% Page Styles % \pagestyle{myfootings} similar to the myheadings command but also permits % the user to define foot information as well as head information % \markleftfoot{left_foot} specifies the foot for odd-numbered % pages % \markrightfoot{right_foot} specifies the foot for even-numbered % pages % N.B. DOES NOT USE MARKS TO ACCOMPLISH THIS, OWING TO CONFLICT WITH HEADING % ROUTINES \def\ps@myfootings{\ps@myheadings} \def\markleftfoot#1{\def\@evenfoot{\hbox{}\sl#1\hfil}} \def\markrightfoot#1{\def\@oddfoot{\hfil\sl#1\hbox{}}} % \pagestyle{reprint} similar to plain page style in draft mode \let\reprintext=\draftext \let\reprintstring=\draftstring \def\ps@reprint{% \def\draftext{% \ifdraft \begingroup \tt \ifodd\c@page \LaTeX set \today \else Draft \versiontag/ \fi \endgroup \fi }% \def\@oddhead{\reprintext\hfil\draftext}% \def\@oddfoot{\reprintstring\hfil\rm\thepage}% \def\@evenhead{\draftext\hfil\reprintext}% \def\@evenfoot{\rm\thepage\hfil\reprintstring}% }