CMPS 13H: Honors Introduction to Programming and Data Structures


All homeworks are due at midnight on the date specified. Late homeworks will not be accepted unless they are the result of an emergency or severe illness, and then only by permission of the instructor. Be forewarned, if you claim to have had an emergency or severe illness, I will require a note from your doctor.

Turning in homework

Homeworks are to be turned in electronically, using submit. The class locker is cmps013h-sb.w04 and the assignment name is simply homeworkn, where n is the number of the homework, i.e. homework #1 is homework1. The filename should match the assignment name.

For example, to submit homework #1, assuming that you have correctly placed your homework in a file called homework1, simply type:

    submit cmps013h-sb.w04 homework1 homework1

For more information about how to use submit, just type "submit -m" on one of the cats machines and you will get the instructions.

All homeworks must have your name and email address at the top of the file.


JBD Review Questions: Ch. 2: #10, 12, 17, Ch. 3: #2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12, 14
JBD Review Questions: Ch. 4: #2, 3, 4, 5, 16, Ch. 5: #1, 2, 3, 9, 15
JBD Review Questions: Ch. 6: #1, 6, 9
DA&PS Exercises: Ch. 3: #1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
DA&PS Exercises: Ch. 4: #3, 4
  DA&PS Exercises: Ch. 6: #1, 8
  DA&PS Exercises: Ch. 7: #1, 4
DA&PS Exercises: Ch. 9: #1, 3, 10
  DA&PS Exercises: Ch. 10: #3, 4, 5