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Gold Stars


  1. Alix - figuring out how precessing works


  1. Helped me with my afternoon work and helped keep me on track


  1. Andrew- explained his thoughts clearly & added creativity to each project
  2. Andrew - awesome programmer; helped me with my programs
  3. Andrew- Thanks for being an excellent partner.
  4. Andrew-helped us multiple times with our programs, he knows quite a lot about programming
  5. Andrew- really willing to take time to stop and explain
  6. Andrew – In general a huge help throughout my time here. Knows how to pass on his knowledge clearly and concisely, and is always helpful.
  7. Andrew - he demo'd some of his games and they're awesome!
  8. Andrew: explaining github, objects and other things to us


  1. Angel-helpful with my github problems
  2. Angel-Showed me how to sync on github. willing to stop what she is doing to help out
  3. Angel - helped me with my math quiz questions in order to make them fit the categories
  4. Angel and Clair were really helpfully during lab
  5. angel-help fix issue with interactive story
  6. Angel for being a great partner!
  7. Angel was helpful with Github!
  8. Angel tried to help us fix our sorting program!
  9. Angel- helped upload projects to github & allow access online
  10. Angel - was a big help completing the sorting project and getting the html working right!
  11. Angel-nice and helpful, also very patient
  12. Angel-helpful in uploading files to github
  13. Angel, for teaching me everything about objects.


  1. Angel and Clair were really helpfully during lab
  2. clair- patient, scrupulous worker
  3. Claire and Fang did a good job explaining how to change from base 2 to base 16 and 8.
  4. Claire was helpful with the Twine coding.
  5. Claire for all her wonderful help during lab!!!!!
  6. Clair for being a Processing guru and fixing everything that's wrong with the world (the sketch) :)


  1. Ed helped out with syntax in Twine
  2. Edward - Helped get our project working
  3. ed for helping me with the arduino
  4. Ed: being diligent and hard working on projects


  1. Emily-very nice and went out of her way to be friendly
  2. Emily- being a great partner.
  3. Emily was a active group member


  1. Ellie-Showed me how to create a new blog post when I couldn't find it. Willing to help and show you exactly how to do something.
  2. ellie for being a kool kat teammate
  3. Ellie-helpful & fun to work with
  4. Ellie- helpful partner


  1. Fang - for being extremely enthusiastic and helpful
  2. Claire and Fang did a good job explaining how to change from base 2 to base 16 and 8.
  3. Fang - for helping me with my program greatly
  4. Fang - helping me fix some bugs
  5. Fang - helped make the ball move to the mouse
  6. Fang - helping me with coding
  7. Fang - helping me debug my program
  8. Fang - for being a great helper and programmer
  9. Fang: adding cool features to his projects


  1. Float was helpful and helped solve problems with code!
  2. Float - really cooperative and helpful
  3. Float - helpful during the Processing Seurat :)


  1. Jeni for being an amazing friend to Emily and looking out for her
  2. Jeni: for being a go-getter and figuring things out herself


  1. Jove - was a big help with our Twine project today!
  2. Jove for his exceptional teamwork with others, especially Fang and Float


  1. Julie - helped explain Github's repositories to me, very helpful
  2. Julie for lending me her textbook
  3. Julie helped me a lot during the study session today with all the questions i had
  4. Julie for helping me with my merging problems!
  5. Julie - helped direct us in the right direction toward the .js files
  6. Julie was extremely helpful in telling us different ways we could program our sorting project.
  7. Julie for helping us get through the tasks
  8. Julie-always willing to stop what she is doing to help me, she always helps fix problems thoroughly


  1. Mei-Ling-always tries to be really nice and make me feel welcome
  2. mei-ling: explained how to convert binary to base 16
  3. Mei-Ling for being a great partner.
  4. Mei - Helped me get my Arduino working right!


  1. Penny - she helped me a lot whenever I was confused or lost


  1. Peter noticed that I had not saved my html file, and showed me how to get the pretty colors
  2. He helped me with some computer problems:-)
  3. Peter for giving us help with displaying in the browser


  1. Raymond - great partner, came up with awesome story
  2. Raymond, for helping my during the lecture and being a great partner.
  3. Raymond, for explaining every single line of code in the visual sort program.


  1. Sherol for helping us and telling us we can ask for help


  1. Will for always being a great source of comedic relief
  2. Will: for having awesome blog posts


  1. Zuri for always staying focused on the task at hand
  2. Zuri: consistent work and pleasant presence
/soe/sherol/.html/teaching/data/attic/spcs/summer2014/gs.1406329096.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/07/25 15:58 by ffpaladin