2003-02-05 Start WEB page here to indicate progress and status.
2003-02-01 Experiments delayed, lost weekend of work to flu.
2003-01-29 Login enabled at soe.ucsc.edu. Begin examining the setup
of the computer systems at the
UCSC Genome
Bioinformatics group.
2003-01-26 Propose learning experiments for myself to Al and Jim for my
edification. Jim says give it a try, would be a good exercise
for me.
Create pixmap of nucleotide frequencies near exon/intron
boundaries. May be a noisy picture, maybe not.
Limit frequency measurements to the same introns. Compare
first intron with first intron, second with second, etc...
Compute an artifical "Average" sequence for
the intron/exon boundaries. Perhaps a pattern may be apparent
Might see too much noise in these comparisons, perhaps
need to "bin" measurements together. "Bins"
get larger as distance from exon/intron boundary increases.
Extend these frequency measurements to N-mers up to perhaps
8 or so.
2003-01-21 I naively believed I could simply pick up a listing
of homologous alt-spliced human-mouse genes and merely get
to the comparisons. I'm learning that a lot of people would
like to see such a list and it would be good if someone could
make one. Al properly suggests I should work on the more managable
set of genes in C. briggsae and C. elegans. For those there
are some tentative listings of alt-spliced genes. Need to work
through this listing:
altsplice.raw.html and determine which ones are good
candidates for alternative splicing.
2003-01-15 Meet with Jim and Al for lunch to obtain advice from
Jim. Confirm that RefSeq is a good list to use for genes,
and yes the browser does have a 1-relative coordinate system
compared to all the other data files which have 0-relative
coordinate systems.
2002-12-31 Have been running some experiments to get used to
reading the mouse and human chromsome .fa files and picking
out the genes from the RefSeq listings. Figure out the
coordinate system, how to get the gene sequences from the
+ and - strands, create N-mers, count frequencies, and use a simple
scoring system to see if I
can identify homologous pairs of genes between the mouse
and human genomes. The simple test does seem to work OK, but
it is a bit slow on a Pentium-II 400 Mhz would take about 50
days. It doesn't need to do that much work, this is overkill.
2002-12-17 Meet with Al to be introduced to the problem. Very
useful for me to see how Al operates the genome browser.
A good learning exercise.
The ENCODE Project at UC Santa Cruz
Daryl J. Thomas, Kate R. Rosenbloom, Hiram Clawson, Angie S. Hinrichs, Heather Trumbower, Brian J. Raney, Donna Karolchik, Galt P. Barber, Rachel A. Harte, Jennifer Hillman-Jackson, Robert M. Kuhn, Brooke L. Rhead, Kayla E. Smith, Archana Thakkapallayil, Ann S. Zweig, The ENCODE Project Consortium, David Haussler and W. James Kent
(2006) Nucleic Acids Research January 2007 Vol. 35, Database issue D663-D667
PMID: 17166863
The UCSC genome browser database: update 2007
R. M. Kuhn, D. Karolchik, A. S. Zweig, H. Trumbower, D. J. Thomas, A. Thakkapallayil, C. W. Sugnet, M. Stanke, K. E. Smith, A. Siepel,2 K. R. Rosenbloom, B. Rhead, B. J. Raney, A. Pohl, J. S. Pedersen, F. Hsu, A. S. Hinrichs, R. A. Harte, M. Diekhans, H. Clawson, G. Bejerano, G. P. Barber, R. Baertsch, D. Haussler,1 and W. J. Kent
(2006) Nucleic Acids Research January 2007 Vol. 35, Database issue D668-D673
PMID: 17142222
The UCSC Known Genes
Hsu F, Kent WJ, Clawson H, Kuhn RM, Diekhans M, Haussler D
(2006) Bioinformatics 01 May 2006 22(9):1036-46
PMID: 16500937
The UCSC Genome Browser Database: update 2006
Hinrichs AS, Karolchik D, Baertsch R, Barber GP, Bejerano G, Clawson H,
Diekhans M, Furey TS, Harte RA, Hsu F, Hillman-Jackson J, Kuhn RM,
Pedersen JS, Pohl A, Raney BJ, Rosenbloom KR, Siepel A, Smith KE,
Sugnet CW, Sultan-Qurraie A, Thomas DJ, Trumbower H, Weber RJ,
Weirauch M, Zweig AS, Haussler D, Kent WJ
(2006) Nucleic Acids Research 01 Jan 2006 34(Database issue):D590-8
PMID: 16381938
Evolutionarily conserved elements in vertebrate, insect, worm, and yeast genomes
Siepel A, Bejerano G, Pedersen JS, Hinrichs AS, Hou M, Rosenbloom K,
Clawson H, Spieth J, Hillier LW, Richards S, Weinstock GM, Wilson RK,
Gibbs RA, Kent WJ, Miller W, Haussler D
(2005) Genome Research 15 Aug 2005 (8):1034-50
PMID 16024819
Aligning Multiple Genomic Sequences With the Threaded Blockset
Mathieu Blanchette, W. James Kent, Cathy Riemer,
Laura Elnitski, Arian F.A. Smit, Krishna M. Roskin,
Robert Baertsch, Kate Rosenbloom, Hiram Clawson,
Eric D. Green, David Haussler and Webb Miller
(2004) Genome Research 14 April 2004 (4):708-715 ISSN 1088-9051
PMID 15060014
Volunteer Project:
Working for
Prof. Zahler, with generous advice from
Jim Kent,
looking for conserved regions in introns that may indicate
alternative gene splice signals in the
C. elegans and
C. briggsae genomes.
If a method can be found that works on those genomes, we will scale
up and examine the conserved intron signals between the
Human and Mouse genomes.
2003-11-08 Completed
"Gene Expression and Pathways"
Instructor: Raxit J. Jariwalla
Text: Molecular Biology of the Cell, 4th Edition
Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, Martin Raff,
Keith Roberts, Peter Walter,
(2002) Garland Science ISBN 0-8153-3218-1
2003-06-14 Completed
"BioPerl for Bioinformatics"
Instructor: Joe Puliadi,
2003-03-29 Completed
"Bioinformatics Tools, Databases, and Methods"
Instructor: Darryl A. León
Text: Bioinformatics: A Practical Guide to the Analysis of Genes
and Proteins
Andreas D. Baxevanis, B.F. Francis Ouellette
(2001) John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN 0-471-38390-2
2003-04-24 Completed
"Advanced Sequence Analysis in Bioinformatics"
Instructor: Arun Jagota
Text: Biological sequence analysis
R. Durbin, S. Eddy, A. Krogh, G. Mitchison
(1998) Cambridge University Press ISBN 0-521-62971-3
2003-03-12 Completed
"Introduction to Probability and Statistics"
Instructor: Dilip Dedhia
Text: Probability and Statistics
William Mendenhall, Robert J. Beaver, Barber M. Beaver
(2003) Thomson Learning, Inc. ISBN 0-534-39519-8
2003-02-25 Completed
"Introduction to Molecular Biology"
Instructor: Raxit J. Jariwalla
Text: Molecular Biology of the Cell, 4th Edition
Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, Martin Raff,
Keith Roberts, Peter Walter,
(2002) Garland Science ISBN 0-8153-3218-1
2008-10-01 In the shadow of progress: being human in the age
of technology
Eric Cohen(1977-)
(2008)Encounter Books
ISBN-13 978-1-59403-208-0
2007-02-15 Race to the Finish
Identity and Governance in an Age of Genomics
Jenny Reardon
(2005) Princeton University Press
ISBN 0-691-11857-4
2005-09-20 Mapping Human History
Discovering the past through our Genes
Steve Olson
(2002) Houghton Mifflin Company ISBN 0-618-09157-2
UCSC McHenry Call # QH455.O474 2002
2005-09-09 The Blind Watchmaker
Richard Dawkins
(1996) W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. ISBN 0-393-31570
UCSC Science Call # QH366.2.D37 1996
2004-09-27 The Gene Masters: how a new breed of scientific
entrepreneurs raced for the biggest prize in biology
Ingrid Wickelgren
(2002) Times Books, Henry Holt and Company, LLC
ISBN 0-8050-7174-1
2003-10-01 The Genetic Code
Isaac Asimov (1920-1992)
(1962) The New American Library, Inc. (SIGNET)
2003-07-14 What is life ? (1944) The physical aspect of the living cell &
Mind and matter (1958)
Erwin Schrodinger (1887-1961)
(1967) Cambridge, University Press ISBN 0-521-06223-3
UCSC Science Call # QH331.S3557 1997
2003-05-04 A Passion for DNA, Genes, Genomes, and Society
James D. Watson
(2000) Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press ISBN 0-19-850697-X
2003-04-18 The Double Helix
James D. Watson
(1968) Various publishers over the years ISBN 0-684-85279-9
[0-7432-1630-x (Pbk)]
2003-04-08 Roslind Franklin, The Dark Lady of DNA
Brenda Maddox
(2002) HarperCollins Publishers Inc. ISBN 0-06-018407-8
2003-03-20 The Year of the Genome
Gerald Weissmann
(2002) Henry Holt and Company, LLC ISBN 0-8050-7095-8
2003-03-07 GENOME - The Autobiography of a Species in 23 chapters
Matt Ridley
(1999) HarperCollins Publishers Inc. ISBN 0-06-019497-9
2003-02-06 A New Approach to Fragment Assembly in DNA Sequencing
Pavel A. Pavzner, Haixu Tang, Michael S. Waterman, EULER software described
2003-01-23 Selecting for Functional Alternative Splices in ESTs
Zhengyan Kan, David States, Warren Gish,
(2002) Genome Research 12:1837-1845
2003-01-22 Splice Variation in Mouse Full-Length cDNAs Identified
by Mapping to the Mouse Genome
Mihaela Zavolan, Erik van Nimwegen, Terry Gaasterland,
(2002) Genome Research 12:1377-1385
2003-01-02 Analysis of the role of Caenorhabditis elegans
GC-AG introns in regulated splicing
Tracy Farrer, A. Brock Roller, James W. Kent, Alan M. Zahler,
(2002) Nucleic Acids Research 30:3360-3367
2002-12-30 Finish reading first 8 chapters in
Molecular Biology of the Cell, 4th edition,
Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, Martin Raff,
Keith Roberts, Peter Walter,
(2002) Garland Science ISBN 0-8153-3218-1
2002-12-30 SR proteins and hnRNP H regulate the splicing of the
HIV-1 tev-specific exon 6D
Massimo Caputi, Alan M. Zahler,
(2002) The EMBO Journal 21:845-855
2002-12-28 Determination of the RNA Binding Specificity of the
Heterogeneous Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) H/H'/F/2H9 Family
Massimo Caputi, Alan M. Zahler,
(2001) The Journal of Biological Chemistry 276:43850-43859
2002-12-26 hnRNP A/B proteins are required for inhibition of HIV-1
pre-mRNA splicing
Massimo Caputi, Akila Mayeda, Adrian R. Krainer, Alan M. Zahler,
(1999) The EMBO Journal 18:4060-4067
2002-12-24 The Human Genome Browser at UCSC
James W. Kent, Charles W. Sugnet, Terrence S. Furye,
Krishna M. Roskin, Tom H. Pringle, Alan M. Zahler,
David Haussler,
(2002) Genome Research 12:996-1006
2002-12-22 The Intronerator: exploring introns and alternative
splicing in Caenorhabditis elegans
James W. Kent, Alan M. Zahler,
Brief discussion of Intronerator operation
(2000) Nucleic Acids Research 28:91-93
2002-12-20 Conservation, Regulation, Synteny, and Introns in
a Large-scale C. briggsae-C. elegans Genomic Alignment
James W. Kent, Alan M. Zahler, WABA algorithm described,
intronerator description (2000) Genome Research 10:1115-1125
2002-12-14 NIH Grant proposal: Alternative splice identification
Alan M. Zahler, Pre-print
Recreational Reading:
2014-05-08 And forever free ...
Joanne Williamson
Knopf New York (2014)
2014-04-29 Jacobins daughter
Joanne Williamson
Knopf New York (2014)
2014-04-28 The Sixth Extinction - An Unnatural History
Elizabeth Kolbert
Henry Holt and Company New York (2014)
ISBN 978-0-8050-9299-8 hardback
2014-04-25 The Glorious Conspiracy
Joanne Williamson
Knopf New York (2014)
2014-04-30 Genes, Girls, and Gamow
James D. Watson
Alfred A. Knopf (2001)
ISBN 0-375-41283-2 hardback
2014-04-20 Field Notes from a Catastrophe, Man, Nature and Climate Change
Elizabeth Kolbert
Bloomsbury (2006)
QC 981.8 G56 K655 2006 C74 2009
ISBN 978-1-59691-125-3 hardback
2014-04-15 The long thaw : how humans are changing the next 100,000 years of Earths climate
David Archer
Princeton University Press Princton NJ (2014)
2014-04-05 Helping children overcome learning difficulties
Jerome Rosner
Walker and Co. New York (2014)
2014-03-15 Why evolution is true
Jerry A. Coyne
Viking Penguin (2009)
QH 366.2 C74 2009
ISBN 978-0-670-02053-9 hardback
2014-02-10 Student's Guild to Vectors and Tensors
Daniel Fleisch
Cambridge University Press (2012)
ISBN 978-0-521-17190-8 paperback
2013-12-19 The Long Thaw, How Humans are changing the next 100,000 years of Earth's climate
David Archer
Princton University Press, New Jersey (2009)
ISBN 978-0-691-13654-7 hardback
2013-08-14 Why Evolution Works (and creationism fails)
Matt Young and Paul K. Strode
Rutgers University Press, New Jersey (2009)
QH366.2 .Y69 paperback
2013-08-14 Evolution vs. creationism : an intr
Eugenie Carol Scott
QH367 .S395
ISBN 0-313-32122-1
Greenwood Press, CT (2004) hardback
2013-07-12 A history of the expansion of Christianity
Kenneth Scott Latourette
Harper and Brothers, New York (1937)
R145.L3 v.1 hardback
2013-07-20 A student's guide to Maxwell's equations
Daniel Fleisch
Cambridge University Press/Cambridge UK New York
2012-11-26 The Big Wave
Pearl S. Buck, illustrated with prints by Hiroshige and Hokusai
The John Day Company, New York (1948)
2012-11-24 The Complete Sherlock Holmes Volume Two
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, preface by Christopher Morley
Doubleday & Company, INC. Garden City, New York (1927)
2012-09-29 Broken Hand, the life of Thomas Fitzpatrick: mountain man,
guide, and Indian agent
LeRoy Haven
Old West Publishing Co. (1973)
ISBN 0-912094-17-6
2012-09-20 The witch of Blackbird Pond
Elizabeth George Speare
Houghton Mifflin (1958)
2012-07-15 The Story of Electrical and Magnetic Measurements,
From 500 BC to the 1940s
Joseph F. Keithley
IEEE Press (1999)
ISBN 0-7803-1193-0
2012-06-13 The Anza Trail and the Settling of California
Vladimir Guerrero
Heyday Books (2006)
ISBN 1-59714-026-0
2012-06-11 The Trumpter of Krakow, A Tale of the Fifteenth Century
Eric P. Kelly
The Macmillan Company (1928)
2011-11-24 The Complete Sherlock Holmes Volume One
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, preface by Christopher Morley
Doubleday & Company, INC. Garden City, New York (1927)
2011-04-11 The Difficulty of Being Good, on the subtle art of dharma
Gurcharan Das
Oxford University Press (2009)
ISBN 978-0-19-975441-0
2011-03-10 Dismantling the Big Lie - The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Steven Leonard Jacobs and Mark Weitzman
KTAV Publishing House, Inc. New Jersey
ISBN 0-88125-785-0
2011-02-25 Offenders or victims ?: German Jews and the causes of modern Catholic antisemitism
Olaf Blaschke
Univ. Nebraska Press
ISBN 978-0-8032-2522-0
2010-08-12 The Big Questions
Steven E. Landsburg
Free Press (2009)
ISBN 978-1-4391-4821-1
2010-08-12 Can We Be Good Without God ?
Robert Buckman
Prometheus Books (2002)
ISBN 1-57392-974-3
2010-08-12 Is Goodness without God Good Enough ?
editors: Robert K. Garcia and Nathan L. King
Rowman and Littlefield Publishers (2009)
ISBN 978-0-7425-5171-8
2010-08-12 Good Without God
Greg M. Epstein
William Morrow (2009)
ISBN 978--06-167011-4
2010-08-12 The Battle for God
Karen Armstrong
Alfred A. Knopf (2000)
ISBN 0-679-43597-2
2009-12-08 1969: the year everything changed
Rob Kirkpatrick
skyhorsepublishing.com (2009)
ISBN 978-1-60239-366-0
2009-12-01 The Great American Crime Decline
Franklin E. Zimring
Oxford University Press oup.com (2007)
ISBN 13-978-0-19-518115-9
2009-09-26 The reason-driven life: why am I here on earth for ?
Robert M. Price
2009-09-16 Society without God: what the least religious nations can
tell us about contentment
Phil Zuckerman
2009-08-25 The Spanish Inquisition
Helen Rawlings
(2006)Blackwell, Malden MA
2009-08-20 Crypto-judaism and the Spanish inquisition
Michael Alpert
(2001)Palgrave, New York
DS135.S7 A5735
2009-08-15 The Spanish Inquisition, a history
Joseph Perez
(2004)Profile, London
2009-08-10 A short history of the Jewish people
Raymond P. Scheindlin
DS117.S45 1998
2009-06-09 Invitation to the Sociology of Religion
Phil ZuckerMan
(2003)Routledge, Taylor & Francis Books, Inc.
ISBN 0-415-94125-3
2009-03-16 The Art of Cooking Omelettes
Madame Romaine de Lyon (Champion)
(1963)Doubleday & Co., Inc.
2009-03-13 The Omelette Book
Narcissa Chamberlain
(1955)Borzoi Book, Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.
L.C. cat 55-10130
2009-02-27 Brushing Your Teeth Can Be Fun
Munro Leaf(1905-1976)
(2008) Universe Publishing
ISBN 10: 0-7893-1594-7, 13: 978-0-7893-1594-6
Originally: Health Can Be Fun 1943
2009-02-20 The Prince and the Pauper
Mark Twain(1835-1910)
(1937) John C. Winston Company
2009-01-05 King of the Wind
Marguerite Henry(1902-1997)
(1948) Rand McNally and Company
2008-11-25 Stormy, Misty's foal
Marguerite Henry(1902-1997)
(1963) Rand McNally and Company
NRLF 962 H523 Sto
Library of Congress 63-13334
2008-10-07 Misty of Chincoteague
Marguerite Henry(1902-1997)
(1947) Rand McNally and Company
UCSB main library PZ10.3.H43 Mi
2008-09-21 Brighty of the Grand Canyon
Marguerite Henry(1902-1997)
(1953) Rand McNally and Company
library of congress 53-7233
2008-08-30 The Home Orchard - Growing your own deciduous
fruit and nut trees
Chuck A. Ingles, Pamela M. Geisel, and Maxwell V. Norton
(2007)University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources
Publication 3485
ISBM-13 978-1-879906-72-3
2008-08-30 Understood Betsy
Dorothy Canfield Fisher(1879-1958)
(1917,1999) Henry Hold and Company
ISBN 0-8050-6073-1 hardcover
2008-08-10 Black Beauty, The Autobiography of a Horse
Anna Sewell(1820-1878)
2008-07-31 Tuxedo Park - A wall street tycoon and the secret palace
of science that changed the course of World War II
(Alfred Lee Loomis biography)
Jennet Conant
(2002)Simon & Schuster
ISBN 0-684-87287-0
2008-06-30 Acts of Faith - Explaining the Human Side of Religion
Rodney Stark and Roger Finke
(2000)University of California press
ISBM 978-0-520-22202-1
2008-05-20 Caddie Woodlawn
Carol Ryrie Brink(1895-1981)
(1935,1952) The Macmillan Company
2008-05-18 Dreams from My Father
Barack Obama (1961- )
(1995,2004) Three Rivers Press, New York
ISBN 1-4000-8277-3 paperback
2008-03-15 E = mc^2 A Biography of the Worlds' most famous equation
David Bodanis (19??- )
(2000) Walker Publishing Company, Inc.
OC73.8.C6 B63
2007-04-29 Winning his spurs: a tale of the crusades
G.A. Henty (1832-1902)
(1897) Sampson Low, Marston & Company, London
UC SRLF PR 4785 H39win 1882
2007-04-20 Little Town on the Praire
Laura Ingalls Wilder
(1941) Harper & Brothers, New York
UC NRLF 962.W673.litt B 3 980 413
2007-03-20 The Long Winter
Laura Ingalls Wilder
(1940) Harper & Brothers, New York
UC NRLF 962.W673.lon B 3 980 411
2007-03-10 The cat of Bubastes: a tale of ancient Egypt
G. A. Henty
(1889) Blackie & son, London
UCSC McHenry Call # PR 4785 H55 C3
2007-03-07 By the shores of Silver Lake
Laura Ingalls Wilder
UC NRLF 962.W673.b B 3 980 412
2007-02-01 On the banks of Plum Creek
Laura Ingalls Wilder
UC NRLF 962.W673.ont B3 980 415
2007-01-15 Little House on the Prairie
Laura Ingalls Wilder
ISBN 06-0308357-X
UCSC McHenry Call # PS 3545 I327 L57 1975
2006-12-20 Little house in the Big woods
Laura Ingalls Wilder
(1932) Harper & Brothers
UC library system call number NRLF B 3 980 409
2006-11-30 Malcolm Muggeridge: a biography
Gregory Wolfe
(1997) William B. Eerdmans Pub., Grand Rapids, Mich.
ISBN 0-8028-3839-1
UCSC McHenry Call # PR 6025.U5 Z94 1997
2006-03-29 Rich Dad, Poor Dad
Robert T. Kiyosake and Sharon L. Lechter
(2000) Warner Books, Inc.
ISBN 0-446-67745-0
UCSC McHenry Call # HG 179 K565 2000
2006-03-28 Mary Poppins
P.L. Travers (Pamela Lyndon 1899-1996), illustrated by Mary Shepard
(1934) Reynal & Hitchcock, New YorkCornwall Press
UCSB Main Library # PZ 7 T689 Mar2
2006-03-15 Who wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls ?
Norman Golb
(1995) Scribner
ISBN 0-02-544395-X
2006-01-15 Who wrote the Bible ?
Richard Elliott Friedman
(1987) Perennial Library
UCSC McHenry Call # 1225.2.F75 1989
2005-12-01 Guns, Germs, and Steel
The Fates of Human Societies
Jared Diamond
(1997) W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. ISBN 0-393-31755-2
2005-08-01 Robinson Crusoe
Daniel Defoe (1661?-1731)
2005-02-15 Why I am not a Christian
Bertrand Russell (1872-1970)
(1957) Simon and Schuster
UCSC McHenry Call # BL2780.R87 1957
2003-09-10 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
J. K. Rowling
(2003) Arthur A. Levine Books, Scholastic Press
ISBN 0-459-35806-X
2003-06-24 A Dangerous Place, California's Unsettling Fate
Marc Reisner
(2003) Random House, Inc. Pantheon Books ISBN 0-679-42011-8