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9. Poster presentation

1. Goals--informal poster presentation, library work

This assignment has several goals:

Posters are an informal means of presenting scientific and engineering results at conferences, where there is not enough time for everyone with interesting new results to present a full paper. For example, at ISMB 2000, there were about 40 oral presentations and 300 posters.

There are also student poster competitions, run by AT&T and by ACM. (See and for more details.)

The purpose of a poster is to catch the eye of someone walking by, provide them with some information about your results, and leave them convinced that your work would be worth knowing about. It is standard at conferences to schedule a time for people to stand next to their posters for a couple of hours, to answer questions people might have. However, you cannot rely on this mechanism for any important information, as not everyone who sees the poster will have time to stop for an extended chat.

2. Choosing your topic

In choosing your topic for this paper, pick some technical issue or problem with which you are already to some degree familiar, and would like to learn more about. Picking some topic about which you are largely ignorant will make it impossible for you to do a good job with this assignment. If you are thinking of documenting a design project you have already completed for your final project, use this assignment to learn some more about some aspect of your project.

Hint: this poster presentation may well serve as the ``first draft'' for your final report and formal oral presentation. Read Section 10 for information about selecting a final project.

We will also discuss appropriate topics in class.

3. Textbook resources

There are no chapters in Huckin and Olsen specifically on poster presentation, but chapters 8 and 9 on visual aids are the most relevant.

4. Audience Assessment--fellow students

Audience assessment is not the main stress in this assignment. Your audience is other people like you--people who knew as much (or as little) as you, before you did this assignment. The more similar the audience is to you, the easier it is to write for--just think about what you would want to know.

The main principle to keep in mind here is always to assume that your audience can be counted on to know rather less than you think they ought to or wish they did.

Warning: in many cultures it is polite to pretend that your reader is highly intelligent, and you flatter them by giving them material that is difficult to understand. This is not true of American technical writing. Here, you flatter people by taking the time to explain something in such a way that they can understand it. Watch out for unconscious cultural effects on your writing.

5. Writing process--finding, organizing, writing

The process of writing this assignment can be broken down into four steps: the library search, organizing the information, preparing the visual aids, and writing the text.

1. Library search

The library search itself has three steps:

The topic statement. Write a short, quick topic statement that explains what you want to research, and what you would like to know about it. Be as specific as you can, but don't labor over punctuation, sentence structure, and paragraph structure. It is meant to get you started, and will be completely re-done later, or perhaps even thrown out. Mostly you are trying to generate the key words you will need for on-line data base searches and for index use. A couple of paragraphs should be sufficient.

Be careful about the breadth of your topic. If you choose too narrow a topic, you'll have difficulty finding information. If you choose too broad a topic, you'll never be able to organize the overwhelming material well enough to say anything. You should probably start with a slightly broader topic, and focus on some narrower part once you have found some material.

The library. Take your topic statement and head for the library, and use your key words (or key terms) in the manner described by the reference librarian in the guest lecture. Be sure to take good notes on this lecture--it is a key part of this assignment.

Don't be afraid of reference librarians if you get completely lost in the library. They have the jobs they have because they like working with students, and really do want to help you learn how to use the resources the library offers. They have more time available in the morning, however, than they do late in the afternoon, when most students seem to descend on them in desperation, so it's wiser to get started early in the day.

If you want to use an on-line index, but don't want to pay the search charges, try the Current Contents, INSPEC, or Computer Articles databases on MELVYL. The MELVYL catalog can be reached from almost any machine on the Internet (its address is, but you need a password to get access to the specialized databases. The password is available from the reference desks at either the Science Library or McHenry Library.

Try to find three to five articles relevant to your topic--don't pick the first three you find, however. Find the most relevant and useful ones. Be sure you can read and understand the articles you choose!

Photocopying. Photocopy the articles you intend to use, or the parts you intend to use, if the article is excessively long.

Whenever you photocopy an article, make sure you have written on the copy a complete citation for the article, so that you can attribute quotes or paraphrases. It is very frustrating to have a perfect quote, and not be able to use it because you have forgotten where you found it. Many journals and conference proceedings make this easier, by providing adequate citation information in the headers and footers of each page.

2. Organizing the information

Deciding what to look for. First, make some preliminary decisions about different aspects of your topic. You will need to decide what is most important to on a poster--there is much less room on a poster than in a paper. Make a short list of these subtopics: five to seven is likely to be plenty. You will need to have read through all your articles in order to make these decisions. You may change some of these subtopics later, as you go on. Some of them, at least, will be the same or similar to the key words and terms you used in your library search.

Locating the needed information. How you do the next step is pretty much up to you. You need to go through each article and find the information relevant to your subtopics. Here follow some practical suggestions for doing this. Taking notes from each article is the most traditional way, and was the way everyone did library research before the invention and general proliferation of photocopy machines. Copious note taking is still a very good way to proceed if the material is very new to you, since it helps you learn it.

Since you have photocopies, however, you may, rather than taking extensive notes, simply mark up the article to locate all the information you intend to use from it. There are less and more complex ways of doing this, ranging from penciled marginal marks to different-colored highlighting for each subtopic. Work something out for yourself.

Ordering your information. When you have located all the information relevant to your subtopics, you are ready for the next steps.

First, note any major contradictory factual or theoretical claims. You will need to address any area like this very carefully, comparing the different claims carefully and faithfully. You don't have to try to decide who is right; you're not an expert. What you need to do is get across to your reader what the different prevailing opinions are.

Second, find the clearest explanations for each subtopic, by comparing similar parts for each subtopic from each article.

Third, experiment (on paper) with different arrangements of the information you have found, using keywords or icons to stand for the different ideas. When you have found one that seems sensible to you, you are ready to begin the poster. Don't forget to include title, authors, institution, and source for more information.

Note that poster arrangements are two-dimensional, unlike the serial ordering of a paper. If there is a preferred serial order, then the natural flow for the poster is from the upper left corner, to the lower right, in much the same order as you would read text. (Note; languages with different writing schemes have different natural viewing orders--you may want to prepare a poster differently for an audience that primarily reads and writes Hebrew, Arabic, or Chinese, for example).

3. Choosing the graphic elements

Since the purpose of the poster is to attract the attention of a busy conference attendee, it helps enormously to use color and graphics. If the graphics appear to be content-free, however, they will work against the final goal of getting the conference attendee to think that your research is worth knowing more about.

Generally the most effective graphics are graphs of the results of an experiment, but other forms of graphics can also work well (think of the pictures used for explaining quicksort, for example).

The graphics must have a clear, immediate connection to the point you are trying to make. If you want to show that method A is better than method B, for example, both methods should appear on the same graph, with clearly labeled axes, with a good separation between the plotted lines. People will look first at the graphical elements, before reading any of the text--the graphs must be comprehensible without wading through the entire text.

4. Preparing the poster

Before you prepare your poster, wander around Baskin Engineering and Sinsheimer Labs, looking at the research posters on the walls. Pick out some posters that work particularly well at attracting your attention and conveying information to you. Try to figure out what makes them work so well. Pick out some posters that seem to fail miserably--what went wrong with them? It may just be that you are outside the target audience, but there could be presentation errors that you could avoid in your own posters.

Poster size.

The size for posters varies a lot, depending on the space available at the conference. Generally, there are 12-32 square feet of space available. The height of posters is usually limited to 4 feet (approx 120 cm), and the width varies from 3 to 8 feet (90 to 240 cm).

For this class, make your posters no larger than 4' high by 6' wide, and no smaller than 3' high by 3' wide.

Poster materials.

A poster is made of paper, cardboard, or foam core. Although some posters are printed on 3' wide paper on expensive color printers, many are constructed out of multiple 8.5'' by 11'' pieces of paper. The one-piece posters have the advantage of being easy to transport and put up (if they can be rolled up and put into poster tubes), but the multiple-page posters are easier to modify and cheaper to produce.

If you are limited to black-and-white printing, then using colored backdrops and (occasionally) colored paper can give a little more visual interest to your presentation.

If you do a multiple page poster, you can either pre-assemble the poster onto a piece of poster board, or attempt to assemble the poster on-site. On-site assembly allows for easier transport, but takes a long time to set up, particularly since you don't generally know in advance what sort of wall or display panel you will be attaching the poster to.

Type size.

The title and authors of a poster must be readable from some distance away, so should use letters at least 1/2'' high (48-54 point fonts). The main body text can be smaller, 36-48 point fonts, with fine print (such as citations or figure labeling) as small as 18 points.

Text density.

There are many different styles of posters, from ones that are just a standard research paper stuck on the wall (very heavy on text, with no visual appeal) to advertisements that have no useful information.

The best posters have just enough text to get across the main points--usually around 200-500 words--together with pictures that make the main points even more quickly.

Some sections can be presented in outline format (not necessarily full sentences) to save space, as long as the ideas are completely clear to the reader.

6. Preliminary Draft

I find it useful to prepare scaled versions of the poster that fit on a single 8.5''-by-11'' piece of paper (about 1/4 scale). If text or graphics are unreadable at this scale, then they probably won't work on the final poster.

Be sure that the essential information (title, author, affiliation [UCSC], source for additional information, ... ) is prominently displayed. Check that the natural left-to-right, top-to-bottom scan will get the information in the order you want. Look for unbalanced graphics or text-heavy blocks.

7. Final draft

Make sure that your final draft is free of spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. Nothing destroys people's confidence in writing more than trivial errors.

On each day, one third of the posters will be presented. You will be expected to put up your poster at the very beginning of class, and answer questions about it during the class. On the other days, you will be expected to look at each of the posters and talk (briefly) with the presenters.

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Kevin Karplus
Computer Engineering
University of California, Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, CA 95064

HTML version created 2000-09-19