Noland Town
Est. 243

Noland Town is a fairly small settlement on the island of Shrewsbury, Diol, that was founded in the year 243.


Island: Shrewsbury
Coast: Inland
Area: 0.33 square miles


Languages: Aniumustpyrx


Named for: Joseph Noland
Founded: 243
Founders: Joseph Noland
Annexed: None


Ships in port: None



Population: 38
Highest-ever population: 73 (in 349)


Former residents who moved away: list all 343...
Alwin Aldis, Alwin Aldis, Hashim Aldis, Charissa Noland, Raoul Aldis, Hashim Aldis, Charissa Noland, Judi Aldis, Raoul Aldis, Daryn Aldis, Hashim Aldis, Charissa Noland, Judi Aldis, Jesselyn Aldis, Raoul Aldis, Roddie Aldis, Salman Aldis, Estell Aldis, Mel Aldis, Hashim Aldis, Dion Aldis, Lorenzo Aldis, Estell Aldis, Ruddy Noland, Ursula Noland, Sacha Aldis, Raoul Aldis, Morly Noland, Charissa Aldis, Dewitt Aldis, Tori Aldis, Mel Aldis, Roddie Aldis, Eddy Aldis, Morly Noland, Mel Aldis, Isadore Noland, Timothy Aldis, Joane Aldis, Charissa Aldis, Sawyere Aldis, Hashim Aldis, Bart Aldis, Lesya Aldis, Mel Aldis, Anais Noland, Nelle Aldis, Mack Aldis, Eddy Aldis, Estell Aldis, Saw Noland, Cosette Aldis, Caril Aldis, Wenda Aldis, Blithe Aldis, Raoul Aldis, Milton Aldis, Wenda Aldis, Roddie Aldis, Davon Aldis, Dewitt Aldis, Jesselyn Aldis, Saw Noland, Cosette Aldis, Chance Aldis, Blithe Aldis, Jaclin Aldis, Marshal Aldis, Capt. Sayres Aldis, Havivah Aldis, Saw Aldis, Lyndel Aldis, Raoul Aldis, Milton Aldis, Garp Noland, Enrichetta Noland, Ingemar Noland, Reynard Aldis, Judi Aldis, Rudyard Noland, Mel Aldis, Ingemar Noland, Roddie Aldis, Marius Aldis, August Aldis, Sonny Aldis, Davon Aldis, Lyndel Aldis, Purcell Noland, Marwin Aldis, Capt. August Aldis, Saw Noland, Sawyere Aldis, Carson Aldis, Davon Aldis, Dewitt Aldis, Lorenzo Aldis, Candy Aldis, Moina Aldis, Eddy Aldis, Estrellita Aldis, August Noland, Charissa Aldis, Udall Aldis, Arthur Aldis, August Noland, Roddie Aldis, Hamnet Aldis, Raoul Aldis, Jerrilee Aldis, Zechariah Noland, Lesya Noland, Mel Aldis, Cosette Aldis, Capt. Mel Aldis, August Aldis, Rinaldo Aldis, Lesya Noland, Bridget Aldis, Hamnet Aldis, Capt. Humbert Aldis, Raoul Aldis, Cherye Aldis, Lauree Aldis, Marwin Aldis, Hamnet Aldis, Sawyer Aldis, Nelle Noland, Saw Noland, Kittie Noland, Timothy Aldis, August Aldis, Jesselyn Aldis, Roddie Aldis, Bridget Aldis, Catlaina Aldis, Rudyard Noland, Elonore Noland, Bernice Aldis, Roddie Aldis, Rudyard Noland, Sumner Aldis, Blithe Aldis, Blithe Noland, Saw Aldis, Caesar Aldis, Eddy Aldis, Michel Aldis, Daryn Aldis, Bela Aldis, Nola Noland, Mel Aldis, Aleck Aldis, Charissa Aldis, Henrie Aldis, Cosetta Vaclav, Marshal Aldis, Nelle Aldis, Saw Noland, Damara Noland, Jessalyn Noland, Tab Noland, Aleck Noland, Capt. Siegfried Noland, Dianne Aldis, Biddy Aldis, Ingemar Noland, Cookie Noland, Ardys Aldis, Cookie Aldis, Dudley Noland, Theodosia Noland, Biddy Aldis, Lesley Aldis, Saw Noland, Damara Noland, Jessalyn Noland, Aleck Noland, Peter Aldis, Marshal Aldis, Nelle Aldis, Hashim Aldis, Emmy Noland, Chelton Aldis, Saw Aldis, Aleta Aldis, Hashim Aldis, Pierce Aldis, Nola Aldis, Eddy Aldis, Odella Aldis, Renaud Aldis, Inna Aldis, Welbie Aldis, Udall Aldis, Cordula Aldis, Dewitt Aldis, Otha Aldis, August Aldis, Kyle Aldis, Bunny Aldis, Welbie Aldis, Lukas Aldis, Ninnette Aldis, Nessy Aldis, Annecorinne Noland, Alis Aldis, Yacov Aldis, Geof Aldis, Stormie Aldis, Shelagh Aldis, Marshal Aldis, Nelle Aldis, Douglas Aldis, August Aldis, Missie Aldis, Wain Aldis, Sam Aldis, Raphaela Noland, Elonore Aldis, Eddy Aldis, Casper Aldis, Sam Aldis II, Saw Aldis II, Saw Aldis, Otha Aldis, Donna Noland, Ninnette Aldis, Nessy Aldis, Aylmer Aldis, Steffen Aldis, Saw Aldis, Estell Aldis, Annecorinne Noland, Ryan Aldis, Catina Noland, Yacov Aldis, Madalyn Aldis, Hashim Aldis, Pearline Aldis, Eddy Aldis, Mira Noland, Alis Aldis, Hanan Aldis, Hannie Aldis, Lesya Aldis, Marshal Aldis, Dewitt Aldis, Hashim Aldis, Alix Aldis, Donna Noland, Lesley Aldis, Missie Aldis, Hadley Noland, Forbes Aldis, Gabe Aldis, Odilia Aldis, Rinaldo Aldis, Kittie Aldis, August Aldis, Gershom Aldis, Missie Aldis, Aylmer Aldis, Shelba Aldis, Yacov Aldis, Otha Aldis, Mahalia Aldis, Benn Aldis, Lillian Aldis, Jonathon Vaclav, August Aldis, Lesya Aldis, Aleck Noland, Cookie Noland, Illa Aldis, Madalyn Aldis, Michel Aldis, Frederica Aldis, Arline Aldis, Marquita Aldis, Ardys Aldis, Leif Aldis, Daryn Aldis, Paulina Aldis, Aylmer Aldis, Hadley Noland, Keith Aldis, Bernice Aldis, Hashim Aldis, Barbara Aldis, Alfie Aldis, Odell Aldis, Melisande Noland, Angelo Noland, Drew Noland, Thibaut Aldis, Eddy Aldis, Mahalia Aldis, Joane Noland, Yacov Aldis, Norry Aldis, Torr Vaclav, Cristy Vaclav, Kittie Aldis, Carey Aldis, Geraldine Aldis, Brigida Vaclav, Morly Aldis, Brena Aldis, Morly Aldis, Waverley Aldis, Morly Aldis, Georgie Aldis, Terri Aldis, Sibbie Aldis, Lillian Aldis, Timmy Aldis, Kittie Aldis, Nathanael Noland, Andre Aldis, Kalindi Aldis, Ethan Vaclav, Chelton Aldis, Blithe Aldis, Chelton Aldis, Geof Aldis, Mahalia Aldis, Havivah Aldis, Aylmer Aldis, Bethina Aldis, Neale Vaclav, Marwin Aldis, Hailee Aldis, Henrique Aldis, Dewitt Aldis, Eddy Aldis, Illa Aldis, Gershom Aldis, Eddy Aldis, Cat Aldis, Carey Aldis, Theadora Aldis, Coleen Aldis
Died here: list all 197...
Joseph Noland (Suicide), Marten Aldis (Infancy), Hashim Aldis (Infancy), Catina Aldis (Infancy), Eddy Aldis (Infancy), Jeffry Aldis (Infancy), Barty Noland (Infancy), Ivett Aldis (Infancy), Mel Noland (Infancy), Gil Aldis (Infancy), Saw Aldis (Infancy), Emmit Aldis (Freak accident), Ollie Aldis (Infancy), Roddie Aldis (Natural causes), Durand Aldis (Infancy), Trip Aldis (Infancy), Jeffry Aldis (Disease), Mugsy Aldis (Infancy), Junie Aldis (Infancy), Joby Aldis (Infancy), Gary Aldis (Infancy), Charissa Aldis (Infancy), Gleda Aldis (Infancy), Mikael Aldis (Infancy), Carson Noland (Infancy), Hallie Aldis (Infancy), Waldemar Noland (Infancy), Salman Aldis (Natural causes), Roddie Aldis (Infancy), Charissa Aldis (Infancy), Zandra Noland (Infancy), Timothy Aldis (Infancy), Marten Aldis (Infancy), Othella Noland (Infancy), Eddy Noland (Infancy), Joby Aldis (Natural causes), Harrison Aldis (Infancy), Alwin Aldis (Disease), Melisande Aldis (Natural causes), Brittany Aldis (Infancy), August Aldis (Natural causes), Debora Aldis (Infancy), Marlyn Aldis (Infancy), Filipe Aldis (Infancy), Odilia Aldis (Infancy), Tatum Aldis (Infancy), Wilma Aldis (Infancy), Sheri Noland (Infancy), Pammi Aldis (Infancy), Wendall Noland (Infancy), Estell Aldis (Infancy), Darian Noland (Infancy), Joby Aldis (Infancy), Cesya Aldis (Infancy), Cordula Aldis (Infancy), Witty Aldis (Disease), Deva Noland (Freak accident), Fons Aldis (Infancy), Alic Noland (Infancy), Joby Aldis (Infancy), Illa Noland (Infancy), Joane Aldis (Natural causes), Joby Noland (Infancy), Eddy Aldis (Suicide), Lesya Aldis (Natural causes), Wain Aldis (Freak accident), Delphina Aldis (Infancy), Sal Noland (Infancy), Jesselyn Aldis (Infancy), Isadore Noland (Disease), Sawyer Aldis (Disease), Melisande Aldis (Disease), Reeva Aldis (Disease), Averil Aldis (Disease), Gavriel Noland (Infancy), Byron Aldis (Infancy), Shaw Aldis (Suicide), Joby Aldis (Infancy), Nelle Aldis (Natural causes), Wain Aldis (Infancy), Dudley Aldis (Infancy), Mitch Aldis (Natural causes), Jonny Aldis (Infancy), Hank Aldis (Infancy), Sawyer Aldis (Infancy), Lesya Aldis (Infancy), Dudley Aldis (Disease), Warden Noland (Infancy), Lesya Aldis (Infancy), Capt. Stu Noland (Natural causes), Eddy Aldis (Natural causes), Desmund Aldis (Infancy), Raphael Aldis (Infancy), Rinaldo Aldis (Suicide), Wiley Aldis (Infancy), Missie Aldis (Natural causes), Eddy Noland (Suicide), Aline Aldis (Natural causes), Clay Noland (Infancy), Alicia Noland (Infancy), Blayne Aldis (Infancy), Roddie Noland (Infancy), Estell Aldis (Infancy), Olivia Noland (Infancy), Charleen Noland (Infancy), Ernaline Noland (Infancy), August Aldis (Natural causes), Pablo Noland (Infancy), Joby Aldis (Infancy), Gershom Aldis (Freak accident), Felisha Noland (Infancy), Lesya Aldis (Infancy), Vivien Aldis (Natural causes), Julio Noland (Infancy), Carey Aldis (Infancy), Hashim Aldis (Infancy), Noland Noland (Infancy), Lyndel Aldis (Natural causes), August Aldis (Natural causes), Morry Noland (Infancy), Dulciana Aldis (Infancy), Melisande Aldis (Disease), Reynard Aldis (Disease), Jack Aldis (Disease), Melamie Noland (Infancy), Estell Aldis (Natural causes), Fritz Aldis (Infancy), Rosana Aldis (Infancy), Eddie Aldis (Infancy), Torrie Aldis (Suicide), Scotty Aldis (Infancy), Stillman Aldis (Infancy), Lyndel Noland (Infancy), Harriet Aldis (Infancy), Eddy Aldis (Infancy), Elvina Noland (Natural causes), Roddie Noland (Disease), Viki Aldis (Disease), Estell Noland (Disease), Batholomew Noland (Disease), Isadore Aldis (Disease), August Aldis (Disease), Rhodia Aldis (Disease), Welbie Aldis (Disease), Estell Aldis (Infancy), Lesya Aldis (Natural causes), Sherwood Aldis (Murder), Purcell Aldis (Murder), Carey Aldis (Murder), Derby Aldis (Murder), Forster Aldis (Murder), Miguel Aldis (Murder), Lukas Aldis (Murder), Marlowe Aldis (Infancy), Dirk Noland (Murder), Saw Aldis (Murder), Merril Aldis (Murder), Eddie Aldis (Murder), Forster Aldis (Infancy), Joby Aldis (Natural causes), Kelvin Aldis (Infancy), Roddie Noland (Freak accident), Batholomew Noland (Infancy), Judi Aldis (Natural causes), Horst Aldis (Infancy), Tobie Aldis (Infancy), Mahalia Aldis (Infancy), Douglas Aldis (Murder), Dion Aldis (Murder), Derby Aldis (Murder), Peirce Noland (Murder), Lorelei Aldis (Infancy), Aylmer Aldis (Murder), Joane Aldis (Natural causes), Hannie Aldis (Freak accident), Aline Aldis (Infancy), Minerva Aldis (Infancy), Emmott Aldis (Murder), Crysta Aldis (Murder), Isadore Aldis (Murder), Jervis Aldis (Infancy), Hannie Aldis (Infancy), Chere Vaclav (Infancy), Dunstan Vaclav (Infancy), Kenneth Aldis (Natural causes), Evan Aldis (Infancy), Torrance Noland (Natural causes), Chelton Aldis (Infancy), Hashim Aldis (Infancy), Lesley Aldis (Natural causes), Clo Aldis (Natural causes), Nissy Aldis (Infancy), Illa Aldis (Natural causes), Sullivan Noland (Murder), Lillian Aldis (Murder), Raleigh Noland (Murder), Eddy Aldis (Suicide)
Murders: list all 22...
Sherwood Aldis (in the year 378 by Purcell Aldis), Purcell Aldis (in the year 378 by Carey Aldis), Carey Aldis (in the year 378 by Derby Aldis), Derby Aldis (in the year 378 by Miguel Aldis), Forster Aldis (in the year 378 by Miguel Aldis), Miguel Aldis (in the year 378 by Lukas Aldis), Lukas Aldis (in the year 378 by Dirk Noland), Dirk Noland (in the year 378 by Saw Aldis), Saw Aldis (in the year 378 by Merril Aldis), Merril Aldis (in the year 378 by Eddie Aldis), Eddie Aldis (in the year 379 by Hashim Aldis), Douglas Aldis (in the year 394 by Dion Aldis), Dion Aldis (in the year 394 by Peirce Noland), Derby Aldis (in the year 394 by Peirce Noland), Peirce Noland (in the year 394 by Aylmer Aldis), Aylmer Aldis (in the year 394 by Keith Aldis), Emmott Aldis (in the year 397 by Crysta Aldis), Crysta Aldis (in the year 397 by Isadore Aldis), Isadore Aldis (in the year 397 by Hadley Noland), Sullivan Noland (in the year 407 by Lillian Aldis), Lillian Aldis (in the year 407 by Raleigh Noland), Raleigh Noland (in the year 407 by Henka Noland)


243.   Noland Town, Shrewsbury, was founded by Joseph Noland, who is currently its lone inhabitant and the origin of its name. 1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 243: Joseph Noland.
244.   Joseph Noland, who in 243 founded Noland Town (and named it for himself), took his own life in Noland Town, Shrewsbury; he was 20 years old.
263.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 263: Alwin Aldis.
268.   1 resident(s) moved out of Noland Town in 268: Alwin Aldis.
269.   4 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 269: Roddie Aldis, Estell Aldis, Emmit Aldis, and Charissa Aldis.
270.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 270: Salman Aldis.
271.   3 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 271: Alwin Aldis, Hashim Aldis, and Charissa Aldis.
274.   1 resident(s) moved out of Noland Town in 274: Alwin Aldis.
276.   3 resident(s) moved out of Noland Town in 276: Hashim Aldis, Charissa Aldis, and Raoul Aldis.
277.   4 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 277: Hashim Aldis, Raoul Aldis, Charissa Aldis, and Morly Noland.
280.   4 resident(s) moved out of Noland Town in 280: Hashim Aldis, Raoul Aldis, Charissa Aldis, and Judi Aldis.
281.   11 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 281: Hashim Aldis, Raoul Aldis, Judi Aldis, Estell Aldis, Eddy Aldis, Joane Aldis, Alwin Aldis, Charissa Aldis, Lesya Aldis, Eddy Aldis, and Tori Aldis.
282.   5 resident(s) moved out of Noland Town in 282: Hashim Aldis, Raoul Aldis, Judi Aldis, Charissa Aldis, and Jesselyn Aldis.
288.   1 resident(s) moved out of Noland Town in 288: Roddie Aldis.
289.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 289: Jeffry Aldis.
291.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 291: Raoul Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Estell Aldis, Salman Aldis, Dion Aldis, Mel Aldis, Lorenzo Aldis, and Hashim Aldis.
292.   6 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 292: August Aldis, Joby Aldis, Enrichetta Aldis, Sawyer Aldis, Dewitt Aldis, and Witty Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Estell Noland, Sacha Noland, and Ruddy Noland.
293.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 293: Roddie Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Raoul Aldis.
299.   3 resident(s) moved out of Noland Town in 299: Charissa Aldis, Tori Aldis, and Dewitt Aldis.
300.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 300: Mel Aldis.
301.   1 resident(s) moved out of Noland Town in 301: Mel Aldis.
302.   6 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 302: Salman Aldis, Lorenzo Aldis, Wenda Aldis, Caril Aldis, Hashim Aldis, and Estell Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Eddy Aldis, and Roddie Aldis.
303.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 303: Mel Aldis.
304.   1 resident(s) moved out of Noland Town in 304: Morly Noland.
307.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 307: Isadore Noland.
308.   1 resident(s) moved out of Noland Town in 308: Mel Aldis.
309.   6 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 309: Raoul Aldis, Eddy Aldis, Mack Aldis, Kittie Aldis, Saw Noland, and Cosette Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Joane Aldis, Timothy Aldis, and Sawyere Aldis.
311.   4 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 311: Roddie Aldis, Melisande Aldis, Vivien Aldis, and Davon Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Bart Aldis, Lesya Aldis, Anais Aldis, Mel Aldis, Nelle Aldis, and Hashim Aldis.
312.   1 resident(s) moved out of Noland Town in 312: Mack Aldis.
313.   5 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 313: Timothy Aldis, Sawyere Aldis, Charissa Aldis, Joane Aldis, and Viki Aldis.
314.   1 resident(s) moved out of Noland Town in 314: Estell Aldis.
315.   2 resident(s) moved out of Noland Town in 315: Saw Noland, and Cosette Noland.
316.   4 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 316: Dewitt Aldis, Jesselyn Aldis, Saw Noland, and Cosette Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Caril Aldis.
319.   9 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 319: Candy Aldis, Chance Aldis, Jaclin Aldis, Marshal Aldis, Havivah Aldis, Saw Aldis, Blithe Aldis, Sayres Aldis, and August Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Raoul Aldis, and Milton Aldis.
321.   3 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 321: Reynard Aldis, Raoul Aldis, and Milton Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Roddie Aldis, Davon Aldis, and Wenda Aldis.
322.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 322: Saw Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Dewitt Aldis, Jesselyn Aldis, Chance Aldis, Jaclin Aldis, Marshal Aldis, Havivah Aldis, Saw Aldis, Blithe Aldis, Sayres Aldis, Saw Noland, and Cosette Noland.
323.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 323: Mitch Aldis, and Lyndel Aldis.
324.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 324: Roddie Aldis, and Mel Aldis.
325.   8 resident(s) moved out of Noland Town in 325: Judi Aldis, Reynard Aldis, Raoul Aldis, Milton Aldis, Garp Noland, Enrichetta Noland, Ingemar Noland, and Rudyard Noland.
326.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 326: Dewitt Aldis, and Ingemar Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Mel Aldis.
327.   6 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 327: Roddie Aldis, Marius Aldis, August Aldis, Davon Aldis, Saw Noland, and Cosette Noland.
328.   3 resident(s) moved out of Noland Town in 328: Roddie Aldis, Marius Aldis, and August Aldis.
329.   1 resident(s) moved out of Noland Town in 329: Sonny Aldis.
331.   3 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 331: Roddie Aldis, Rudyard Noland, and Jerrilee Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Marwin Aldis, August Aldis, Lyndel Noland, and Purcell Noland.
332.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 332: Raoul Aldis, and Hamnet Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Carson Aldis, Sawyere Aldis, and Saw Noland.
333.   3 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 333: Mel Aldis, Jesselyn Aldis, and August Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Lorenzo Aldis, Candy Aldis, Eddy Aldis, Dewitt Aldis, Moina Aldis, Estrellita Aldis, and Davon Aldis.
334.   6 resident(s) moved out of Noland Town in 334: Arthur Aldis, Roddie Aldis, Udall Aldis, Hamnet Aldis, Charissa Noland, and August Noland.
335.   1 resident(s) moved out of Noland Town in 335: Raoul Aldis.
337.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 337: Peter Aldis, and Hamnet Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Jerrilee Noland, and Zechariah Noland.
338.   1 resident(s) moved out of Noland Town in 338: Lesya Aldis.
339.   3 resident(s) moved out of Noland Town in 339: Mel Aldis, Cosette Aldis, and Mel Aldis.
340.   2 resident(s) moved out of Noland Town in 340: Rinaldo Aldis, and August Aldis.
342.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 342: Humbert Aldis.
343.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 343: Reynard Aldis, and Judi Aldis.
344.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 344: Saw Aldis.
345.   3 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 345: Elvina Aldis, Inna Aldis, and Roddie Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Humbert Aldis.
346.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 346: Rinaldo Aldis, and Mel Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Cherye Aldis, Raoul Aldis, Sawyer Aldis, Lauree Aldis, Nelle Aldis, and Hamnet Aldis.
347.   8 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 347: Sumner Aldis, Blithe Aldis, Blithe Aldis, August Aldis, Lyndel Aldis, Odilia Aldis, Dianne Aldis, and Roddie Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Kittie Noland, and Saw Noland.
348.   1 resident(s) moved out of Noland Town in 348: Timothy Aldis.
349.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 349: Capt. Stu Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: August Aldis.
350.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 350: Saw Aldis II. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Roddie Aldis, Jesselyn Aldis, Bridget Aldis, Roddie Aldis, Catlaina Aldis, Elonore Noland, Rudyard Noland, Rudyard Noland, and Bernice Noland.
351.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 351: Udall Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Sumner Aldis, Blithe Aldis, and Blithe Aldis.
352.   5 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 352: Hashim Aldis, Eddy Aldis, Clo Aldis, Cordula Aldis, and Emmy Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Caesar Aldis, and Saw Aldis.
353.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 353: Marshal Aldis, and Nelle Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Daryn Aldis, Michel Aldis, Bela Aldis, and Nola Aldis.
354.   12 resident(s) moved out of Noland Town in 354: Aleck Aldis, Charissa Aldis, Cosetta Aldis, Mel Aldis, Henrie Aldis, Marshal Aldis, Nelle Aldis, Saw Noland, Damara Noland, Tab Noland, Aleck Noland, and Jessalyn Noland.
355.   1 resident(s) moved out of Noland Town in 355: Siegfried Noland.
356.   4 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 356: Saw Noland, Aleck Noland, Jessalyn Noland, and Damara Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Dianne Aldis, and Biddy Noland.
357.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 357: Marshal Aldis, and Nelle Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Cookie Noland, Ingemar Noland, Dudley Noland, Ardys Noland, Theodosia Noland, and Cookie Noland.
358.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 358: Biddy Noland.
359.   4 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 359: Saw Aldis, Odella Aldis, Hashim Aldis, and Aleta Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Biddy Noland.
362.   18 resident(s) moved out of Noland Town in 362: Nola Aldis, Peter Aldis, Pierce Aldis, Hashim Aldis, Eddy Aldis, Emmy Aldis, Chelton Aldis, Marshal Aldis, Nelle Aldis, Saw Aldis, Odella Aldis, Hashim Aldis, Aleta Aldis, Renaud Aldis, Saw Noland, Aleck Noland, Jessalyn Noland, and Damara Noland.
363.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 363: Marshal Aldis, and Nelle Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Inna Aldis.
364.   5 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 364: Lukas Aldis, August Aldis, Estell Aldis, Eddie Aldis, and Saw Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Welbie Aldis.
365.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 365: Shelagh Aldis.
366.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 366: Welbie Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Udall Aldis, and Cordula Aldis.
367.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 367: Yacov Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Dewitt Aldis, Kyle Aldis, Bunny Aldis, and August Aldis.
368.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 368: Stormie Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Welbie Aldis.
369.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 369: Kenneth Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Ninnette Aldis, Lukas Aldis, Alis Aldis, Yacov Aldis, and Nessy Aldis.
370.   1 resident(s) moved out of Noland Town in 370: Geof Aldis.
371.   1 resident(s) moved out of Noland Town in 371: Stormie Aldis.
372.   7 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 372: Lukas Aldis, Annecorinne Aldis, Alis Aldis, Isadore Aldis, Nessy Aldis, Ninnette Aldis, and Batholomew Noland.
373.   4 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 373: Saw Aldis, Sam Aldis, Raphaela Aldis, and August Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Marshal Aldis, Nelle Aldis, and Shelagh Aldis.
374.   7 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 374: Derby Aldis, Rhodia Aldis, Kalindi Aldis, Welbie Aldis, Dewitt Aldis, Forster Aldis, and Kittie Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Douglas Aldis, August Aldis, Wain Aldis, and Missie Aldis.
375.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 375: Hashim Aldis.
376.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 376: Donna Aldis.
377.   6 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 377: Purcell Aldis, Lillian Aldis, Barbara Aldis, Crysta Aldis, Brigida Aldis, and Hannie Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Sam Aldis, Raphaela Aldis, Casper Aldis, Elonore Aldis, and Sam Aldis II.
378.   Purcell Aldis murdered 31-year-old Sherwood Aldis in Noland Town, Shrewsbury. Sherwood Aldis was murdered in Noland Town, Shrewsbury by Purcell Aldis; he was 31 years old. Carey Aldis murdered Purcell Aldis in an act of revenge. Derby Aldis murdered Carey Aldis in an act of revenge. Miguel Aldis murdered Derby Aldis in an act of revenge. Miguel Aldis killed 19-year-old Forster Aldis in self-defense in Noland Town, Shrewsbury, after the latter tried to murder him. This was his second victim. Forster Aldis was killed in Noland Town, Shrewsbury by Miguel Aldis, who was acting in self-defense; he was 19 years old. Lukas Aldis murdered Miguel Aldis in an act of revenge. Dirk Noland murdered Lukas Aldis in an act of revenge. Saw Aldis murdered Dirk Noland in an act of revenge. Merril Aldis murdered Saw Aldis in an act of revenge. Eddie Aldis murdered Merril Aldis in an act of revenge. Hashim Aldis attempted to murder Eddie Aldis as revenge for the latter's murder of Merril Aldis, but failed. The blood feud is not resolved, however. 2 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 378: Yacov Aldis, and Madalyn Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Saw Aldis II, and Saw Aldis.
379.   Hashim Aldis murdered Eddie Aldis in an act of revenge. 2 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 379: Marshal Aldis, and Saw Aldis.
380.   2 resident(s) moved out of Noland Town in 380: Otha Aldis, and Donna Aldis.
381.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 381: Otha Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Estell Aldis, Steffen Aldis, Annecorinne Aldis, Nessy Aldis, Ninnette Aldis, Aylmer Aldis, Ryan Aldis, and Saw Aldis.
382.   3 resident(s) moved out of Noland Town in 382: Yacov Aldis, Madalyn Aldis, and Catina Noland.
383.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 383: Eddy Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Pearline Aldis, Hashim Aldis, Mira Aldis, and Eddy Aldis.
384.   2 resident(s) moved out of Noland Town in 384: Hanan Aldis, and Alis Aldis.
385.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 385: Ivie Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Hannie Aldis.
386.   4 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 386: Yacov Aldis, Madalyn Aldis, Hannie Aldis, and Blithe Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Lesya Aldis, Dewitt Aldis, and Marshal Aldis.
387.   6 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 387: Douglas Aldis, Joane Aldis, Geraldine Aldis, Hadley Noland, Havivah Noland, and Peirce Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Alix Aldis, and Hashim Aldis.
388.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 388: Keith Aldis, and Bernice Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Lesley Aldis, and Missie Aldis.
389.   2 resident(s) moved out of Noland Town in 389: Forbes Aldis, and Hadley Noland.
390.   3 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 390: Gershom Aldis, Missie Aldis, and Aylmer Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Odilia Aldis, Gabe Aldis, Kittie Aldis, and August Aldis.
391.   6 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 391: Aleck Noland, Torr Vaclav, Jonathon Vaclav, Ethan Vaclav, Blithe Vaclav, and Neale Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Gershom Aldis, Missie Aldis, and Aylmer Aldis.
392.   12 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 392: Isadore Aldis, Marwin Aldis, Cookie Aldis, Eddy Aldis, Marwin Aldis, August Aldis, Lesya Aldis, Hashim Aldis, Eddy Aldis, Aylmer Aldis, Hailee Aldis, and Kittie Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Yacov Aldis.
393.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 393: Yacov Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Benn Aldis, Lillian Aldis, and Otha Aldis.
394.   Dion Aldis murdered 66-year-old Douglas Aldis in Noland Town, Shrewsbury. Douglas Aldis was murdered in Noland Town, Shrewsbury by Dion Aldis; he was 66 years old. Peirce Noland murdered Dion Aldis in an act of revenge. Peirce Noland killed 19-year-old Derby Aldis in self-defense in Noland Town, Shrewsbury, after the latter tried to murder him. This was his second victim. Derby Aldis was killed in Noland Town, Shrewsbury by Peirce Noland, who was acting in self-defense; he was 19 years old. Aylmer Aldis murdered Peirce Noland in an act of revenge. Keith Aldis murdered Aylmer Aldis in an act of revenge. August Aldis attempted to murder Keith Aldis as revenge for the latter's murder of Aylmer Aldis, but failed. The blood feud is not resolved, however. 4 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 394: Illa Aldis, Aylmer Aldis, Kittie Aldis, and Hadley Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Jonathon Vaclav.
395.   August Aldis attempted to murder Keith Aldis as revenge for the latter's murder of Aylmer Aldis, but failed. The blood feud is not resolved, however. 7 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 395: Michel Aldis, Daryn Aldis, Paulina Aldis, Marquita Aldis, Frederica Aldis, Leif Aldis, and Arline Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Cookie Aldis, August Aldis, Lesya Aldis, and Aleck Noland.
396.   7 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 396: Emmott Aldis, Emeline Aldis, Ellis Aldis, Melisande Noland, Joane Noland, Drew Noland, and Angelo Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Madalyn Aldis, Michel Aldis, Daryn Aldis, Paulina Aldis, Marquita Aldis, Ardys Aldis, Frederica Aldis, Leif Aldis, and Arline Aldis.
397.   Crysta Aldis murdered 29-year-old Emmott Aldis in Noland Town, Shrewsbury. Emmott Aldis was murdered in Noland Town, Shrewsbury by Crysta Aldis; he was 29 years old. Isadore Aldis murdered Crysta Aldis in an act of revenge. Hadley Noland murdered Isadore Aldis in an act of revenge. 2 resident(s) moved out of Noland Town in 397: Aylmer Aldis, and Hadley Noland.
398.   3 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 398: Terri Aldis, Sibbie Aldis, and Chelton Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Barbara Aldis, Keith Aldis, Bernice Aldis, Hashim Aldis, Odell Aldis, and Alfie Aldis.
399.   7 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 399: Alix Aldis, Gershom Aldis, Theadora Aldis, Cat Aldis, Carey Aldis, Gershom Aldis, and Missie Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Thibaut Aldis, Mahalia Aldis, Eddy Noland, Melisande Noland, Joane Noland, Drew Noland, and Angelo Noland.
400.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 400: Mahalia Aldis, and Nathanael Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Norry Aldis, Yacov Aldis, Kittie Aldis, Carey Aldis, Torr Vaclav, and Cristy Vaclav.
401.   10 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 401: Lesley Aldis, Georgie Aldis, Dewitt Aldis, Henka Aldis, Lillian Aldis, Andre Aldis, Timmy Aldis, Torrance Noland, Pablo Noland, and Estell Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Brena Aldis, Morly Aldis, Geraldine Aldis, Waverley Aldis, Morly Aldis, and Brigida Vaclav.
402.   8 resident(s) moved out of Noland Town in 402: Kittie Aldis, Terri Aldis, Sibbie Aldis, Georgie Aldis, Lillian Aldis, Andre Aldis, Timmy Aldis, and Nathanael Noland.
405.   40 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 405: Illa Aldis, Illa Aldis, Eddy Aldis, Marwin Aldis, Eddy Aldis, Marwin Aldis, Eddy Aldis, Hailee Aldis, Shelley Aldis, Carlye Aldis, Illa Aldis, Emeline Aldis, Ellis Aldis, Damita Aldis, Alix Aldis, Gershom Aldis, Theadora Aldis, Cat Aldis, Carey Aldis, Gershom Aldis, Missie Aldis, Dewitt Aldis, Henka Aldis, Temp Aldis, Chelton Aldis, Kittie Aldis, Carey Aldis, Henrique Aldis, Tan Aldis, Wat Aldis, Trudie Aldis, Ivie Noland, Blithe Noland, Pablo Noland, Estell Noland, Melisande Noland, Joane Noland, Sullivan Noland, Raleigh Noland, and Drew Noland.
406.   3 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Town in 406: Lillian Aldis, Andre Aldis, and Timmy Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Eddy Aldis, Marwin Aldis, Hailee Aldis, Dewitt Aldis, and Henrique Aldis.
407.   Lillian Aldis murdered 21-year-old Sullivan Noland in Noland Town, Shrewsbury. Sullivan Noland was murdered in Noland Town, Shrewsbury by Lillian Aldis; he was 21 years old. Raleigh Noland murdered Lillian Aldis in an act of revenge. Raleigh Noland attempted to murder Henka Aldis, but failed and was himself killed. Henka Aldis killed 19-year-old Raleigh Noland in self-defense in Noland Town, Shrewsbury, after the latter tried to murder her. Raleigh Noland was killed in Noland Town, Shrewsbury by Henka Aldis, who was acting in self-defense; he was 19 years old.