Figures move around because there's not enough space on a page to fit them, so it hopes to form a page of figures. However, it will not form such a page until it has a sufficient height of figures to set on a page. Thus, often figures float to the ends of chapters or documents. The solution is to change the float parameters to, for example (from ~rph/tex/archive/float.sty): \def\topfraction{0.90} % Amount of page that can be floats \def\textfraction{0.10} % Amount of page required to be text \def\floatpagefraction{0.70} % Amount a float page that must be filled \def\dbltopfraction{0.90} \def\dblfloatpagefraction{0.85} One other often odd thing happens because tables and figures are on different float lists: tables and figures can pass each other by, not necessarily being set in the same ordering. If you don't want this, use ~rph/tex/ftsame.sty, which places figures and tables on the same float list, but maintains the independent numbering.