in game !

The goal of this project is to make a simple opengl game, in which the player dodges balls in the playing area.


The player controls the character, a cute robot, left and right across the game area. There he tries to avoid the ball(s) falling and bouncing all around. The game begins with only one ball slowly dropping and bouncing in the center of the screen. After a few bounces (a random number less than 8) the ball splits into two smaller balls, each with their own new trajectory. These follow the same process and split after a slightly higher number of bounces. This process continues until the player is hit by one of the balls, thus ending the game. The players score (time) is then able to be entered into the high score table (always in the background of the game) if it is one of the 4 best on that machine.

User Guide

This game has no end. Instead the player is trying to survive as long as she can. Though the game begins slow, it rapidly becomes very difficult, and often annoyingly unpredictable. To aid in ball-avoidance there is a tunnel/portal from one side of the map to the other. This tunnel is not a safe haven. Part of the character is always out and exposed and can be hit from either side (keep that in mind!).



This is the main menu of the game, where the player can choose to either begin or exit

It's hard to see, but this is our character exploding after being hit.

Another in-game shot.

The score entry screen (nothing's been entered yet).


The short clip (below) may have trouble playing, so click here for a youtube link.


(right click, save as)