, but failed. The blood feud is not resolved, however. 3 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 354: Mel Aldis, Saw Aldis, and Tab Noland.
355.   Tarrant Aldis murdered Bela Aldis in an act of revenge. 1 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 355: Roddie Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Mel Aldis.
356.   Sumner Aldis murdered Tarrant Aldis in an act of revenge. 1 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 356: Biddy Noland.
357.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 357: Beau Noland, and Kathryn Noland.
358.   5 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 358: Mel Aldis, August Aldis, Lyn Aldis, Hana Aldis, and Roselyn Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Biddy Noland.
359.   5 resident(s) moved out of Mountain in 359: Aleta Aldis, Gino Aldis, Odella Aldis, Hashim Aldis, and Saw Aldis.
360.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 360: Cosetta Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: August Aldis.
361.   1 resident(s) moved out of Mountain in 361: Cosetta Aldis.
362.   Roddie Aldis murdered 27-year-old Tab Noland in Mountain, Shrewsbury. Tab Noland was murdered in Mountain, Shrewsbury by Roddie Aldis; he was 27 years old. Beau Noland attempted to murder Roddie Aldis as revenge for the latter's murder of Tab Noland, but failed. The blood feud is not resolved, however. 3 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 362: Pierce Aldis, Nola Aldis, and Renaud Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Sheldon Aldis.
363.   Beau Noland murdered Roddie Aldis in an act of revenge. 1 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 363: Inna Aldis.
364.   Aylmer Aldis attempted to murder Beau Noland as revenge for the latter's murder of Roddie Aldis, but failed. The blood feud is not resolved, however. Beau Noland killed 43-year-old Aylmer Aldis in self-defense in Mountain, Shrewsbury, after the latter tried to murder him. This was his second victim. Aylmer Aldis was killed in Mountain, Shrewsbury by Beau Noland, who was acting in self-defense; he was 43 years old. Joao Aldis murdered Beau Noland in an act of revenge.
365.   Blythe Aldis attempted to murder Chelton Aldis, but failed and was herself killed. Chelton Aldis killed 20-year-old Blythe Aldis in self-defense in Mountain, Shrewsbury, after the latter tried to murder him. Blythe Aldis was killed in Mountain, Shrewsbury by Chelton Aldis, who was acting in self-defense; she was 20 years old. Pierce Aldis murdered Joao Aldis in an act of revenge. Chelton Aldis murdered Pierce Aldis in an act of revenge. This was his second victim.
366.   4 resident(s) moved out of Mountain in 366: Dion Aldis, Purcell Aldis, Joane Aldis, and Terence Aldis.
368.   1 resident(s) moved out of Mountain in 368: Stormie Aldis.
369.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 369: Capt. Sayres Aldis.
370.   2 resident(s) moved out of Mountain in 370: Clerissa Aldis, and Blithe Aldis.
371.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 371: Worthy Aldis, and Stormie Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Jesselyn Aldis, and Kathryn Noland.
372.   Disease broke out in Mountain; four people died. 6 resident(s) moved out of Mountain in 372: Putnam Aldis, Nola Aldis, Renaud Aldis, Inna Aldis, Peter Aldis, and Worthy Aldis.
373.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 373: Torr Vaclav.
376.   1 resident(s) moved out of Mountain in 376: Donna Aldis.
377.   1 resident(s) moved out of Mountain in 377: Aylmer Aldis.
380.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 380: Ebony Noland.
383.   3 resident(s) moved out of Mountain in 383: Blithe Aldis, Stormie Vaclav, and Karlene Vaclav.
386.   1 resident(s) moved out of Mountain in 386: Hadley Noland.
387.   4 resident(s) moved out of Mountain in 387: Blithe Vaclav, Torr Vaclav, Jonathon Vaclav, and Ethan Vaclav.
390.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 390: Prudy Noland.
394.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 394: Jonathon Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Catina Aldis, Schroeder Aldis, Lenna Aldis, Maxwell Aldis, and Gipsy Aldis.
395.   1 resident(s) moved out of Mountain in 395: Jonathon Vaclav.
397.   1 resident(s) moved out of Mountain in 397: Donna Aldis.
399.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 399: Thibaut Aldis, and Mahalia Aldis.
400.   1 resident(s) moved out of Mountain in 400: Mahalia Aldis.
405.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Mountain in 405: Nunzio Aldis, and Ebony Aldis.
407.   Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Shrewsbury, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Ebony Aldis has decided to start building a ship in Mountain, so that at least some of the displaced people of Shrewsbury may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. Ebony Aldis started building a ship in Mountain.