From: Zhang Fan


Subject: This is the plan ....

 It’s time for planning next reunion!
 I keep having dreams of the reunion for the past few
 days. It was a great one and people already anticipate 
 the next one.
 Besides the gathering in Las Vega, we have established 
 connections and new relationships among 777s AND among 
 our next generations. The world becomes smaller.
 It’s not too early to prepare next reunion. We should 
 start it by finding every one of 777s and inviting 
 them join the connection.
 A week vacation left me a pile of high priority tasks 
 to do at work. As soon as I have some time I’ll change 
 our ‘Registration Form’ into a self-maintained 
 classmate directory so people can update their info 
 and home page links by themselves (it’s a changing 
 Keep in touch!
 Zhang Fan