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add(E) - Method in class BasicLinkedList
Adds the element passed in to the end of the list with O(1) performance.
add(int, E) - Method in class BasicLinkedList
add(E) - Method in interface BasicList
Adds the specfied element to the logical end of the list.
add(int, E) - Method in interface BasicList
Adds (inserts) the specfied element at the specfied index of the list - note that it does not overwrite any existing data at that location.


BasicLinkedList<E> - Class in <Unnamed>
BasicLinkedList() - Constructor for class BasicLinkedList
Constructs an empty BasicLinkedList.
BasicList<E> - Interface in <Unnamed>
basicListIterator() - Method in class BasicLinkedList
basicListIterator() - Method in interface BasicList
Returns a reference to a BasicListIterator over the elements in this list in the proper sequence (first-to-last order).
BasicListIterator<E> - Interface in <Unnamed>


clear() - Method in class BasicLinkedList
Clears the list of its contents without walking the list.
clear() - Method in interface BasicList
Clears the list of its contents - the list should be in the same state it is after being constructed with the default constructor.
contains(E) - Method in class BasicLinkedList
contains(E) - Method in interface BasicList
Using the provided element's equals method, this method determines if the list contains the specified element or not.


get(int) - Method in class BasicLinkedList
get(int) - Method in interface BasicList
Returns a reference to the element at the specified index.


hasPrevious() - Method in interface BasicListIterator
Returns true if the iterator has a previous element.


indexOf(E) - Method in class BasicLinkedList
indexOf(E) - Method in interface BasicList
Using the provided element's equals method, this method returns the index of the first element in the list that is equal to the provided element, if any.
iterator() - Method in class BasicLinkedList
iterator() - Method in interface BasicList
Returns a reference to a java.util.Iterator over the elements of this list in the proper sequence (first-to-last order).


main(String[]) - Static method in class P6bTestDriver


P6bTestDriver - Class in <Unnamed>
P6bTestDriver() - Constructor for class P6bTestDriver
previous() - Method in interface BasicListIterator
Returns the previous element and moves the iterator backward one position with O(1) performance.


remove(int) - Method in class BasicLinkedList
remove(int) - Method in interface BasicList
Removes (and returns) the specified element from the list.


set(int, E) - Method in class BasicLinkedList
set(int, E) - Method in interface BasicList
Replaces the element at the specified index with the specified element.
size() - Method in class BasicLinkedList
Returns the number of elements in the list with O(1) performance.
size() - Method in interface BasicList
The logical size of the list (the number of elements that have been added and not removed).