Abe in The Other Side of Sanity

(Last Update: 20:24 PDT 6 July 2012 )

Abe participated in a play-writing workshop and performance run by the parents of some of his schoolmates. The writing workshop lasted three weeks, and Abe participated fully in that. The production workshop was another 3 weeks, but we were in Boston for the first 2 weeks, so Abe took only a small part (selling coffee) that he could easily rehearse in the final week of the workshop.

The most innovative concept in the play is that the therapist was played by two actresses: one was the public face, the other the private thoughts.

The play was staged at Actors' Theatre, a small theater which seats 88.

The pictures below have links to larger images.

The therapist, Elizabeth, buys coffee from Robert.

Robert, the coffee seller.

A therapy session with Bill, a schizophrenic.

Markov, a pyromaniac.

The residents of the Facility invite their therapist to a party.

Elizabeth at the party with Jesse, one of her patients.

Louis, a kleptomaniac.

Bill on a bench, sad because he has lost his invisible friends Tom and Yolanda.

Markov drinking vodka and trying to help Bill.

Elizabeth and Jesse on a night-time lunch date.

Janice, Bill, Julian, and Louis plot to break up Elizabeth and Jesse's relationship.

Elizabeth talking to her boss and quitting her job.

sketch of Kevin Karplus by Abe
Kevin Karplus's home page
Abe as Alfonso Churchill
Abe's theater page

Questions about page content should be directed to Kevin Karplus
Biomolecular Engineering
University of California, Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
318 Physical Sciences Building

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