From: Tang Ming of 7773 (posted by Dai Sa)


Subject: Let's Get Started!

 I share concerns of Zhang Fan, Li Feng, Qi Yinyong about the reunion. They
 are right that we are probably running out of time to organize this event if
 we keep waiting for more sign up or response.
 I met a few classmates last Christmas in Toronto where Shen Zhiyuan proposed
 a 20 year reunion. I was a little surprised to see that everybody was excited
 about this idea. We got 100% YES! I believe we'll have a fair number of
 attendants to this reunion, although it will not be 100% for sure.
 In Zhang Fan's note he said if we miss this year we may have to wait until
 after we retire. I am even more pessimistic. This may be the only chance
 for all of us to get together after KeDa. Let's make it happen.
 We have spent quite a few weeks to spread information. It's time to get this
 project moving. Some suggestions based on my discussion with Lao Wen:
 1. Recognize Lao Wen as our general coordinator for the reunion as he has been
 doing in the past a few weeks -- unless we have other volunteers;
 2. Lao Wen will assign a few class/reginal coordinators to help him to
 pass/collect information and to prepare for the reunion -- we should have
 enough people willing to help to cover as many people as possible.
 3. Post coordinator names (with responsible class and region) at the web site;
 4. Lao Wen and other coordinators make a decision on timing, location, plan
 before 5/20 based on feedback so far.
 5. Lao Wen and other coordinators will discuss and prepare for the reunion on
 a regular basis until the end. Announce all decisions at the web site
 to inform the rest of us;
 About timing, it may be better to move to late summer so we can have more time
 to prepare (as some classmates in other countries may need time to apply visa).
 Thanks to Lao Wen for excellent work. Looking forward to seeing all of you!
 Tang Ming of 7773
 Tang Ming, Manager, UPN150/1 Launch
 Truck Vehicle Center, PDC 2D-H43
 Phone:1-313-5943274, Fax:313-8454929,