From: Hengchang Dai


Subject: Greating from Scotland

 Hi, Dai Sa
 How are you. I am Hengchang Dai. I just get an e_mail 
 from Zhang Fan which show me this website. I think we 
 missed each other for ten years. so l am glad I can 
 contact you again. 
 I am working at British Geological Surevey, Edinburgh,
 Uk. My wife and my son are living with me. How are about 
 your family? How are about Xu Zhengyu? please pass my
 greeting to him.
 by thae way, I have checked the 7771 email list, my 
 entry has some thing wrong, Here are the right things:
 Name: DAI Hengchang
 City: Edinburgh
 Country: UK
 Phone: +44 131 667 1000 ext 216
 +44 131 650 0216 (direct line)
 Please amend my address.
 Please pass my bets regards to all 7771 classmates.
 Best Wishes
 Hengchang Dai
 from Edinburgh, Scotland, Uk