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Day 5 - Friday


  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Mouse and Keyboard Input
  • Finite State Machines
  • Rock, Paper, Scissors
  • Thank you for guest speakers
  • Pixelator
  • Perler Beads
  • Catch Up - Make up day

Class Assignments

  1. Processing: Physics - Get objects to bounce and collide. Use gravity, if possible
  2. Processing: Simulation - Pick a simulation that will teach me something.
    1. My suggestion is either the Sieve of Eratosthenes or Cellular Automata
  3. Processing: Make a Game - To make a game, give it interactions and a winning condition (Ludus and Paida).
  4. Github - You can store your processing projects directly there and run them with Processing.js - Read: (Similar to yesterday)
  5. Pixelator: Make an animation with Pixelator
  6. Perler Beads: Make a sprite with perler beads


  • Blog Post: Every project should have a post. If you made 3 projects, then there are 3 posts. Have images for what you did. Link to the website online so people can see each program.
  • Blog Post: Make a post about all the artwork you did.
  • Blog Post: What are Algorithms? Why are they important? Name some algorithms and explain how they run.
  • Improve your past work: Double check your work, and make sure your blog is complete. Make sure you have completed all blogs. Finish anything you didn't get to do today. Improve anything that you can! Lots of pictures!!!
  • Blog Post: Game Review - But that was yesterday -

Note: From now on ALL game reviews must address Ludus, Paida, and Narrative.

/soe/sherol/.html/teaching/data/attic/spcs/2015/day5.1436429039.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/07/09 01:03 by ffpaladin