Publications/Works in Progress

  • Poynor V. and Kottas A. (2012). "Nonparametric Bayesian Inference for Mean Residual Life Functions in Survival Analysis". In preparation for submission to Biostatistics.
  • Kottas, A., Behseta, S., Moorman, D.E., Poynor, V. and Olson, C.R. (2012),"Bayesian nonparametric analysis of neuronal intensity rate", Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 203, 241-253 . (An earlier version is available as SOE Technical Reports 2011-20)
  • Poynor V. (2010). "Bayesian Inference for Mean Residual Life Functions in Survival Analysis," M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Statistics and Applied Mathematics, University of California, Santa Cruz. (pdf available here )

