Est. 299

Albany is a tiny settlement on the island of Diomede, Diol, that was founded in the year 299.


Island: Diomede
Coast: Inland
Area: 0.07 square miles


Founded: 299
Annexed: None


Ships in port: None


Houses: Prasun House, Prasun House, Prasun House, Prasun House


Population: no one since 389
Highest-ever population: 9 (in 302)


Residents: None
Former residents who moved away: Lawrence Prasun, Rudolfo Prasun, Rudolfo Prasun, Sarajane Prasun, Lawrence Prasun, Torrance Prasun, Torrance Prasun
Died here: Augie Prasun (Natural causes), Sarajane Prasun (Suicide), Brandi Prasun (Natural causes), Rudolfo Prasun (Natural causes), Fonz Prasun (Natural causes), Niccolo Prasun (Natural causes), Lawrence Prasun (Natural causes), Torrance Prasun (Natural causes), Xerxes Prasun (Natural causes)
Murders: None


299.   Albany, Judgement, was founded by Brandi Prasun, Niccolo Prasun, Fonz Prasun, Lawrence Prasun, Xerxes Prasun, Augie Prasun, Sarajane Prasun, Rudolfo Prasun, Brandi Prasun, Niccolo Prasun, Rudolfo Prasun, Sarajane Prasun, Xerxes Prasun, and Lawrence Prasun. 8 newcomer(s) moved to Albany in 299: Fonz Prasun, Augie Prasun, Brandi Prasun, Xerxes Prasun, Niccolo Prasun, Rudolfo Prasun, Sarajane Prasun, and Lawrence Prasun.
314.   Augie Prasun, who in 299 founded Albany along with 13 others, died in Albany, Judgement, of natural causes; he was 60 years old.
323.   Sarajane Prasun, who in 299 founded Albany along with 13 others, took her own life in Albany, Judgement; she was 28 years old.
324.   Brandi Prasun, who in 299 founded Albany along with 13 others, died in Albany, Judgement, of natural causes; she was 65 years old.
342.   Rudolfo Prasun, who in 299 founded Albany along with 13 others, died in Albany, Diomede, of natural causes; he was 58 years old.
354.   Fonz Prasun, who in 299 founded Albany along with 13 others, died in Albany, Diomede, of natural causes; he was 71 years old.
363.   Niccolo Prasun, who in 299 founded Albany along with 13 others, died in Albany, Diomede, of natural causes; he was 72 years old.
370.   Lawrence Prasun, who in 299 founded Albany along with 13 others, died in Albany, Diomede, of natural causes; he was 73 years old.
390.   Xerxes Prasun, who in 299 founded Albany along with 13 others, died in Albany, Diomede, of natural causes; he was 94 years old.