CMPS161 - Musical Fireworks

By Justin Phan


CMPS161 Winter 2011

Source Code (User Guide included)

Project Report

Video Clip


For my final project, I will be creating a program that will take in an audio file
(.mp3/.wav/etc) and parse that into variables--such as pitch, tone, frequency, etc.
It will then play back the song, and display animations of fireworks exploding to
the rythm of the song, and the motions of said fireworks will be based on the parsed
variables (ie. shape of firework will be affected by frequency, and color will be
based on tone, etc).


-Read in an audio file
-Parse information from the file into usable data
-Create particle effects to look like fireworks
-Link animations to data from the audio file
-Allow the user to load a song from a directory
-Playback audio while displaying fireworks


From looking around a bit, I stumbled across an algorithm that will accomplish my
goal of parsing data from an audio file, known as Fourier Transform (FFT). Using
this, I should be able to gather the data I plan to use from an audio file, and
hopefully it will succeed. If this method fails, I plan to look into previous
projects similar to mine to see what kind of algorithm or method they used to get
the same results.


Week 1: Read in audio file and analyze FFT to get it working in code
Week 2: Work on parsing audio information
Week 3: Finish parsing audio information and work on particle effect fireworks
Week 4: Finish GUI and have results