Alpha Phi Omega
National Convention

Phoenix '96

Proposed Legislation
(by Topic)

National and Regional Alignment

Articles of Association

National Bylaws

Articles of Incorporation

Long Range Goals Report


Risk Management

Rituals, Toast Song, and other publications

Proposed Resolutions

Submitted by Milton D. Smith, Alumnus, Kappa Awards & Appreciations
Reference #: R-1

I move that the H. Roe Bartle award be amended as to contain the following MANDATORY requirement:

In the past school year, the Chapter has actively participated in one or more of the following activities:

  1. Section Conference
  2. Leadership Development Workshop (LDW)
  3. Chapter Program Workshop (CPW)

In order to fulfill the requirements for Service to Chapter, participation in these events on an annual basis is of utmost importance. Without attendance at the events, a chapter will slowly shrink, and become disinvolved with the National Fraternity.

Submitted by: Submitted by Milton D. Smith, Alumnus, Kappa National Organization II
Reference #: R-2

I move that the National Fraternity cause to publish, on an annual basis, the names of each National Committee and its constituent members.

The National President appoints many Brothers to serve on the various committees of the National Fraternity. These committees include, but are not limited to, the Board of Trustees, Membership, Finance, Scouting, International Relations, Diversity and Publications. The list of committees also include special task forces and ad hoc committees established by Convention action. Passing this motion further serves the Fraternity in Service to its members by making the Brotherhood aware of the scope of activities that the Fraternity partakes in order to strengthen the Fraternity. I believe this will encourage the Brotherhood to contribute more ideas, time and service to the Fraternity. Other than in Convention years, these committees are largely forgotten, even though their work continues Convention to Convention. An ideal publication for such a listing would be in the Torch and Trefoil. explain, privacy violations, already available from office

Submitted by Paul F. Romain, Beta Iota Chapter Alumni Scouting
Reference #: R-3

Whereas Alpha Phi Omega is based on the Principles and Traditions of the Boy Scouts of America, and whereas the earning of the ranks of Eagle Scout (BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA), Golden Award (GSA), or Quartermaster Award (Sea Exploring, BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA) exemplifies an adolescent's ability to: exhibit Leadership, develop Friendship, and provide Service, be it Resolved that the National President will appoint an individual(s) to develop and produce suitable recognitions of achievement (i.e. certificates), so that Chapters may be able to present said recognition to local recipients of said ranks, and that the appropriate persons at the National BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA & GSA offices be informed of their availability.

1. Service to Campus & Chapter: Public Relations. May entice recipients to visit campus and/or join APO.
2. Service to Community & Nation: Will provide encouragement to recipients to continue in their endeavors.

Submitted by John Grossi, Section 94 Chair and Jason Rolfstad, Section 21 Staff National Organization II
Reference #: R-4

We move the following be added to the Pledge Manual on page 9, between paragraphs 2 and 3

In 1950, Alpha Phi Omega became international with the chartering of Alpha Chapter - Phillippines at Far Eastern University in Manila. There are currently 225 chapters in the Republic of the Phillippines as well as a quarter of a million brothers in a separate National Organization.

There are many brothers of APO Phillippines in the US. I've run into "brods" and "sisters" (their usage) from the Phillippines on the street because I'm wearing my letters. Our pledges should at least be aware of the existence of the chapters in the Phillippines, as they are as likely to have encounters with them as I am.

Robert E. Lee Correll, IV, Region III Director
John Conover, Jr., Region III Extension Coordinator
Mike Ogilvie, Region III Parliamentarian
Jamie Conover, Section 81 Chair
Diane Trafton, Section 83 Chair
Lee Peters, Section 84 Chair
Michael Leahy, Zeta Beta Advisor
Linda Prevatte, Alpha Delta Delta Advisor
Chapter Operations
Reference #: R-5

Be it resolved that:
Any perceived agreement allowing gender discrimination, commonly referred to as the "1976 Gentleman's Agreement", authorizing all-male chapters at co-educational institutions, is no longer in force and is to be considered null and void.

The National Convention is the supreme authority of the National Fraternity, and is never bound by past decisions. Therefore, the Fraternity has the right to reevaluate the actions of previous conventions, and the obligation to enforce the Fraternity's open membership policies.

Robert E. Lee Correll, IV, Region III Director
John Conover, Jr., Region III Extension Coordinator
Mike Ogilvie, Region III Parliamentarian
Jamie Conover, Section 81 Chair
Diane Trafton, Section 83 Chair
Lee Peters, Section 84 Chair
Michael Leahy, Zeta Beta Advisor
Linda Prevatte, Alpha Delta Delta Advisor
Chapter Operations
Reference #: R-6

Be it resolved that:
This convention reaffirms the "1976 Gentleman's Agreement" allowing or authorizing the continuation of all-male chapters at co-educational institutions chartered before 1976.

The National Convention is the supreme authority of the National Fraternity and is never bound by past decisions. The Fraternity has the right and obligation to reaffirm the right of a chapter to discriminate based on gender.

Robert E. Lee Correll, IV, Region III Director
John Conover, Jr., Region III Extension Coordinator
Mike Ogilvie, Region III Parliamentarian
Jamie Conover, Section 81 Chair
Diane Trafton, Section 83 Chair
Lee Peters, Section 84 Chair
Michael Leahy, Former Section 82 Chair
Linda Prevatte, Alpha Delta Delta Advisor
Chapter Operations
Reference #: R-7

Be it resolved that: The 1998 National Convention Rules and Credentials Reference Committee deny certification to those chapters not in good standing due to their violation of Alpha Phi Omega's published Membership Policies. The Rules and Credentials Reference Committee will disallow any unwritten agreement between the Fraternity and any other entity.

This is one mechanism to enforce the Fraternity's published membership policies.

Robert E. Lee Correll, IV, Region III Director
John Conover, Jr., Region III Extension Coordinator
Jamie Conover, Section 81 Chair
Lee Peters, Section 84 Chair
Michael Leahy, Former Section 82 Chair
Chapter Operations
Reference #: R-8

Be it resolved that:
The National Spirit and Standards Committee recommend to the 1998 National Convention the revocation of the charter of any chapter not in compliance with the Fraternity's published Membership Policies. The National Spirit and Standards Committee will disallow any unwritten agreement between the Fraternity and any other entity.

This is one mechanism to enforce the Fraternity's published membership policies.

Submitted by John Conover, Jr., Region III Extension Coordinator Membership
Reference #: R-9

Be it resolved:
The National Fraternity allow Petitioning members who have graduated from, or ceased to attend the institution, while in good standing with the Petitioning Group, be allowed to have their names placed on the chapter's charter (or recharter certificate) as an active member, upon chartering of the chapter. This member would immediately become an alumni member of the chapter and the National Fraternity.

This follows the current practice of several Regions. graduates are not allowed to be active, 75% vote too high

Submitted by Debra Salob, Epsilon Mu, University of Maryland at College Park Publication/Public Relations
Reference #: R-10

To include the Brotherhood Oath of Loyalty and Service in the Pledge Manual.

One of the points of the National Pledging Standards is that pledges should know and understand the oath, so that they fully understand what is expected of them as brothers. It makes no sense that this should be included in the standards without the oath itself being included in the pledge manual.

Submitted by Zeta Theta Chapter Scouting
Reference #: R-11

The Scout Oath and Scout Law should be prominently displayed in the National Pledge Manual.

At its current size and location, the Scout Oath and Scout Law are hard to find and read. Since they are the cornerstone of what Alpha Phi Omega was founded on, we feel it deserves to be more prominently displayed. See Jerry Schroeder's comments

Submitted by Thomas G. Barnhill, Jr., Chapter President Alpha Rho Publication/Public Relations
Reference #: R-12

The National APO Slogan:

Leadership and Friendship through Service.

This slogan would incorporate the three Cardinal Principles in a simple phrase. This phrase is already used unofficially by some. By passing this proposal, the slogan would be officially recognized by the Fraternity.

Submitted by M. Tomusiak, National Board Member at Large Chapter Operations
Reference #: R-13

Be it resolved that every Chapter of Alpha Phi Omega shall review its membership policies with respect to the exclusion of potential members based on gender, and by the 1998 National Convention, take action to open membership to all students.

Banning students of either gender on co-ed campuses is contrary to the open membership policy stated in our Bylaws, and inconsistent with the Fraternity ideals of world-wide Leadership, Friendship and Service. least of the equality proposals

Submitted by the 1994 National Convention Membership
Reference #: R-14

Be it resolved that the 1994 National Convention recommends that the 1996 National Convention give further consideration on amending the Toast Song in regard to the words "True To."

No rationale submitted.

Submitted by Gamma Theta Chapter, University of Colorado at Boulder Service
Reference #: R-15

National Service Emphasis
Be it resolved that the present National Service Day theme for 1996, which is Community Disaster Preparedness and Personal Safety, be adopted as a permanent National Service Emphasis of Alpha Phi Omega as part of the Cardinal Principles of the Fraternity. The need for adopting such a program into a permanent service emphasis is justified by the ever increasing risk to life and property, posed by natural and man-made hazards such as tornadoes, fires, hurricanes, floods, hazardous materials emergencies, and other related phenomena.
The members of Alpha Phi Omega have traditionally contributed greatly to these programs in times of need, and the opportunities for increased service in a guided and directed program in the future is of paramount importance.

It is further proposed that the Fraternity enter into a "coalition agreement" with the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Family Disaster Preparedness program, and the American Red Cross Community Disaster Education Program. The terms of this agreement would create a voluntary opportunity for supporting and utilizing the resources and programs of those organizations by chapters and members of Alpha Phi Omega who chose to participate in their respective campuses and communities. The National Office of Alpha Phi Omega would serve as a coordination point through which such liaison between FEMA and the American Red Cross would occur.

No rationale submitted.

Submitted by Richard E. Vehlow, Epsilon Zeta Chapter Membership
Reference #: R-16

The National Convention resolves to encourage chapters to take action to encourage new or renewed chapters at other schools, but only after membership at the chapter is at a high enough level such that extension activities will not interfere with any chapter programs or operations, or the academic lives of the members. The recommended guideline is as follows:

  • Chapters with less than 40 active brothers should not spearhead any chartering efforts.
  • Chapters with at least 40 actives, but less than 70, should spearhead a maximum of one chartering effort at a time.
  • Chapters with at least 70 actives, but less than 100, should spearhead a maximum of two chartering efforts at a time.
  • Chapters with at least 100 actives should spearhead a maximum of three chartering efforts at a time. For each additional 50 active members, the chapter could be able to add one chartering effort to their suggested maximum limit.
  • Teams of chapters working together on chartering efforts may apply combined membership enrollments to the above guidelines.

Encourages activity by chapters to help charter other chapters, but establishes suggested guidelines to avoid any strain on the members or a deviation from normal charter programs.

Submitted by Richard E. Vehlow, Epsilon Zeta Chapter Service
Reference #: R-17

The National Convention resolves to encourage chapters to apply for the Arno Nowotny National Service Award. Starting with the 1998 National Convention, the chapter who applies and is chosen as the recipient of the award, shall have the registration and banquet fees of all its members present at the Conference paid for by the National Office and the National Office shall donate $20 per attending member of that chapter to the chapter's service program.

Encourage chapter participation in the award program and the National Conference.

Submitted by Richard E. Vehlow, Epsilon Zeta Chapter Publication/Public Relations
Reference #: R-18

The National Fraternity resolves to designate a week in October and a week in February as "Fraternity Internet Awareness Week," in which all members with computer access are encouraged to set up a trial subscription with APO-L, APOSCC-L and any other pertinent service- and fraternity-related discussion list or newsgroup, read the messages and post at least one list-appropriate message to each.

Internet communication is the wave of the future, and the designated weeks are aimed at letting all brothers know how electronic media and the fraternity can mix. The months were chosen because they follow most rushes and precede most sectionals.

Submitted by Richard E. Vehlow, Epsilon Zeta Chapter Publications/Public Relations
Reference #: R-19

The National Fraternity resolves to set aside a section in each issue of Torch & Trefoil, whenever necessary, to accommodate requests to mention the passing of a member of the fraternity.

Usually, only deaths of founders, important fraternity personalities, etc. have been mentioned in the national publication, but in a fraternity, all brothers should share in the loss and remembrance of a fellow brother, regardless of membership status. We think this will change current policy of the T&T.

Submitted by Richard E. Vehlow, Epsilon Zeta Chapter Publication/Public Relations
Reference #: R-20

The National Fraternity resolves to include in the Pledge Manual and all other related biographies, the dates of passing of all founders and noted fraternity personalities.

It makes no sense to have the death dates printed for all deceased personalities who have been written about in various fraternity publications, including the Pledge Manual, but not for the founding brothers, with the exception of Frank Reed Horton and on the recent passing of Ellsworth Dobson. This proposal will simply provide the same complete information for all deceased brothers that have biographical write-ups.

Submitted by Richard E. Vehlow, Epsilon Zeta Chapter Alumni
Reference #: R-21

This convention resolves that all chapters, regardless of status, should have autonomous alumni associations associated with them. Any chapter who currently does not have an alumni association, should take measures in the coming two years to form one, or at least contact alumni willing to participate in forming an association. Alumni of inactive chapters should take measures on their own to attempt forming an alumni organization.

Ensures each chapter has an organization where alumni can still keep in touch and serve with each other, and offer any necessary advice and/or help to the chapter. In the case of inactive chapters, a corresponding active alumni association could be instrumental in any rechartering efforts.

Submitted by Richard E. Vehlow, Epsilon Zeta Chapter Service
Reference #: R-22

The National Convention resolves to take measures to have National Service Day coincide with "Make A Difference Day," sponsored late every October by USA Weekend magazine, and to encourage all chapters to document service done on that day and send material and entries to the magazine.

The amount of themed service done on National Service Day would likely receive some publicity if it were eligible for Make A Difference Day. The resulting participation and exposure could only be an asset to the Fraternity.

Submitted by Richard E. Vehlow, Epsilon Zeta Chapter Service
Reference #: R-23

The National Fraternity resolves to award $2,000 to the service program budget of any chapter that wins the USA Weekend "Make A Difference Day."

An added incentive to support well-publicized service programs.

Submitted by Richard E. Vehlow, Epsilon Zeta Chapter Service
Reference #: R-24

The National Fraternity resolves to encourage all chapters to send photos and text descriptions of their projects done on National Service Day to the National Office. All submitted material shall be used to put together a yearbook chronicling all projects done. The 1997 National Service Day shall be the first to be chronicled in such a yearbook.

It could be a small fundraiser for Nationals, but more important, it will allow all chapters to share vivid images and descriptions of all projects with other chapters. Chapters are already encouraged to send in photos and writeups to the T&T.

Submitted by Richard E. Vehlow, Epsilon Zeta Chapter Publication/Public Relations
Reference #: R-25

The National Fraternity resolves to collect news articles about various fraternity events nationwide and publish them in an annual scrapbook. In addition, video vignettes of news items concerning Alpha Phi Omega shall be collected and combined into an annual highlight tape.

Sharing news items about APO events with all chapters help to encourage efforts to attract community and media attention to fraternity activities. This may be done in conjunction with the National Service Day yearbook, if passed.

Submitted by Richard E. Vehlow, Epsilon Zeta Chapter Alumni
Reference #: R-26

This convention resolves to begin efforts to have a national alumni directory published by the year 2000, in order to help facilitate the networking of alums with each other and their alumni associations and chapters. The National Office shall delegate to the Chapters and Sections the task of identifying their alumni who would be interested in participating and shall advertise in the Torch & Trefoil for interested alumni and life members. Such information shall be collected and submitted to the National Office by the first day of the 1998 National Convention. Then it shall be decided whether to print the directory in book format (estimation of 5 volumes, one for every 2 regions) or on one CD-ROM, or both. The book/CD-ROM shall be available by April, 2000. Included information will include, at a minimum, name (including maiden), address, chapter(s), years of pledging and graduation(s), degrees, occupational title (if applicable) and location of business (if applicable). Phone numbers optional. The master directory shall arrange listings alphabetically by last name, and cross-referencing directory shall list names by affiliated chapter, current city, state and/or country of residence and place of business. Updated versions shall be manufactured every 5 years. News on advertising milestones or difficulties shall be provided in the Torch & Trefoil. Proceeds should be split between Nationals and service programs of participating chapters, as an incentive to get involved.

Alpha Phi Omega is the only major organization I belong to that has not yet published a member or alumni directory for its members. I currently have directories for both high school and college, two of my professional societies, and my chapter's alumni association. Such a national directory would be a resource of immeasurable value to alumni who wish to keep track of friends, make business acquaintances, and contacts, get together for service projects, and so on. My college alumni directory has roughly 50,000 listings in one hardcover volume, which will be about 20% of APO alumni by the year 2000, and cost about $60. Hence, I suggested a 5-volume set, which can be purchased in whole or in part. However, for brothers with computer access, a CD-ROM disk can hold over 500,000 listings, plus cross-reference lists, and costs less.

Submitted by Jack A. McKenzie, National Vice President National Organization I
Reference #: R-27

Resolution #01: The 1996 National Convention directs the National President to commission a comprehensive study of the role, processes and structure of Alpha Phi Omega with regard to their impact upon the future of the Fraternity, with findings and recommendations to be presented to the 1998 National Convention. Part of Nat Reorg

Submitted by Jack A. McKenzie, National Vice President National Organization I
Reference #: R-28

Resolution #02: The 1996 National Convention directs the National Board of Directors to include the following factors among those considered by the National Board when, as required by the National Bylaws, it submits Regional Boundaries for approval by the 1998 National Convention:

  • the volunteer support available to chapters in a given geographic area;
  • chapter concentrations or groupings across the country;
  • transportation hubs and systems across the country;
  • existing relationships among chapters and groups of chapters.
Using these factors as guides, Regional compositions should be the result of the first combining chapters into strong Sections and then combining strong Sections into strong Regions.