CMPS 290S - Advanced Topics in Computer Systems
Real-Time and Soft Real Time Systems

Instructor: Scott Brandt
Time: T Th 2-3:45
Location: Porter Acad 250
Office Hours: T 11-12, Th 4-5
Phone: 459-5042 (email is greatly preferred)


  • General purpose processing (1 week)
  • Hard real-time (2-3 weeks)
  • Soft real-time (4 weeks)
  • Quality of Service (2-3 weeks)

  • Evaluations

    Evaluations will be based on three equally important criteria:
  • Everyone in the class is expected to participate in every class session.
  • Everyone should do the assigned readings and come to class with a short (1-2 paragraph) summary of the reading and at least five non-trivial (but reasonably concise) comments and questions about the material covered, to be turned in at the beginning of the class period.
  • Each class period, one or more people will present the material to be covered, and others in the class will ask questions, make comments, and generally discuss the material.
  • Everyone in the class should make at least one comment or ask at least one question during each class period.
  • Presentation
  • Each person in the class is expected to make one or more presentations on readings to be covered during the quarter (we will decide what and when as we progress).
  • The presentation should include an overview of the material, a discussion of the details, and conclusions about the importance, relevance, and success or failure of the paper or reading.
  • Project
  • Each person in the class will do a single large project, due the day of the final exam.
  • The project can be a 20-30 page paper synthesizing material covered during the quarter, or a programming project related to the material covered (in the case of a programming project, a writeup is required).
  • Prior to beginning the project a one page project proposal must be turned in and receive the approval of the instructor (due date TBA).
  • We will discuss the projects more as the quarter progresses.

  • Collaboration

    Students are encouraged to discuss the course material, concepts, and assignments with other students in the class. However, all material turned in by a student must be the sole work of that student. In keeping with UCSC policy, anyone caught copying or otherwise turning in material that is not solely their work, or helping someone else to do so, will receive an automatic failing grade for the course and any other sanctions deemed appropriate by the University. If you are unsure of what is and is not allowed by this policy, talk to the instructor.


    Because class participation and discussion are important parts of this class, students are expected to attend every class session. If you cannot attend because of some emergency, please let me know (email is fine). An emergency is anything requiring that you miss class for serious and unexpected reasons.