
(2024). LeftoverLocals: Listening to LLM Responses Through Leaked GPU Local Memory. ArXiv, work done while at Trail of Bits.


(2023). GPUHarbor: Testing GPU Memory Consistency at Large (Experience Paper). Distinguished Artifact Award in ISSTA.


(2023). MC Mutants: Evaluating and Improving Testing for Memory Consistency Specifications. Distinguished Paper Award and Distinguished Artifact Award in ASPLOS.


(2021). Specifying and Testing GPU Workgroup Progress Models. In OOPSLA.

PDF Code Test Explorer

(2021). The Semantics of Shared Memory in Intel CPU/FPGASystems. In OOPSLA.

PDF Code Blog

(2021). GraphAttack: Optimizing Data Supply for Graph Applications on In-Order Multicore Architectures. In TACO.


(2020). Foundations of Empirical Memory Consistency Testing. In OOPSLA.

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(2020). Slow and Steady: Measuring and Tuning Multicore Interference. in RTAS.


(2020). MosaicSim: A Lightweight, Modular Simulator for Heterogeneous Systems. Best Paper Nomination in ISPASS.


(2020). A Simulator and Compiler Framework for Agile Hardware-Software Co-design Evaluation and Exploration. Invited talk at ICCAD.

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(2019). One size doesn’t fit all: quantifying performance portability of graph applications on GPUs. Best Paper Award in IISWC.

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(2019). Performance evaluation of OpenCL standard support (and beyond). Best Paper Award in IWOCL.

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(2018). PhD: Device-wide Barrier Synchronisation on Graphics Processing Units. PhD Thesis, Imperial College London.


(2018). GPU schedulers: how fair is fair enough?. in CONCUR.

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(2018). The semantics of transactions and weak memory in x86, Power, ARM, and C++. Best Paper Award in PLDI.


(2017). Cooperative kernels: GPU multitasking for blocking algorithms. Distinguished Paper Award in FSE.

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(2017). Automatically comparing memory consistency models. In POPL.


(2016). Portable inter-workgroup barrier synchronisation for GPUs. In OOPSLA.

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(2015). GPU concurrency: weak behaviours and programming assumptions. In ASPLOS.

PDF Dataset Poster

(2015). I compute, therefore I am (buggy): methodic doubt meets multiprocessors. in TinyToCS (vol 3).


(2014). MS: Testing and Exposing Weak GPU Memory Models. MS Thesis, University of Utah.


(2013). Towards shared memory consistency models for GPUs. 1st place undergrad SRC in ICS.

Preprint PDF Poster

(2013). BS: Towards Shared Memory Consistency Models for GPUS. BS Thesis, University of Utah.