Sarah Warson -- Final Project -- 5 Pendulums Swinging


This is three pendulums swinging

this is also three pendulums swinging

GO Button:
You press this button when you are ready to release the pendulum(s) and watch them fall. If you change any slider or button you need to press this twice to reset the values correctly. If you do not press this button twice after changing the values the pendulums will go crazy.

Raise Pendulum Slider:
This slider is to be used in how high you want the pendulums to be dropped from. It goes from zero to ninety degrees.

Number of Pendulums Slider:
This is how you tell how many pendulums you want to be dropped. The values are from zero to five.

Gravity Constant Slider:
The is the slider used to determine the force of gravity on the pendulums. The real force of gravity, which is -9.8, was too fast for the drawling so I decided to allow the user to specify how fast or slow the objects moved. It goes from 0 to -9.8.

Damping force Slider:
This is the force of damping applied to the pendulums. The values are from zero to three. If the value is at three then there is no damping force and the pendulums will not be slowed down at all. If the value is at three the pendulums will slow down quicker.

Rotate the World Sliders:
These sliders allow the user to rotate the world in any direction. There are three sliders so you can move in the x, y or z direction.

Quit Button:
This button allows you to quit the program.

Zoom Slider:
When you use this slider you are zooming in or out of the world. When you zoom all the way out you will be able to see all the boids flying around.

Move the light Sliders:
There is a light, its the cross. You can move it around in any direction you move the slider. It moves in the x, y, and z planes.