Est. 382

Haleburg is a tiny settlement on the island of New Waterford, Diol, that was founded in the year 382.


Island: New Waterford
Coast: Inland
Area: 0.07 square miles


Languages: Aniumustpyrx, Monedusus


Founded: 382
Founders: Anne-Mar Vaclav, Price Noland, Pen Noland, Pen Noland
Annexed: None


Ships in port: None


Houses: Noland House, Noland House, Noland House, Noland House, Vaclav House


Population: 5
Highest-ever population: 7 (in 405)


Residents: Anne-Mar Vaclav, Price Noland, Pen Noland, Lynde Vaclav, Paulie Noland
Former residents who moved away: Capt. Adrian Vaclav, Jonathon Melvin, Jonathon Melvin
Died here: Pen Noland (Suicide), Adrian Vaclav (Infancy), Jonathon Melvin (Natural causes)
Murders: None


382.   Haleburg, New Waterford, was founded by Anne-Mar Noland, Price Noland, Pen Noland, and Pen Noland. 4 newcomer(s) moved to Haleburg in 382: Anne-Mar Noland, Price Noland, Pen Noland, and Pen Noland.
385.   Pen Noland, who in 382 founded Haleburg along with 3 others, took his own life in Haleburg, New Waterford; he was 19 years old.
392.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Haleburg in 392: Capt. Adrian Vaclav.
396.   1 resident(s) moved out of Haleburg in 396: Capt. Adrian Vaclav.
397.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Haleburg in 397: Jonathon Melvin.
398.   1 resident(s) moved out of Haleburg in 398: Jonathon Melvin.
399.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Haleburg in 399: Jonathon Melvin.
400.   1 resident(s) moved out of Haleburg in 400: Jonathon Melvin.
401.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Haleburg in 401: Paulie Jordan.
405.   7 newcomer(s) moved to Haleburg in 405: Jonathon Melvin, Price Noland, Pen Noland, Paulie Noland, Anne-Mar Vaclav, Lynde Vaclav, and Adrian Vaclav.