Est. 276

Maroon is a small island in the Ocean of Diol that was discovered in the year 276 by the crew of the Advection.


Area: 115.83 square miles
Coordinates: 6669, 8755


Discovered: 276
Discovery ship: Advection
Discoverers: Bear Gilles, Eileen Gilles
Rediscovered: 320
Rediscovery ship: Archheresy
Rediscoverers: Angel Noland
Rediscovered: 326
Rediscovery ship: Tarsophyma
Rediscoverers: Renard Gilles, Thaddeus Myke, Alfonso Vaclav, Sile Aldis, Beverly Vaclav, Cherise Prasun, Christy Aldis, Rici Gilles, Lurleen Aldis


Former names: Cursed Isle (276-320), Issaquah (320-326)


Languages: Aniumustpyrx


Wilderness: Wilderness of Maroon
Settlements: Fife, Harvard
Abandoned settlements: Nantucket
Annexed settlements: None


Ships at port here: None


Population: 9
Highest-ever population: 16, in 352


Inhabitants: Munmro Aldis, Hodge Aldis, Christy Aldis, Guenevere Aldis, Kip Aldis, Giffie Aldis, Edie Aldis, Lurline Aldis, Andra Aldis
Former inhabitants who left: None
Died here: list all 19...
Bear Gilles (Natural causes), Eileen Gilles (Natural causes), Angel Noland (Disease), Rici Gilles (Suicide), Cherise Prasun (Starvation), Alfonso Vaclav (Disease), Beverly Vaclav (Natural causes), Wilhelmina Aldis (Infancy), Renard Gilles (Natural causes), Kendra Aldis (Infancy), Thaddeus Myke (Natural causes), Sile Aldis (Natural causes), Lurleen Aldis (Infancy), Gwenneth Aldis (Starvation), Lurleen Aldis (Natural causes), Brear Aldis (Freak accident), Lurleen Aldis (Disease), Christy Aldis (Natural causes), Aurel Aldis (Natural causes)


Murders: None


277.   Bear Gilles and Eileen Gilles, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Cursed Isle called Nantucket.
313.   Bear Gilles, who in 276 discovered the island of Cursed Isle along with 1 others, died in Nantucket, Cursed Isle, of natural causes; he was 65 years old.
318.   Eileen Gilles, who in 276 discovered the island of Cursed Isle along with 1 others, died in Nantucket, Cursed Isle, of natural causes; she was 70 years old.
327.   Renard Gilles, Thaddeus Myke, Sile Vaclav, Beverly Vaclav, Lurleen Aldis, and Christy Aldis, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Maroon called Fife.
369.   Guenevere Aldis and Christy Aldis, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Maroon called Harvard.