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Day 3 - Wednesday


  • Interview Practice
  • Programming
  • Debate
  • Computer Graphics
  • Animations

Class Assignments

  1. Homework - Please finish the assignments from yesterday (5 minutes)
  2. Processing Practice - Assignment
  3. Processing Project - Use processing to create your own creature.


Note: From now on ALL game reviews must address Ludus, Paida, and Narrative.

  • READING - Please read the Game Design papers, if you did not before.


  1. Lisa, Cindy
  2. Chris, Toby
  3. Mike, Jack
  4. Wilson, Billy
  5. Evangeline, Klaudia
  6. Kyle, Hollis
  7. Michael, Bran
  8. Samuel, Frank
/soe/sherol/.html/teaching/data/attic/spcs/2015/day3.1436308255.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/07/07 15:30 by ffpaladin