From: Lu, Gang


Subject: a little thought

 I have not seen Luo Guobao ever since we left KeDa.
 Though I later learned that he's being in Nanjing, 
 I never thought about to pay him, and many other of
 our CMs(class mates), a visit, even though I could 
 find some time while I was still in China.
 And now, suddenly, he is seriously ill. I realized that
 I may never be able to see him and other of our CMs again,
 This may be part of the truth about life. I feel more 
 sorry than guilty. On the other hand. I start wondering:
 maybe I should seriously consider to save a little time
 to pay a visit of my friends whenever it is practicle.
 Otherwise, I will really be guilty.
 Just feel like to share this little with all you guys.
 Have a nice day.