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add(Fraction) - Method in class Fraction
Adds this fraction to the other fraction and returns the result as a third new fraction that meets the class invariants and without modifying this or other.


div(Fraction) - Method in class Fraction
Divides this fraction by the other fraction and returns the result as a third new fraction that meets the class invariants and does not modify this or other.


equals(Object) - Method in class Fraction
Determines if this Fraction is equal other - handles nulls and when other refers to a non-Fraction object by returning false (See How to Override the equals Method for detailed assistance).


Fraction - Class in <Unnamed>
A class to represent fractions.
Fraction() - Constructor for class Fraction
Default constructor - Constructs a fraction with a numerator of 0 and a denominator of 1.
Fraction(int) - Constructor for class Fraction
Constructor - Constructs a fraction with the specified numerator and a denominator of 1.
Fraction(int, int) - Constructor for class Fraction
Constructor - Constructs a fraction from the specified numerator and denominator that meets the class invariants.


getDenominator() - Method in class Fraction
Returns the denominator of the fraction
getNumerator() - Method in class Fraction
Returns the numerator of the fraction


mul(Fraction) - Method in class Fraction
Multiplies this fraction to the other fraction and returns the result as a third new fraction that meets the class invariants and does not modify this or other.


sub(Fraction) - Method in class Fraction
Subracts the other fraction from this fraction and returns the result as a third new fraction that meets the class invariants and does not modify this or other.


toString() - Method in class Fraction
Returns a string-representation of the fraction (see details for specific examples).


value() - Method in class Fraction
Returns the value of the fraction as a number.