Computer Science 161 -- Project -- 5 Swinging Pedulums


5 Swinging Pendulums

This is a side shot of my pendulums
This is in a position where you are looking straight down the line of the pendulums.
There is one really close to the camera

For the project I have five pendulums hanging from two bars. Each pendulum has two strings attached to it. The pendulums swing downward and collide with each other. When they collide they pass the energy and the one on the other side begins to swing with the same force as the original one. I have added some other forces that the user will be able to change.
The user is able to change the force from gravity. I know that gravity is about -9.8, but when I used that value the pendulums swung very fast. Since they moved so fast I decided to reduce the force from gravity. The user can make it go from 0 to -9.8. The lower the value the slower the pendulums swing.
The user is also allowed the change the number of pendulums they want to start swinging with. They have to move the slider to the value that they want. The user is allowed to choose anywhere from zero to five pendulums. The user is also allowed to decided how high they want it to start from. The pendulum is only allowed to go up to 90 degrees.
The wire that the pendulums are hanging from are stiff wires and can not move or bend. Like I have said before there are two wires holding each other pendulums up.
The user is also allowed to change the damping force placed on the pendulums. The damping force is how the pendulum slows down, and eventually will stop. The user is allowed to change this from zero to 3. If it is at three it will slow down very fast where if the value is at zero it won't slow down at all. So a damping force of zero has no effect on the pendulums.
I was going to have the user be able to change the mass but in looking into the calculuations of the pendulum swinging I noticed that the mass of the object ends up canceling out and is therefore not included in the calculations. Since it would not effect anything I didn't want to give the user the impression that the slider was going to do anything so I decided to leave it out.

If you make a change to a slider the program will probably not take it into account immedialtly. You will most likely have to press the go button twice to reset the pendulums and take into account the changes you have made to the different slider values.

My project is kind of like the game where you have 5 pendulums and they swing. When you pick up two of them and let them go, the two on the opposite side will also move. I used physics to help me with this.


This is a picture of all five of the pendulums swinging



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