Soft real-time systems
- Principles
- All principles from both general purpose and hard real-time except
- Failure to meet a deadline is considered neither application
nor system failure
- It's just considered less "good"
- What that means is poorly defined and varies from system to system
- Missing deadlines
- Number of missed deadlines
- Amount by which deadlines are missed
- "Cost" of missing the deadlines is equalized (weight, cost function)
- Frequency of missed deadlines
- Fairness
- Stability
- Missed deadlines trigger algorithmic changes
- Period
- Compute time
- Qualitative changes in the output
- Example: MPEG Player (24 frames/second)
- Change frame rate
- Change size of image
- Change color depth
- Change resolution
- Drop frames
- Drop parts of frames (change focus)
- Change dithering/anti-aliasing
- Change other processing
- Resources
- Primarily CPU and network
- Everything else, to a lesser degree
1. Applications try to run and unimportant ones are dumped
(collaborative load shedding) or simply don't run non-critical
parts (SPRING)
2. Applications try to run and get a proportional share of the
resources (SMART)
3. Applications explicitly reserve the resources they need (RT-Mach
w/Reserves, Rialto) on a FCFS basis
4. Applications specify a range of acceptable resource allocations,
and the system dynamically determines how much they get (MMOSS)
5. Applications specify cost-benefit functions and the system
determines how much resources they should get, and when, based on
this function (Jensen, CMU, DQM).
In general, the application may or may not get the resources it
It may or may not be informed when it has missed a deadline
The application may or may not negotiate for the resources
- Approaches
- Flexible scheduling algorithms
- First-come-first-serve reservations
- Renegotiation
- Cooperation vs. enforcement
- Low-level system, high-level system, middleware, application
- All or nothing vs. partial allocations
- Static vs. dynamic allocation schemes
- Job admission or not
- Incorporate real-time and non-real-time (spectrum?)
- ...
- Examples
- Mach, Rialto (MS), lots of other experimental systems
- RealAudio/Video (application solution)
- Applications
- Desktop audio and video
- Virtual reality
- Internet telephony
- Any non-critical real-time systems
- Any system with timeliness concerns
- Plusses
- Allows for some sort of guarantees in time-sensitive applications
- Allows for less-than-worst-case resource allocations
- Issues
- Everything
- How soft are the guarantees
- What kind of guarantees are offered
- How to mix in non-real-time apps
- How to have a spectrum of softness
- API and development overhead (hard real-time requires much more
knowledgeable developers)
- How to do it
- How to measure performance
- What to do when there are too many applications
- What constitutes adequate perfomance
- How do you decide how to parcel out the resources
- What happens when a deadline is missed
- ...
My Research
- Goals
- Build a flexible and general soft real-time system
- Develop an unintrusive SRT API
- Determine what OS services are really needed to support SRT processing
- Determine what API elements are really needed
- Implement it and test it with real applications
Most SRT systems start with assumptions about what is needed, then derive a system
- Methodology
- Start with middleware system
- Push it until we discover what can't be done
- Implement those things in the kernel
- The System
- Middleware only, on Unix (Solaris and Linux)
- QoS Levels
- Minimal API - three function calls
- Centralized resource management
- Best-effort scheduling
- Cooperative resource usage by applications
- QoS Levels
- Each application has a number of modes (levels) in which it can operate
- The levels are sorted by resource usage and benefit provided
- The set of levels specify a discrete function of benefit vs. resource usage
- Separate SRT policy from SRT mechanism
- Level selection
- DQM dynamically chooses appropriate levels for running applications
- Levels chosen to maximize global benefit across applications
- NP-complete problem (reduces to the knapsack problem)
- Algorithms
- Fair
- Proportional
- Optimal (with variations)
- Greedy (with variations)
- Hybrids
- Results
- It works
- >90% utilization with no missed deadlines
- Stable execution
- Future work
- Into the kernel
- Application development
- Metric development and analysis
- Algorithm development and analysis
- Fairness, stability specification, overhead analysis
- Multiple resources
- User Interface work
- Networked QoS Levels