CSE101 - Intro to Data Structures and Algorithms

Date Topic Slides Handout Reference
10/01/20 Introduction intro   lec1 Responsibility
10/06/20 Linked lists lec2 youtube
10/08/20 Linked lists continued lec3 Argh, video didn't record properly
10/13/20 Stacks, recursion through stacks lec4 youtube
10/15/20 Recursion to generate all substrings, Asymptotic analysis, Big-Oh notation lec5 youtube Chap 3, CLRS
10/20/20 More on big-Oh notation, linear time, constant time, analysis of simple sorting algorithms lec6 (Argh, recording stopped in the middle)   youtube Chap 3, CLRS
10/22/20 Binary search analysis, starting binary heaps lec7 youtube     Heap viz by Melezinek Chap 6, CLRS
10/27/20 Binary heaps lec8 (Argh, error in recording) Chap 6, CLRS
10/29/20 BSTs continued lec9 youtube     BST viz by Melezinek Chap 12, CLRS
11/03/20 Tree traversals, self-balancing BSTs, starting AVL trees lec10 youtube     AVL viz by Galles Chap 12, 13 CLRS, wikipedia
11/05/20 AVL trees lec11 youtube Chap 12, 13 CLRS
11/10/20 Hash tables, starting mergesort lec12 youtube Chap 11, CLRS
11/12/20 Mergesort and quicksort lec13 youtube Chap 2.3, 4, 7, CLRS
11/17/20 Solving algorithms problems - I lec14 youtube
11/19/20 Solving algorithms problems - II lec15 youtube
11/24/20 Graphs and BFS lec16 youtube Chap 22, CLRS
11/26/20 Thanksgiving (no class) Chap 22, CLRS
12/01/20 Loop invariants and proving BFS correctness lec17 youtube Chap 2, 22, CLRS
12/03/20 Single-source shortest path algorithms lec18 youtube Chap 24, CLRS
12/08/20 DFS lec19 Recording on YuJa, not youtube Chap 22, CLRS
12/10/20 All Questions Answered