From: ChenYao of 7773


Subject: FYI: USTC 40th anniversary

 The following is from AF in the message is USTC Alumna Foundation, USA.
 Hi, all, 
 Just for your information, AF is planning to 
 have a special issue featuring the celebration of the
 40th anniversary of USTC, it will include photos and 
 materials from reunion parties across the country and 
 storis of excellent alumni. In terms of advertising in
 People's Daily, we need to find out the cost first, and 
 we have to know if USTC has such plans already. But
 it's certainly a good idea. I talked to shi yu the 
 other day about a party to be held in Columbia sometime 
 in June (early June?), I hope that many issues can be 
 addressed in the reunion.