York School - Stanford SPCS - 2013
A onetime session on Wordpress
Introduction: showed thoughtfulplay.com
Polled class for where people were from
Did introductions for favorite game
Realized that Eclipse wasn't installed
Polled class for what to do when issues arise
Had each student initiate download
2 computers didn't have internet access
Proceeded to teach them wordpress
Don't allow students to use Blogger
Make sure students have e-mails
if they don't, then just create one
Have students write down what they sign up with
Authenticate and start building
Build “About” page
Make sure students know how to insert images
Reviewed “There is only one level”
PSTW took too long to load
Reviewed another game or Built “Links” page
Have students fill out Google form
Encouraged students to help each other
Intro Materials
Student Pages
/soe/sherol/.html/teaching/data/pages/epgy/york2013.txt · Last modified: 2013/06/11 14:04 by ffpaladin