Pine Ridge
Est. 364

Pine Ridge is a tiny settlement on the island of Gloucester, Diol, that was founded in the year 364.


Island: Gloucester
Coast: Inland
Area: 0.26 square miles


Languages: Aniumustpyrx


Founded: 364
Annexed: None


Ships in port: None



Population: 3
Highest-ever population: 22 (in 387)


Residents: Hadrian Aldis, Lazare Aldis, Max Aldis
Died here: list all 14...
Dale Aldis (Infancy), Durand Aldis (Disease), Kalie Jordan (Natural causes), Daune Aldis (Natural causes), Gifford Jordan (Freak accident), Viki Jordan (Infancy), Gian Aldis (Infancy), Swen Aldis (Natural causes), Betty Aldis (Infancy), Gerda Aldis (Infancy), Raymond Aldis (Infancy), Maddy Aldis (Infancy), Leonerd Aldis (Infancy), Georgie Aldis (Natural causes)
Murders: None


364.   Pine Ridge, Gloucester, was founded by Kalie Jordan, Hadrian Aldis, Daune Aldis, Swen Aldis, Georgie Jordan, Durand Aldis, Lib Aldis, Lazare Aldis, Daune Aldis, Hadrian Aldis, Durand Aldis, Lib Aldis, and Lazare Aldis. 8 newcomer(s) moved to Pine Ridge in 364: Swen Aldis, Daune Aldis, Durand Aldis, Hadrian Aldis, Lib Aldis, Lazare Aldis, Kalie Jordan, and Georgie Jordan.
367.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Pine Ridge in 367: Carleigh Jordan, and Orsa Jordan.
370.   3 resident(s) moved out of Pine Ridge in 370: Carleigh Jordan, Orsa Jordan, and Carleigh Jordan.
375.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Pine Ridge in 375: Damon Jordan.
377.   Durand Aldis, who in 364 founded Pine Ridge along with 12 others, died in Pine Ridge, Gloucester, after showing symptoms of disease; he was 24 years old.
379.   3 newcomer(s) moved to Pine Ridge in 379: Kylen Jordan, Othella Jordan, and Gifford Jordan.
384.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Pine Ridge in 384: Ned Jordan.
386.   Kalie Jordan, who in 364 founded Pine Ridge along with 12 others, died in Pine Ridge, Gloucester, of natural causes; she was 71 years old. 2 newcomer(s) moved to Pine Ridge in 386: Briggs Jordan, and Floria Jordan.
387.   Daune Aldis, who in 364 founded Pine Ridge along with 12 others, died in Pine Ridge, Gloucester, of natural causes; she was 69 years old. 2 newcomer(s) moved to Pine Ridge in 387: Douglis Aldis, and Ashley Jordan.
388.   Briggs Jordan attempted to murder Hadrian Aldis, but failed. 1 newcomer(s) moved to Pine Ridge in 388: Teodoro Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Douglis Aldis, Lib Jordan, Ned Jordan, Antonino Jordan, and Cindee Jordan.
389.   4 resident(s) moved out of Pine Ridge in 389: Skippie Aldis, Briggs Jordan, Floria Jordan, and Ashley Jordan.
391.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Pine Ridge in 391: Stu Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Waring Aldis.
393.   Swen Aldis, who in 364 founded Pine Ridge along with 12 others, died in Pine Ridge, Gloucester, of natural causes; he was 62 years old. 1 resident(s) moved out of Pine Ridge in 393: Teodoro Aldis.
395.   1 resident(s) moved out of Pine Ridge in 395: Damon Jordan.
402.   7 resident(s) moved out of Pine Ridge in 402: Kylen Aldis, Mohan Aldis, Swen Aldis, Nanni Aldis, Judson Aldis, Swen Aldis, and Othella Aldis.
403.   Georgie Aldis, who in 364 founded Pine Ridge along with 12 others, died in Pine Ridge, Gloucester, of natural causes; she was 60 years old.
405.   Lib Jordan, who in 364 founded Pine Ridge along with 12 others, died in Three Way, Gloucester, after showing symptoms of disease; she was 50 years old. 5 newcomer(s) moved to Pine Ridge in 405: Hadrian Aldis, Lazare Aldis, Leonerd Aldis, Oran Aldis, and Max Aldis.
406.   1 resident(s) moved out of Pine Ridge in 406: Leonerd Aldis.
407.   1 resident(s) moved out of Pine Ridge in 407: Oran Aldis.