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MSP - Journal 4

Clean up your portfolios

Add your projects one by one to your Resume Page:

Make sure you do this for your Project 5: Pencil and Paper team project!

Add this to your Resume Page:

  • Jobs and Skills: Programming, Web Design, Journalism
  • What camps I have attended: EPGY Stanford 2013, … (Make sure you put the location and the year).

Blog: Game Review #4 - Pick any online game

Make sure you tell me the name of the game, give me a link to the game, and a screen shot.

Also, tell me why someone should or should not play this game.

Blog: Data Types and Data Structures

Please copy the following into a new POST. Answer in your own words at least one sentence and include any links that helped you

FINALLY, put a picture of the MOST DELICIOUS cookie you can find.

/soe/sherol/.html/teaching/data/pages/epgy/msp2013/journal_4.txt · Last modified: 2013/06/28 08:58 by ffpaladin