Saeed Kargar

Ph.D. student
University of California, Santa Cruz


Welcome! I am a doctoral candidate in Computer Science at the University of California Santa Cruz. In the broadest sense, my research interests lie primarily in the area of big data management systems and distributed Cloud Computing systems. Specifically, I work on Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) technology and in-memory database systems. Currently, I work under the guidance of professor Faisal Nawab. I joined UCSC EdgeLab in Spring 2020.


  1. Saeed Kargar, Faisal Nawab ", Hamming Tree: The case for Energy-Aware Indexing for NVMs." Published in ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD 2023). h5-index: 68

  2. Saeed Kargar, Binbin Gu, Sangeetha Abdu Jyoth, Faisal Nawab ", E2-NVM: A Memory-Aware Write Scheme to Improve Energy Efficiency and Write Endurance of NVMs using Variational Autoencoders." Published in International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT 2023). h5-index: 28

  3. Amin Ashraf Gandomi, Maryam Kargar, Saeed Kargar, Leila Parsa, Keith Corzine ", Deep-Learning-based Fault Detection and Location Method Applied on Isolated Dc-Dc Converter." Published in IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC 2023). h5-index: 39

  4. Saeed Kargar, Faisal Nawab "Challenges and future directions for energy, latency, and lifetime improvements in NVMs." Published in Distributed and Parallel Databases, Springer Nature Publication. 2022.

  5. Binbin Gu, Saeed Kargar, Faisal Nawab "Efficient Dynamic Clustering: Capturing Patterns fromHistorical Cluster Evolution." Published in EDBT 2022. h5-index: 28

  6. Saeed Kargar, Faisal Nawab, "Extending the Lifetime of NVM: Challenges and Opportunities." Published in VLDB 2021 - Invited to have a 90 minutes presentation on the recent developments in the field of Non Volatile Memory (NVM) technologies and how to extend their lifetime). h5-index: 70

  7. Saeed Kargar, Heiner Litz, Faisal Nawab, "Predict and Write: Using K-Means Clustering to Extend the Lifetime of NVM Storage." Published in ICDE 2021. h5-index: 56

  8. Saeed Kargar, Faisal Nawab, "Hamming Tree: The Case for Memory-Aware Bit Flipping Reduction for NVM Indexing." Published in CIDR 2021.(The presentation link on youtube). h5-index: 34

  9. Saeed Kargar, and Leyli Mohammad-Khanli. "Fractal: An advanced multidimensional range query lookup protocol on nested rings for distributed systems." Journal of Network and Computer Applications 87 (2017): 147-168. Elsevier Publication, Impact Factor: 5.57.

  10. Leyli Mohammad Khanli, Saeed Kargar, "FRDT: Footprint Resource Discovery Tree for grids." Future Gener.Comput. Syst. 27 (2011) 148-156, ISSN: 0167-739X, Elsevier publication, Impact Factor: 6.125.

  11. Leyli Mohammad Khanli, Saeed Kargar, Ali Kazemi Niari, "Using Matrix indexes for Resource Discovery in Grid Environment." in: The 2011 International Conference on Grid Computing and Applications (GCA'11), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

  12. Leyli Mohammad Khanli, Saeed Kargar, Ali Kazemi Niari, "Grid Resource Discovery using Tree Data Structure for Multi-Trait Requests." in: The 2012 International Conference on Grid Computing and Applications (GCA'12),Las Vegas, USA, July 16-19, 2012.

  13. Leyli Mohammad Khanli, Ali Kazemi Niari, Saeed Kargar, "A binary tree based approach to discover multiple types of resources in grid computing." International journal of computer science & Emerging Technology, 15-17 November, 2010, E-ISSN: 2044-6004, Sprinter Global Publication.

  14. Leyli Mohammad Khanli, Ali Kazemi Niari, Saeed Kargar, "An Efficient Grid Resource Discovery Mechanism Based on Tree Structure." in: The 2011 CSI International Symposium on Computer Science and Software Engineering (CSSE 2011), Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.

  15. Leyli Mohammad Khanli, Ali Kazemi Niari, Saeed Kargar, "Efficient Method for Multiple Resource Discoveries in Grid Environment." in: The 2011 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2011) July 04 - July 08, 2011 Istanbul, Turkey.

  16. Leyli Mohammad Khanli, Saeed Kargar, Hossein Kargar, "A novel approach to multiple resource discoveries ingrid environment." International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Computer and Information Science (CICIS 2012), May 29-31, 2012

  17. Leyli Mohammad Khanli, Ali Kazemi Niari, Saeed Kargar, "Multiple Resource Discovery based on binary tree ingrid computing environment." in: 16th Annual International Computer Society of Iran Computer Conference, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran. (2011) Language: Persian.

  18. Ali Asgar Pourhaji Kazem, Saeed Kargar, Ali Kazemi Niari, "A new resource discovery approach using tree structure in grid." First CSUT Conference on Computer, Communication and Information Technologies, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran. 16-17 November 2011, Language: Persian

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"Follow your dreams. They know the way." - Kobi Yamada

Last change: June 27, 2023