Drum Visualization

CMPS 161 - Winter 2011

Alexander J Stathis

Home | Project Details | Source | Technical Document

The source code is available for this project as a zipped X-Code 3.2.4 project. The project requires that the following libraries be installed:
Warning: The following are external links. These can be easily installed via the port or macports utilities.

Note: FLTK is a 32-bit library, while GSL will natively compile on OSX as a 64-bit library. In order for this project to link correctly, GSL must be compiled and installed with 32-bit binaries. There are options that one can specify to macports in order to do this ("universal installation"). Also, the sources provided have only been tested on Mac OS 10.6, however, porting them to any UNIX/Linux machine should be trivial.

The source code is available: here