.. _ch03-python-scripts-modules: ============================================================= Python scripts and modules ============================================================= A Python script is a collection of commands in a file designed to be executed like a program. The file can of course contain functions and import various modules, but the idea is that it will be run or executed from the command line or from within a Python interactive shell to perform a specific task. Often a script first contains a set of function definitions and then has the *main program* that might call the functions. Consider the following examples, found in * lecture_note/chapters/chapt03/codes/examples/circle/circle.py .. literalinclude:: ./codes/examples/circle/circle.py :language: python :linenos: * lecture_note/chapters/chapt03/codes/examples/distance/get_distance.py .. literalinclude:: ./codes/examples/distance/get_distance.py :language: python :linenos: * lecture_note/chapters/chapt03/codes/examples/distance/get_distance.py .. literalinclude:: ./codes/examples/factorial/factorial.py :language: python :linenos: * lecture_note/chapters/chapt03/codes/examples/is_divisible/divisible.py .. literalinclude:: ./codes/examples/is_divisible/divisible.py :language: python :linenos: There are several ways to run each script contained in a file. Let's start with ``circle.py`` example. First, you need to go to the directory .. code-block:: console $ cd lecture_note/chapters/chapt03/codes/examples/circle/ At the Linux prompt ``$`` .. code-block:: console $ python circle.py area of a circle with r=1 is 3.14159265359 circumference of a circle with r=1 is 6.28318530718 this is a call to the circle module! You can also run the script from within Python .. code-block:: python >>> exec(open("./circle.py").read()) [same output as above] If you are using `iPython` or `Jupyter Notebook`, .. code-block:: python In [1]: %run ./circle.py [same output as above] Or, you can ``import`` the file as a module (see :ref:`importing_modules` below for more about this) .. code-block:: python >>> import circle this is a call to the circle module! Note that there is a slight difference in outputs depending how you call the script. Whenever a module is imported, any statements that are in the main body of the module are executed when it is imported. You can avoid this program execution by having the ``if __name__ == "__main__":`` conditional statement where ``__name__`` is set to ``circle`` when imported; whereas it is set to ``__main__`` when ``circle.py`` is executed in the script mode. To see this .. code-block:: python >>> import circle >>> circle.__name__ 'circle' thereby the calculations of the area and circumference are *not* executed when imported. Also try to see .. code-block:: python >>> help(circle) You will see the following .. code-block:: python Help on module circle: NAME circle - /lectureNote/chapters/chapt03/codes/examples/circle/circle.py DESCRIPTION Given a radius, it computes the circle area and circumference FUNCTIONS circle_area(radius) circle_cir(radius) DATA np_pi = 3.141592653589793 FILE /Users/ylee/Documents/ucsc/18_spring/ams129/lecture_notes/source/chapters/chapt03/codes/examples/circle/circle.py Also try .. code-block:: python >>> dir(circle) ['__builtins__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__name__', '__package__','circle_area', 'circle_cir', 'np_pi'] >>> type(circle) In addition, any variables or functions defined in the file are available as attributes of the module, e.g., .. code-block:: python >>> circle.circle_area(3.) 28.274333882308138 If you don't pass in anything, you will see something like .. code-block:: python >>> circle.circle_area Note there are some differences between executing the script and importing it. When it is executed as a script, it is as if the commands were typed at the command line. Hence .. code-block:: python >>> exec(open('./circle.py').read()) area of a circle with r=1 is 3.14159265359 circumference of a circle with r=1 is 6.28318530718 this is a call to the circle module! >>> circle.circle_cir >>> circle.np_pi 3.141592653589793 In this case `circle.circle_cir` and `circle.np_pi` are in the namespace of the interactive session as if we had defined them at the prompt. .. note:: Please try to run the other routines in both script and interactive modes. .. _python_reload: Reloading modules ----------------- When you import a module, Python keeps track of the fact that it is imported and if it encounters another statement to import the same module will not bother to do so again (the list of modules already import is in `sys.modules`). This is convenient since loading a module can be time consuming. So if you're debugging a script using `exec` or `run` from an IPython shell, each time you change it and then re-execute it will not reload `numpy`, for example. Sometimes, however, you want to force reloading of a module, in particular if it has changed (e.g. when we are debugging it). Suppose, for example, that we modify ``circle.py`` so that both the area and circumference are multiplied by 2 (*how can we do this?*). If we make this change and then try the following (in the same Python session as above, where ``circle`` was already imported as a module) .. code-block:: python >>> import circle >>> circle.circle_area(3.) 28.274333882308138 we get the same results as above, even though we changed ``circle.py``. We have to use the `reload` command to see the change we want .. code-block:: python >>> reload(circle) this is a call to the circle module! >>> circle.circle_area(3.) 56.548667764616276 .. _importing_modules: Importing modules ----------------- When Python starts up there are a certain number of basic commands defined along with the general syntax of the language, but most useful things needed for specific purposes (such as working with webpages, or solving linear systems) are in *modules* that do not load by default. Otherwise it would take forever to start up Python, loading lots of things you don't plan to use. So when you start using Python, either interactively or at the top of a script, often the first thing you do is *import* one or more modules. A Python module is often defined simply by grouping a set of parameters and functions together in a single .py file. Two useful modules are *os* and *sys* that help you interact with the operating system and the Python system that is running. These are standard modules that should be available with any Python implementation, so you should be able to import them at the Python prompt .. code-block:: python >>> import os, sys Each module contains many different functions and parameters which are the *methods* and *attributes* of the module. Here we will only use a couple of these. The *getcwd* method of the os module is called to return the "current working directory" (the same thing *pwd* prints in Unix), e.g. .. code-block:: python >>> os.getcwd() '/Users/ylee/Documents/ucsc/18_spring/ams129/playground/python' Note that this function is called with no arguments, but you need the open and close parens. If you type "os.getcwd" without these, Python will instead print what type of object this function is .. code-block:: python >>> os.getcwd .. python_path: The Python Path --------------- The *sys* module has an attribute *sys.path*, a variable that is set by default to the search path for modules. Whenever you perform an *import*, this is the set of directories that Python searches through looking for a file by that name (with a .py extension). If you print this, you will see a list of strings, each one of which is the full path to some directory. Sometimes the first thing in this list is the empty string, which means "the current directory", so it looks for a module in your working directory first and if it doesn't find it, searches through the other directories in order: .. code-block:: python >>> print(sys.path) ['', '/usr/local/bin', ... ] If you try to import a module and it doesn't find a file with this name on the path, then you will get an import error .. code-block:: python >>> import junkname Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ImportError: No module named junkname When new Python software such as NumPy or SciPy is installed, the installation script should modify the path appropriately so it can be found. You can also add to the path if you have your own directory that you want Python to look in, e.g. .. code-block:: python >>> sys.path.append("/Users/ylee/mypy") will append the directory indicated to the path. To avoid having to do this each time you start Python, you can set a Unix environment variable that is used to modify the path every time Python is started. First print out the current value of this variable .. code-block:: console $ echo $PYTHONPATH It will probably be blank unless you've set this before or have installed software that sets this automatically. To append the above example directory to this path .. code-block:: console $ export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/Users/ylee/mypy This appends another directory to the search path already specified (if any). You can repeat this multiple times to add more directories, or put something like .. code-block:: console export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:dir1:dir2:dir3 in your ``.bashrc`` or ``.bash_profile`` file if there are the only 3 personal directories you always want to search. .. note:: If your system has python2 and python3 also, setting up PYTHONPATH would be a little bit tricky. See an article `about PYTHONPATH `_ Other forms of import ---------------------------------------- If all we want to use from the ``os`` module is ``getcwd``, then another option is to do .. code-block:: python >>> from os import getcwd >>> getcwd() '/Users/ylee/Documents/ucsc/18_spring/ams129/playground/python' In this case we only imported one method from the module, not the whole thing. Note that now ``getcwd`` is called by just giving the name of the method, not ``module.method``. The name ``getcwd`` is now in our ``namespace``. If we only imported ``getcwd`` and tried typing ``os.getcwd()`` we'd get an error, since it wouldn't find ``os`` in our namespace. You can rename things when you import them, which is sometimes useful if different modules contain different objects with the same name. For example, to compare how the `sqrt` function in the standard Python math module compares to the numpy version .. code-block:: python >>> from math import sqrt as sqrtm >>> from numpy import sqrt as sqrtn >>> sqrtm(-1.) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ValueError: math domain error >>> sqrtn(-1.) __main__:1: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt nan The standard function gives an error whereas the ``numpy`` version returns ``nan``, a special ``numpy`` object representing "Not a Number". You can also import a module and give it a different name locally. This is particularly useful if you import a module with a long name, but even for ``numpy`` many examples you'll find on the web abbreviate this as ``np`` .. code-block:: python >>> import numpy as np >>> theta = np.linspace(0., 2*np.pi, 5) >>> theta array([ 0. , 1.57079633, 3.14159265, 4.71238898, 6.28318531]) >>> np.cos(theta) array([ 1.00000000e+00, 6.12323400e-17, -1.00000000e+00, -1.83697020e-16, 1.00000000e+00]) If you don't like having to type the module name repeatedly you can import just the things you need into your namespace .. code-block:: python >>> from numpy import pi, linspace, cos >>> theta = linspace(0., 2*pi, 5) >>> theta array([ 0. , 1.57079633, 3.14159265, 4.71238898, 6.28318531]) >>> cos(theta) array([ 1.00000000e+00, 6.12323400e-17, -1.00000000e+00, -1.83697020e-16, 1.00000000e+00]) If you're going to be using lots of things form ``numpy`` you might want to import everything into your namespace .. code-block:: python >>> from numpy import * Then ``linspace``, ``pi``, ``cos``, and several hundred other things will be available without the prefix. When writing code it is often best to not do this, however, since then it is not clear to the reader (or even to the programmer sometimes) what methods or attributes are coming from which module if several different modules are being used. (They may define methods with the same names but that do very different things, for example.) When using IPython, it is often convenient to start it with .. code-block:: console $ ipython --pylab This automatically imports everything from *numpy* into the namespace, and also all of the plotting tools from *matplotlib*. An example study ---------------------------------------- Now that we've learned how to import modules, let's consider the following example. * $lecture_note/chapters/chapt03/codes/examples/password/password.py .. literalinclude:: ./codes/examples/password/password.py :language: python :linenos: .. note:: Modify ``circle.py`` so that it calls ``distance`` function to get a radius. Note that ``distance.py`` is in a different directory.