CMP 80K---Art of the Book in the Computer Age

Kevin Karplus

A course in desktop publishing using PageMaker and LaTeX. Assumes familiarity with Macintosh computers, and willingness to learn enough Unix to edit text and run LaTeX. Emphasis is on analysis and design of page-layout, but copy-editing, font choices, and some history of printing are included.

Office Hours

Kevin has office hours in 315B Applied Sciences Tuesdays 1-2 and Fridays 3-4, or you can try droppin in almost any afternoon (except Thursdays) or evening (except Tuesdays and Thursdays). I teach MWF 5-6:10, so those times are out. Doug's office hours are not set yet, since the Board still hasn't found a place for him to hold them.

Lab demos

Kevin gives a demo in the Porter lab (D-240) Mondays 1-3, and Vivek Verma will repeat the demo Tuesdays 12-2 and Wednesdays 3-5. All labs are now in the Porter lab, not in Social Science as originally scheduled. Students may attend any of the lab sections.

The CR-ROM demo films that are shown in the lab are available for individual viewing under /stationxx/desktop publishing/adobe pagemaker 6.0/pagemaker 6.0 training

HTML assignment

This year, for the first time I'm including HTML as an alternative to learning LaTeX. Both languages are "intentional"---that is, they specify what the authors intent is, rather than giving detailed typesetting instructions. LaTeX allows more control of the typesetting, and is currently the best tool for writing academic papers. HTML allows one to create hypertext documents on the worldwide web, which is currently very fashionable. For more information about HTML, click here. For a description of the actual assignment, click here.


It is now possible to have a semi-permanent web page on the CATS computers. Click here for more information.

If you want to do a bicycle-related web-site, there is a free service for posting your bicycle pages: the Velonet Freeweb .


There is a newsgroup ( ucsc.class.cmp80k) for the class (available only within UCSC). For posting to the newsgroup, it is generally better to be working from a UNIX machine, so that proper mailing addresses are generated.
Kevin Karplus
Computer Engineering
University of California, Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
(408) 459-4250