====== Review - Day 1 ====== Read through the book. It will help a great deal! https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3235343/Teaching/GettingStartedWithProcessing.pdf Go through the examples for Processing Primer 1 and 2: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3235343/Teaching/DMA/Java13/Intro_Java1_Day1.zip * mousedraw // basic drawing app void setup () { background(0); // set background color to black size (400, 400); // set background size to 400 by 400 pixels strokeWeight(3); // set stroke weight to 3 stroke(255); } void draw() { if (mousePressed == true) line (pmouseX, pmouseY, mouseX, mouseY); // draw a point at mouse location // code that prints out the values of mouseX and mouseY to the console. println("mouseX: " + mouseX + " , mouseY: " + mouseY); } * keypress void setup() { size (200, 200); rectMode(CENTER); ellipseMode(CENTER); //noStroke(); } void draw() { background(168, 234, 233); // why is this in draw()? if (keyPressed == true) { fill(13, 185, 14); textSize(20); text("You pressed: ", 40, 100); //place text starting at (40, 100) textSize(40); // change the text sixe to 40 pixels text(key, 90, 150); // display the key value at position (90, 150) if(key == 'a' || key == 'A'){ fill(100, 0, 0); ellipse(100, 40, 30, 30); } * loops //setup size(200, 200); background(255); noFill(); ellipseMode(CENTER); rectMode(CENTER); for(int i=1; i < 10; i++) { //rect(100, 100, 20*i, 20*i); ellipse(100, 100, 20*i, 20*i); println("value of i: " + i); println("width/height of ellipse: " + (20*i)); } } Get your Happy Face working from OpenProcessing.org * The "floating effect" is under "easing" in Chapter 5 of the Processing book Happy Face Project inspired by: http://www.openprocessing.org/sketch/101925