Est. 242

Winston is a small settlement on the island of Hornbeak, Diol, that was founded in the year 242.


Island: Hornbeak
Coast: Inland
Area: 0.35 square miles


Languages: Aniumustpyrx, Monedusus


Founded: 242
Founders: Che Guillermo II
Annexed: Akiak


Ships in port: None



Population: 22
Highest-ever population: 43 (in 355)


Former residents who moved away: list all 206...
Clarine Aldis, Kelley Aldis, Jacynth Aldis, Capt. Sivert Aldis, Goober Aldis, Drew Aldis, Renaud Gilles, Gusty Aldis, Yolanda Vaclav, Roarke Aldis, Lynnell Aldis, Collin Aldis, Kaile Vaclav, Toby Aldis, Mitzi Vaclav, Andra Guillermo, Frankie Aldis, Jameson Vaclav, Dove Aldis, Anneliese Zollie, Roarke Aldis, Frankie Aldis, Collin Aldis, Lynnell Aldis, Andra Guillermo, Blair Aldis, Blair Aldis, Jameson Vaclav, Hayley Vaclav, Jackson Vaclav, Josh Vaclav, Dorette Aldis, Blair Aldis, Dorette Aldis, Philomena Aldis, Wolf Aldis, Mathilde Aldis, Harald Vaclav, Samson Vaclav, Meryl Zollie, Aili Aldis, Ailyn Myke, Waylin Vaclav, Harald Vaclav, Carole Vaclav, Yves Vaclav, Elaina Aldis, Anabel Gilles, Yves Vaclav, Sivert Aldis, Mathilde Aldis, Pammi Aldis, Katharina Vaclav, Rolph Aldis, Pammi Aldis, Lem Aldis, Lem Aldis, Otis Aldis, Florinda Aldis, Mathilde Aldis, Rolph Aldis, Katharina Vaclav, Pammi Aldis, Garry Vaclav, Yves Vaclav, Peggy Vaclav, Ambrosia Aldis, Drew Aldis, Jeanine Myke, Harald Vaclav, Yves Vaclav, Harald Vaclav, Ambrosia Aldis, Peggy Vaclav, Jeanine Myke, Jerrilyn Vaclav, Lind Gilles, Pammi Aldis, Felicio Vaclav, Drew Aldis, Lark Gilles, Otis Aldis, Jerri Gilles, Lynnell Aldis, Iago Zollie, Yves Vaclav, Peggy Vaclav, Husein Vaclav, Brandi Vaclav, Zita Vaclav, Tyrus Vaclav, Alis Zollie, Otis Aldis, Pippa Aldis, Sam Aldis, Aditya Aldis, Katerina Aldis, Connie Aldis, Thor Aldis, Collin Vaclav II, Meryl Vaclav, Pip Gilles, Capt. Jesus Vaclav, Hortense Vaclav, Jesus Vaclav, Gusty Aldis, Hortense Prasun, Sherwin Vaclav, Seth Vaclav, Ambrosia Aldis, Shirlene Vaclav, Susana Vaclav, Yves Vaclav, Husein Vaclav, Peggy Vaclav, Aditya Aldis, Katerina Aldis, Marrilee Jordan, Yves Vaclav, Ciel Aldis, Martino Vaclav, Thorndike Vaclav, Lem Aldis, Roarke Aldis, Zita Vaclav, Gabriel Aldis, Harald Aldis, Orrin Aldis, Seth Vaclav, Ambrosia Aldis, Susana Vaclav, Shirlene Vaclav, Rosmunda Vaclav, Abagail Aldis, Biddy Vaclav, Roarke Aldis, Elene Prasun, Ronica Zollie, Irwin Aldis, Lynnell Aldis, Collin Vaclav, Eli Aldis, Yves Vaclav, Harald Aldis, Bebe Aldis, Devonne Prasun, Jacynth Aldis, Edwina Aldis, Salim Aldis, Eli Aldis, Harald Vaclav, Otis Aldis, Eli Aldis, Thedrick Myke, Blinnie Myke, Gabriel Aldis, Capt. Merril Gilles, Anabel Gilles, Raymundo Aldis, Thedrick Aldis, Susana Vaclav, Collin Aldis, Pip Gilles, Marc Aldis, Lana Aldis, Jeanine Myke, Camilla Aldis, Hakim Gilles, Ciel Aldis, Capt. Merril Gilles, Mathilde Aldis, Chere Vaclav, Wallas Vaclav, Layla Gilles, Felice Gilles, Irwin Aldis, Melantha Aldis, Jameson Aldis, Keith Guillermo, Fancy Guillermo, Angelica Guillermo, Marc Aldis, Bartolomei Shumeet, Veronike Gilles, Osgood Aldis, Pip Gilles, Madona Gilles, Harmon Aldis, Mohamad Myke, Rudolfo Zollie, Anna-Diane Zollie, Vassili Zollie, Kelli Zollie, Creighton Zollie, Hakim Gilles, Merril Gilles, Felice Gilles, Sammy Guillermo, Howard Vaclav, Torrey Noland, Kizzee Noland, Pip Gilles, Ruddy Gilles, Madona Gilles, Carlton Gilles, Josh Gilles
Died here: list all 73...
Che Guillermo II (Suicide), Zabrina Guillermo (Natural causes), Jerrome Aldis (Suicide), Howie Vaclav (Infancy), Salim Vaclav (Infancy), Camilla Vaclav (Infancy), Elaina Vaclav (Infancy), Harald Vaclav (Infancy), Wilburn Zollie (Infancy), Frankie Zollie (Infancy), Ericka Vaclav (Infancy), Husein Aldis (Infancy), Gerry Aldis (Infancy), Gypsy Aldis (Infancy), Husein Aldis (Natural causes), Edwina Aldis (Infancy), Hortense Vaclav (Infancy), Christorpher Vaclav (Infancy), Gusty Aldis (Natural causes), Noelyn Gilles (Infancy), Winn Gilles (Infancy), Collin Aldis (Natural causes), Indira Aldis (Infancy), Rafe Vaclav (Infancy), Addis Vaclav (Disease), Brandi Vaclav (Disease), Capt. Lockwood Zollie (Natural causes), Sydelle Vaclav (Infancy), Samson Vaclav (Natural causes), King Vaclav (Suicide), Maude Aldis (Disease), Philly Aldis (Disease), Sonnie Aldis (Disease), Nollie Aldis (Disease), Rebbecca Aldis (Disease), Josh Vaclav (Infancy), Bonnee Aldis (Natural causes), Gusty Aldis (Natural causes), Reta Aldis (Infancy), Harald Vaclav (Infancy), Michael Noland (Murder), Amelia Vaclav (Natural causes), Blinnie Noland (Infancy), Zita Vaclav (Suicide), Rebbecca Vaclav (Natural causes), Blanca Aldis (Infancy), Kaile Vaclav (Natural causes), Glen Vaclav (Disease), Thorpe Noland (Disease), Eva Aldis (Infancy), Husein Vaclav (Infancy), Hanson Gilles (Infancy), Pammi Aldis (Natural causes), Siana Aldis (Murder), Raymundo Aldis (Murder), Kelley Gilles (Murder), Kizzie Aldis (Disease), Cesar Vaclav (Infancy), Collin Vaclav (Natural causes), Eli Aldis (Suicide), Dorelia Vaclav (Infancy), Godfry Guillermo (Infancy), Ginny Vaclav (Infancy), Gusty Aldis (Infancy), Pincus Gilles (Infancy), Sylvan Gilles (Infancy), Roarke Aldis (Natural causes), Jeniffer Gilles (Natural causes), Nada Vaclav (Infancy), Saree Vaclav (Natural causes), Werner Noland (Infancy), Marc Aldis (Natural causes), Gusty Gilles (Natural causes)
Murders: Michael Noland (in the year 365 by Collin Vaclav), Siana Aldis (in the year 384 by Kelley Gilles), Raymundo Aldis (in the year 384 by Kelley Gilles), Kelley Gilles (in the year 384 by Cory Vaclav)


242.   Winston, Hornbeak, was founded by Che Guillermo II, who is currently its lone inhabitant. 1 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 242: Che Guillermo II.
254.   Che Guillermo II, who in 242 founded Winston, took his own life in Winston, Hornbeak; he was 50 years old.
268.   3 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 268: Clarine Aldis, Sivert Aldis, and Kelley Aldis.
269.   6 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 269: Roarke Aldis, Lynnell Aldis, Husein Aldis, Drew Aldis, Gusty Aldis, and Carole Aldis.
270.   4 resident(s) moved out of Winston in 270: Clarine Aldis, Sivert Aldis, Jacynth Aldis, and Kelley Aldis.
272.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 272: Goober Aldis.
275.   1 resident(s) moved out of Winston in 275: Goober Aldis.
279.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 279: Renaud Gilles.
280.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 280: Zabrina Guillermo.
281.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 281: Anneliese Zollie.
284.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 284: Harald Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Drew Aldis.
285.   2 resident(s) moved out of Winston in 285: Gusty Gilles, and Renaud Gilles.
286.   4 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 286: Kaile Vaclav, Jameson Vaclav, Mitzi Vaclav, and Toby Vaclav.
287.   9 resident(s) moved out of Winston in 287: Roarke Aldis, Lynnell Aldis, Andra Aldis, Collin Aldis, Frankie Aldis, Kaile Vaclav, Jameson Vaclav, Mitzi Vaclav, and Toby Vaclav.
291.   5 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 291: Roarke Aldis, Andra Aldis, Collin Aldis, Frankie Aldis, and Lynnell Aldis.
292.   6 resident(s) moved out of Winston in 292: Roarke Aldis, Andra Aldis, Collin Aldis, Frankie Aldis, Lynnell Aldis, and Anneliese Zollie.
294.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 294: Blair Aldis.
295.   1 resident(s) moved out of Winston in 295: Blair Aldis.
296.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 296: Blair Aldis.
298.   1 resident(s) moved out of Winston in 298: Blair Aldis.
301.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 301: Jameson Vaclav, and Hayley Vaclav.
303.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 303: Ailyn Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Jameson Vaclav, Hayley Vaclav, and Josh Vaclav.
304.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 304: Blair Aldis.
306.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 306: Mathilde Vaclav.
307.   3 resident(s) moved out of Winston in 307: Blair Aldis, Dorette Aldis, and Wolf Aldis.
309.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 309: Meryl Zollie. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Mathilde Vaclav.
310.   1 resident(s) moved out of Winston in 310: Harald Vaclav.
314.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 314: Amelia Noland, and Jerrilyn Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Aili Zollie, and Meryl Zollie.
315.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 315: Mathilde Aldis.
317.   2 resident(s) moved out of Winston in 317: Ailyn Aldis, and Waylin Vaclav.
318.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 318: Gusty Aldis.
319.   2 resident(s) moved out of Winston in 319: Carole Vaclav, and Harald Vaclav.
320.   1 resident(s) moved out of Winston in 320: Yves Vaclav.
321.   2 resident(s) moved out of Winston in 321: Elaina Zollie, and Anabel Zollie.
322.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 322: Gusty Aldis.
323.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 323: Yves Vaclav.
325.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 325: Pammi Aldis, and Sivert Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Yves Vaclav.
326.   1 resident(s) moved out of Winston in 326: Sivert Aldis.
327.   4 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 327: Lem Aldis, Florinda Aldis, Otis Aldis, and Lem Aldis.
328.   3 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 328: Peggy Guillermo, Garry Vaclav, and Yves Vaclav.
329.   4 resident(s) moved out of Winston in 329: Mathilde Aldis, Pammi Aldis, Rolph Aldis, and Katharina Aldis.
330.   5 resident(s) moved out of Winston in 330: Pammi Aldis, Lem Aldis, Florinda Aldis, Otis Aldis, and Lem Aldis.
332.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 332: Lind Gilles, and Kaile Gilles.
333.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 333: Drew Aldis.
334.   The settlements of Winston and Akiak are consolidating; since it's the biggest town and the economic center of the area, Winston will absorb the other settlements. Winston has annexed Akiak. 4 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 334: Mathilde Aldis, Katharina Aldis, Rolph Aldis, and Pammi Aldis.
335.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 335: Pammi Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Mathilde Aldis, Katharina Aldis, Rolph Aldis, and Pammi Aldis.
336.   3 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 336: Collin Aldis, Addis Aldis, and Roarke Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Drew Aldis, Garry Vaclav, Peggy Vaclav, Yves Vaclav, Jeanine Vaclav, and Ambrosia Vaclav.
337.   6 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 337: Drew Aldis, Yves Vaclav, Jeanine Vaclav, Ambrosia Vaclav, Harald Vaclav, and Peggy Vaclav.
338.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 338: Lark Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Yves Vaclav, Jeanine Vaclav, Ambrosia Vaclav, Harald Vaclav, and Peggy Vaclav.
339.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 339: Felicio Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Lind Gilles, and Jerrilyn Vaclav.
340.   2 resident(s) moved out of Winston in 340: Pammi Aldis, and Felicio Vaclav.
343.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 343: Otis Aldis.
344.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 344: Lynnell Aldis.
345.   3 resident(s) moved out of Winston in 345: Drew Aldis, Lark Aldis, and Otis Aldis.
347.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 347: Jerri Gilles, and Ronica Zollie.
348.   1 resident(s) moved out of Winston in 348: Jerri Gilles.
349.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 349: Alis Zollie, and Iago Zollie. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Lynnell Aldis.
351.   1 resident(s) moved out of Winston in 351: Iago Zollie.
352.   7 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 352: Yves Vaclav, Harald Vaclav, Ambrosia Vaclav, Tyrus Vaclav, Peggy Vaclav, Zita Vaclav, and Husein Vaclav.
353.   7 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 353: Otis Aldis, Connie Aldis, Sam Aldis, Aditya Aldis, Pippa Aldis, Capt. Lockwood Zollie, and Rebbecca Zollie. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Yves Vaclav, Tyrus Vaclav, Peggy Vaclav, Zita Vaclav, and Husein Vaclav.
354.   6 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 354: Maude Aldis, Orrin Aldis, Marrilee Myke, Glen Myke, Seth Vaclav, and King Vaclav.
355.   3 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 355: Bonnee Aldis, Elene Aldis, and Lem Aldis.
357.   6 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 357: Pip Gilles, Yves Vaclav, Zita Vaclav, Peggy Vaclav, Meryl Vaclav, and Husein Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Katerina Aldis, Otis Aldis, Connie Aldis, Sam Aldis, Aditya Aldis, Pippa Aldis, and Alis Zollie.
358.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 358: Aditya Aldis, and Katerina Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Hortense Aldis, Pip Gilles, Hortense Vaclav, Jesus Vaclav, Collin Vaclav II, Jesus Vaclav, Sherwin Vaclav, and Meryl Vaclav.
359.   3 resident(s) moved out of Winston in 359: Ambrosia Vaclav, Seth Vaclav, and Susana Vaclav.
361.   3 resident(s) moved out of Winston in 361: Yves Vaclav, Peggy Vaclav, and Husein Vaclav.
362.   7 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 362: Pammi Aldis, Seth Vaclav, Susana Vaclav, Shirlene Vaclav, Abagail Vaclav, Ambrosia Vaclav, and Rosmunda Vaclav.
363.   7 resident(s) moved out of Winston in 363: Aditya Aldis, Katerina Aldis, Marrilee Vaclav, Thorndike Vaclav, Yves Vaclav, Ciel Vaclav, and Martino Vaclav.
364.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 364: Michael Noland, and Bebe Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Roarke Aldis, Lem Aldis, Zita Aldis, and Gabriel Aldis.
365.   Michael Noland attempted to murder Collin Vaclav, but failed and was himself killed. Collin Vaclav killed 37-year-old Michael Noland in self-defense in Winston, Hornbeak, after the latter tried to murder him. Michael Noland was killed in Winston, Hornbeak by Collin Vaclav, who was acting in self-defense; he was 37 years old.
366.   4 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 366: Roarke Aldis, Gabriel Aldis, Raymundo Aldis, and Zita Aldis.
367.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 367: Yves Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Orrin Aldis, Seth Vaclav, Susana Vaclav, Shirlene Vaclav, Abagail Vaclav, Ambrosia Vaclav, and Rosmunda Vaclav.
368.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 368: Lynnell Aldis, and Irwin Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Elene Aldis, and Roarke Aldis.
370.   4 resident(s) moved out of Winston in 370: Eli Aldis, Lynnell Aldis, Collin Vaclav, and Ronica Zollie.
371.   3 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 371: Pip Gilles, Merrill Gilles, and Hakim Gilles.
373.   1 resident(s) moved out of Winston in 373: Yves Vaclav.
374.   4 resident(s) moved out of Winston in 374: Bebe Aldis, Harald Aldis, Devonne Aldis, and Jacynth Noland.
375.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 375: Eli Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Salim Aldis.
376.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 376: Otis Aldis.
377.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 377: Thedrick Myke, and Blinnie Myke. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Eli Aldis, Otis Aldis, and Harald Vaclav.
379.   3 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 379: Merril Gilles, Susana Gilles, and Anabel Gilles.
380.   2 resident(s) moved out of Winston in 380: Thedrick Myke, and Blinnie Myke.
381.   5 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 381: Marc Aldis, Jeanine Aldis, Camilla Aldis, Kizzie Aldis, and Lana Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Gabriel Aldis.
382.   5 resident(s) moved out of Winston in 382: Thedrick Aldis, Raymundo Aldis, Merril Gilles, Susana Gilles, and Anabel Gilles.
383.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 383: Raymundo Aldis, and Mathilde Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Collin Aldis, Marc Aldis, Jeanine Aldis, Camilla Aldis, Lana Aldis, and Pip Gilles.
384.   Kelley Gilles murdered 17-year-old Siana Aldis in Winston, Hornbeak. Siana Aldis was murdered in Winston, Hornbeak by Kelley Gilles; she was 17 years old. Kelley Gilles killed 19-year-old Raymundo Aldis in self-defense in Winston, Hornbeak, after the latter tried to murder her. This was her second victim. Raymundo Aldis was killed in Winston, Hornbeak by Kelley Gilles, who was acting in self-defense; he was 19 years old. Cory Vaclav murdered Kelley Gilles in an act of revenge. 2 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 384: Ciel Aldis, and Merril Gilles.
386.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 386: Eli Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Ciel Aldis, and Hakim Gilles.
389.   5 resident(s) moved out of Winston in 389: Mathilde Aldis, Chere Aldis, Felice Gilles, Merril Gilles, and Wallas Vaclav.
390.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 390: Keith Guillermo.
392.   3 resident(s) moved out of Winston in 392: Irwin Aldis, Melantha Aldis, and Jameson Aldis.
394.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 394: Marc Aldis.
395.   3 resident(s) moved out of Winston in 395: Fancy Guillermo, Keith Guillermo, and Angelica Guillermo.
396.   6 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 396: Pip Gilles, Madona Gilles, Ruddy Gilles, Jeniffer Gilles, Veronike Gilles, and Bartolomei Shumeet.
397.   3 resident(s) moved out of Winston in 397: Marc Aldis, Veronike Gilles, and Bartolomei Shumeet.
398.   4 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 398: Hakim Gilles, Felice Gilles, Merril Gilles, and Mohamad Myke. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Osgood Aldis.
399.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 399: Saree Guillermo.
400.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 400: Harmon Aldis.
401.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 401: Sammy Guillermo. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Harmon Aldis, Pip Gilles, and Madona Gilles.
402.   5 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 402: Torrey Noland, Rudolfo Zollie, Kelli Zollie, Vassili Zollie, and Anna-Diane Zollie.
405.   26 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 405: Marc Aldis, Gusty Gilles, Ruddy Gilles, Pip Gilles, Madona Gilles, Kizzee Noland, Torrey Noland, Gita Shumeet, Cory Vaclav, Salim Vaclav, Philly Vaclav, Merrill Vaclav, Carline Vaclav, Jory Vaclav, Muffin Vaclav, Hayley Vaclav, Rubie Vaclav, Maryrose Vaclav, Moyra Vaclav, Saree Vaclav, Sid Vaclav, Eli Vaclav, Rona Vaclav, Griswold Vaclav, Kurt Vaclav, and Howard Vaclav.
406.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 406: Susi Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Howard Vaclav.
407.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Winston in 407: Veronike Gilles, and Bartolomei Shumeet. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Kizzee Noland, and Torrey Noland.