%Date: Tue, 8 Oct 91 12:03:34 -0400 %From: Robert Ravenscroft % %It was in the \@outputpage routine. To build the output, %they set all line spacing to 0, The page body is already in a box %of the correct height. They build a header box of the correct height, %add the \headsep glue and then the box with the page body. %To get the \footerskip glue, they set \baselineskip=\footerskip (OUCH)! %I put it back to 0 and added a \vskip\footerskip (HOORAY)! %Also, they did not usse a \cbox for the footer. Thus footerheight %was never checked. Well, I added that too so it is checked. %You'll want to set it to an appropriate value to get rid of the %underfull \vbox warning (ditto for the header). %Here's the correct code, and as usual, create a.sty file for this puppy. % \def\@outputpage{\begingroup\catcode`\ =10 \let\-\@dischyph \let\'\@acci \let\`\@accii \let\=\@acciii \if@specialpage \global\@specialpagefalse\@nameuse{ps@\@specialstyle}\fi \if@twoside \ifodd\count\z@ \let\@thehead\@oddhead \let\@thefoot\@oddfoot \let\@themargin\oddsidemargin \else \let\@thehead\@evenhead \let\@thefoot\@evenfoot \let\@themargin\evensidemargin \fi\fi \shipout \vbox{\normalsize \baselineskip\z@ \lineskip\z@ \let\par\@@par %% 15 Sep 87 \vskip \topmargin \moveright\@themargin \vbox{\setbox\@tempboxa \vbox to\headheight{\vfil \hbox to\textwidth {\let\label\@gobble \let\index\@gobble \@thehead}} %% 22 Feb 87 \dp\@tempboxa\z@ \box\@tempboxa \vskip \headsep \box\@outputbox \vskip\footskip % added so \baselineskip is 0 in footer % \baselineskip\footskip \vbox to\footheight{ % added for consistancy \hbox to\textwidth{\let\label\@gobble \let\index\@gobble %% 22 Feb 87 \@thefoot}\vfil}}} % added \vfil and } for \vbox \global\@colht\textheight \endgroup\stepcounter{page}\let\firstmark\botmark}