MSP 2013: Journal 8
Blog: Robot Arm
Put in this picture of Kevin, the mad scientist:
Answer these questions
What was wrong with the Robot Arm?
What did you do to fix it?
What did the Robot Arm do?
What is the difference between when Eclipse uses a yellow line versus using a red line? Which one is an error and which one is a warning?
What is the difference between a LOGIC error and a COMPILE error. Which type of errors did the Robot Arm have?
Why do we use code libraries like the leJOS NXJ?
What is gamification?
How mad was Kevin, the mad scientist? Why was he mad?
Game Review #8 - Tuper Tario Tros
Project Proposal
You are now going to propose your final project. This Blog Post must have the following.
A diagram or drawing of how it works
A description of what you are going to do
A reason for why it will be cool
A diagram, picture, or drawing of what the final product will look like
You can work with anyone you want (or no one). You will present your project tomorrow afternoon.