CMPE 131/231 and PSYC 131/223:

Human-Computer Interaction

Jump to: Syllabus ¦ Suggested readings

What is the course about?

This course presents theories and practices in Human-Computer Interaction that allow development of user interfaces that are fit for the purposes of their diverse users in a variety of contexts. It informs students how to gather user requirements, create prototypes, and conduct evaluations to verify the design.


When and where?

Physical Sciences 140, Tuesdays and Thursdays 4:00-5:45 PM




About the project


  1. Logistical arrangement. History of HCI. Week 1 slides
  2. Human: Model Human Processor, Keystroke Level Model, five senses and their design implications (color design, Gestalt principles, earcons, auditory icons, Fitts’ Law, Hicks’ Law), memory (types of memory, reasoning, problem solving), attention, mental model – and their design implications (metaphor, affordance, mapping). Week 2 slides
  3. Various design approaches (User-, Task- and System-Centered Designs). Requirements analysis and techniques (scenarios, personas, storyboards, brainstorming, use cases). Prototyping (low and high fidelity). Week 3 slides
  4. Design process (task analysis, screen design). Evaluation and quality assurance concepts (formative and summative). Week 4 slides
  5. Designing for differently-abled users: users with special needs, accessibility initiatives (WCAG, Section 508, Universal Design), ethical consideration, IRB Week 5 slides
  6. Mid-term exam on Tuesday, February 12, 2008 (room Social Sciences II 071). Mock exam
    Evaluation method 1: inquiry (ethnography, focus group, contextual inquiry, interview, questionnaire). Week 6 slides
  7. Evaluation method 2: inspection (cognitive walkthrough, heuristics evaluation – Nielsen’s heuristics) and testing (thinking aloud protocol, retrospective testing, co-discovery learning). Week 7 slides
  8. Experimental design, basic analyis of qualitative and quantitative data. Week 8 slides
  9. Experience design. Flow, immersion, attractiveness. Emotion (physiology of, design to induce positive emotion and reduce frustration). Philosophical, social, ethical implications of affective computing. Week 9 slides
  10. Application: mobile/ubiquitous computing. Week 10 slides
    The future of HCI. The slides
  11. Final exam on Friday, March 21, 2008 (room TBA). Final exam is now a takehome exam due on Wednesday, March 19 at noon (12:00), as has been suggested and voted favorably by the students

Additional suggested readings

Note: More will be added later in the quarter