Information retrieval and knowledge management seminar

Fall 2006

Seminar location: E2-475    Time: 4pm-5pm Tuesday

Organizer: Yi Zhang  (yiz+                                

Office: Room 565, Engineering Building 2

Office Hours:  By appointment 

Materials:  Conference papers, which will be available on reserve in the library, or on the Web. 

Workload:  Read 1-2 papers for each class. Present one research papers in the seminar (Optional, improve your presentation skill).  

Recommended readings: The Elements of Statistical Learning

Giving a talk 2


This seminar is a place for people at UCSC who are interested in research in information retrieval and knowledge management.

In this seminar, we will present and receive feedback on related research, read selected papers from related conferences (WWW, SIGIR, ICML, SIGKDD, NIPS, CIKM, ACL ...),  and host speakers from outside UCSC.

If you are interested in attending the seminar or receive further announcements, please subscribe to this email list